Attack On Undead ( Part - I )

It's been 8 months since Undead made their first appearance.

Many things happened hidden away from people's eyes during the 8 Months.

Few Façade were also orchestrated to turn the public's eyes towards the Undead Horde and the incoming war with the beast.

The Empires, The Federation, The Sects and all the Kingdoms got ready to deploy their forces in Forbidden Grasslands. To bad a strict criteria was maintained for the first entrance. Only Adventurers, Soldiers, Officers, Disciples who had High resistance to Death Ether or can manipulate Death Ether or a Sub Ether of Dark Ether were allowed to set foot in side the Barriers where the war was going to take place.

The war was taking place inside The Forbidden Grassland in which only those have Cultivation Mortal Realm was allowed to enter.

Earlier those humans or Humanoids who entered were all blocked but now it was lifted any person or Humanoid with a cultivation in Mortal Realm can participate in the war.

War is cruel but it's also a place where honor, fame, merits and power can be earned. All the Young bloods, People who yearn for Fame, Old monster who were stuck in mortal Realm all found a chance to gain recognition and wealth flocked towards the City of ArrowGate.

The People sitting above used this as a means to bring people together. Huge Formations were build in many cities to directly transmit the War to everyone.

Killing Undead or Beast inside provided Merits which will be directly recorded by the system and they can exchange resources and wealth from the system itself.

All the forces paid the System heavily to initiate feature this but they reaped the Great profits by directly taking away the corpses of Undead.

Millions of Undead Corpse, alchemy materials, formation materials, research materials etc.

Everything is Business.

Infact they did a lot of work and experiments. They tried to put different people under Military regiments but everyone had different fighting style and different status rather than increasing the battle powers and cooperating. their effectives hit rock bottom.

This happened because only few met the requirement to enter the battle and they were rather kind of odd balls of the society.

Think about who would use Death, poison, Shadow, Blood, Bones, Ghosts etc.

There was also not enough time to train them into an army.

This attack on Undead is just a beginning. The Momentum of the humanoid race will depend on these people. Their victory will boost their morale and keep the Undead's at bay if they failed those who died will join the Undead. A full blown war will take place as Beast together with undead will start attacking humans right after it.

Even now it was unknow why Undead were left to do as they pleased in the forest right under the watch of Immortal Alepou.

1/8 of the Forbidden Grassland came under the Undead. Even the geography changed became unfit for living to roam the lands of the dead.

If this continues...

Forbidden Grassland and Forest of Alepou will truly become a Forbidden Zone.

The Greedy humans will lose a precious farming and hunting zone.

The Merit system was implemented to use the greed and need of the people to entice them into fight.

Today marked the start of First Phase of War.

More than 1 Million selected Individual and Parties entered Forbidden Grassland to test the waters after all the entry inside the Barrier of the Forbidden Grassland which denied entrance for anyone for the past 3 months

Lot of things could have happened in the last 3 months and the exact numbers and levels of undead are unknow.

The 1 Million Adventurers were going in blind but they all had a minimum level of 500.


Vihaan who was under ground slowly moved towards the surface. His new Shrouded Veiled Scales provided him perfect camouflaging and disguise.

Vihaan was very surprised as he returned above but he was greeted by his old pals. He would have definitely thought they were different if not for his Master appraisal Skill. They seem to have changed a lot.

Less charming. Their cuteness, purring playing all gone. They were lifelessly with rotting flesh hanging from their body standing like statues. They were a little stronger than before purely based on stats but they are far weaker than any original beast of the same level.

[ Royal Zombie Wild Cat ( Peerless Elite )

Lv - 386

HP : 89,000 / 89,000

EP : 10,500 / 10,500

Attack : 20900

Defense : 18000

Affinity : Shadow, Death, Earth, Metal ]

[ Guardian Zombie Wild Cat ( Elite)

Lv - 371

HP : 77,000 / 77,000

EP : 8,600 / 8600

Attack : 15800

Defense : 11500

Affinity : Shadow, Death, Earth ]

[ Zombie Wild Cat ( Rare )

Lv - 348

HP : 59,400 / 69,400

EP : 6200 / 6200

Attack : 12830

Defense : 7100

Affinity : Shadow, Death ]

He expected a huge fight happening here judging from the commotion he heard when he was undergrounds but now he could only see his old pals standing lifelessly. As he was looking around he got another surprise.

[ Detected abundant amount of Death Ether ]

[ Talent - Dark Body ]

[ Mind and Spirit Stats gain 50% Boost ]

[ Mind : 151 -> Mind : 226.5 ] ( Vihaan used the remaining 18 Stat points to increase Mind Stat to Body - 4 Star same as Spirit Stat )

[ Spirit : 169 -> Spirit : 253.5 ]

[ Dark Ether based attack are twice as effective ]

[ Your body passively gains Stats as long as you stay in Land of the Death. ]

Vihaan : Holy Fuck.

Vihaan could feel power boiling inside his body. His body and mind felt oddly comforting as if he was chilling in a hot spring.

Initially his power was not enough to deal with all these monster but his new power up Dark Talent just solved his problem. Now he can take part in large scale battles.

Even though he know all his abilities in and out. He never witnessed or used any of them in real battle.

Now seem to be a good time to check them all.

Vihaan moved above surface. He was shrouded by his trait but still the Undead detected the Living the moment he came out. All lifeless eye turned to look at him. It was eerie feeling. Hundreds of Zombies looking Cats letting out low growls and moved towards him. They were rather fast considering they are undead.

Vihaan was not flustered. He didn't seem anxious at all. Vihaan lifted his hands towards the sky and loudly said.

Vihaan : Dark Spirit Strom Descend

Although he didn't need to say or do all this kind of flashy moves. It was quite cool if look what happened right after his flashy entrance.

A Dark Eerie smoke started form out of thin air descended from above and to rotate around Vihaan. It was getting stronger and stronger for each second it was active.

His strengthened stats plus Dark related skills which are twice as effective seem perfectly compliment each other.

Dark Spirit Strom seem to corrode the Undead passively draining even its HP.

They looked like broken skites flying in storm. They deducted The Living through spirit but here it was totally disoriented. Ether and Spirit is totally useless against Vihaan.

Vihaan was ecstatic looking at his attacks being 200 % more effective. The EP and Spirit drain was massive but he had Blessing Son of Earth II which was more than enough for keeping two to three skills active at the same time

Vihaan : Chains of Agony.

Black Color chains looking like the reaper of death came out of the ground and locked down the zombies. Each cast only materialized 4 chains. He casted two more Chains agony and locked more Undead beast.

He was very satisfied with both the skills.

He moved towards the first unsuspecting Zombie Wild Cat.

[ Zombie Wild Cat ( Rare )

Lv - 348

HP : 59,400 / 69,400

EP : 6200 / 6200

Attack : 12830

Defense : 7100

Affinity : Shadow, Death ]

Dark Assassin

Dark Effect

With his huge stature directly pinned the Zombie Wild Cat with his new hands and used his sharp teeth to rip off head and butcher it like crazy beast.

It was a tug of war between two beast. The zombie tried to bite him, claw him and push him with all its strength but all was in vain.

Within few seconds the Undead fell. Vihaan swallowed the whole beast without even giving it a second look. Even all the rotten flesh was finished. ( He even licked the dark blood off clean )

[ Killed Zombie Wild Cat with First Kill bonus : 52,200 CE x 10 = 552,000 CE ]

[ Quest : First Kill of the Day Completed ]

[ Reward : + 3 Stat Points ]

[ You have chosen to kill Undead ]

[ Undead Faction will be hostile to you ]

[ You can choose between Beast Faction, Human Faction or Hunter Faction ( Unique Faction, all faction will be hostile to you but can get more Merits ) ]

[ War Merits : 1 ]

[ You have eaten a corpse with high Death Ether ]

[ +0.1 Stat ]

Vihaan : Wow

Vihaan's eyes were burning with greed when he looked at all the Zombie.

Vihaan : Come My Precioussssssssssssssssssssssss


While Vihaan was running towards to Zombie.

Two pair of eyes were looking at him.

A Party of human who entered the barrier noticed the anomaly Dark Spirit Strom and they were moving towards him.

( Truly he can never be free of trouble - XD )