Chapter 01

"I love you, I really do, and you know that" He said to me, reassuring me that he won't ever leave me

"Of course I know that, I am not that dumb to not know idiot" I tease, he then grin and put an arm around me.

"And that is why you're my best friend"

"Hm!" I hummed reassuringly to him, I grin and hide the pain I felt inside.


As the sunlight hit my face sweats are dripping on my forehead. It was midday and here I am at the schools quadrangle searching for my best friend a.k.a crush, Ed. Yes he's my best friend and yes I do like like him. As I am searching for him let me tell you about myself. I am Venus Lumier the daughter of Layla and Jude Lumier the next heir to Love and Luck Inc.

I am also their only daughter, I'm 20 years old currently enrolled at Key High University a first year college majoring in BS Literature. I am also not that tall nor short just about the right height maybe? My natural hair color is brown with a couple of highlights of pink and red, a little curvaceous and he he I am quite a conservative woman too.

The boy best friend that I recently mentioned is Edward Buster who is also a close family friend of ours and is also one of our business partners, he has a navy colored hair and quite hot too ahem he is two years older than I am making him 23. We've been together since I was so young he has been my knight in shinning armor since then and he still is, smiling at the thought of him being my knight until we get married and grow old together.

Oh that would be a dream come true it would make my family quite happy knowing that I am in someone's capable hands, and the owner of that hand is no one other than him. Biting my lips to hid my happy smile, though I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of us being an item together, Uncle Gary would surely be glad and Dad would be at ease when he knows. Ah should I start composing my confession or love letter to him? Giggling I dismissed my thoughts and focus on earth first than on my imagination.

So, back to reality and now here I am standing outside the gym and then magically he's there I was about to call him when I notice he was with someone else. While I am standing there I see my Prince charming with another woman other than me. Out of pure shock I held my breath and looked at them wide eyed, they were basically so close to each other intertwining their hands and grinning at each other.

This doesn't mean anything right? Right? I couldn't believe what I just saw as I try not to think anything about it, but my system somehow screams error and that I should leave. Tears were about to come out when he suddenly saw me, I quickly blink the tears away yawning and rubbing my eyes to wipe them away as he saw me he grins widely at my direction they soon both approached me with a happy smile the atmosphere was screaming love and relationship.

"Hey Ve, what's up?" He greeted his left hand waving at me and his right hand on his companions waist. As he said some things that I can not quite hear cause I'm too busy glaring- I mean staring at his hand on her waist.

"Ve? Venus! You listening to me or what?" I then fixed my eyes on his face.

"Y-yes? What? Come again?" he then sighed and entangle his hand on his navy hair.

"I said meet my girlfriend, Gabriel Serbia" He said then blushed.

"Girl Friend?" Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! GIRLFRIEND?! I mean yes I already expected that to happen or for him to say it, but it hurts coming so soon for him to introduce me to his GIRLFRIEND!

"Hi, nice to meet you I'm Gabriel Serbia , Ed's girlfriend" She introduce and then blushed, she then extended her hand to shake of course I grabbed her hand and shook it as well.

She's pretty, beautiful, and dazzling no wonder Ed fell for her. She's curvaceous and has all the right angles there is too look at, she has black hair with blue highlights as well they are perfect for each other. Thinking about it too much I feel like I was again starting to cry so instead of showing Edward and his girl that I am hurting I instead smiled at them both, forcing my brighter smile and okay look.

"So Ven, do you have somewhere to go to? If not then why not come with us?" He suggests, I then took a glance of Gabriel and saw her frown a little, I smile a little and look at Edward.

"Sorry Ed but I think I'll have to decline your offer" I smile awkwardly and scratch the back of my neck, I then glance at Gabriel and saw her smile a bit as if thanking me that I gave them space.

"Oh, too bad. Ah! Yeah by the way dad wants you for tomorrow evening" He said while smiling.

"Oh really? Wait, since when did uncle get back?" I asked excitedly.

"Since yesterday, at dawn actually" He answered awkwardly.

"Ahem" We then turn our head to Gabriel.

"Oh, yeah. Nice talking to ya' Ve, but we better go now. Don't forget tomorrow evening ok?" He said while walking away, or being dragged away.

"Yup, tell uncle I said hi" I shouted for him to hear and wave a little, and then there goes my best friend with his, err girlfriend.

With that being that. I then made my way to the library to clear my mind and relax I then stared blankly at the ground, with every step towards the library the more my heart aches of the thought of Ed with Gabriel, cuddling and dating out on public.

No Venus, no! You must not cry, you got me? No! With just a turn I was now at the entrance of the library, as I stroll around the isle looking for a book that would capture my attention, at the first section nothing actually caught my interest, not until I turn at the second part of the shelf. What got my attention is a small book with the title "His Secret".

Whats more interesting is that its a book I really love the most and so here I am trying to reach the book, and then again keyword trying. I tried reaching for the book before jumping actually, as I was about to jump the 100th time, an arm came to a view and took the book. Shocked, I traced the arm back to its owner and found a guy with a dark shade of hair, wow, a guy with a darker shade of hair it reminds me of the night sky so mesmerizing and hypnotizing.

"Here" He said while handling me the book.

"T-thank you" Well that was embarrassing, after saying my thanks he just nod and went somewhere else.

I then made my way to the back portion of the library where I usually sat at, as I made it to my table I then sat down on my chair scanning the cover page a wave of nostalgia surfaced. This is the book Ed and I usually read, and then out of no where Ed and Gabriel's face popped up my mind sighing I closed my eyes then lay my head on the table.

Frowning as I remember that my best friend a.k.a my first love is long gone and taken, he has a girl friend now and whats worst is it's not me ouch. I have spent my whole life growing up with him and being with him, I've grown to love his good side and bad side.

Memories of us then flashed more, from kids to teenagers and now, as I was reminiscing I didn't even noticed the tears that was spilling from my eyes, small sniffles began to escape from me. Why did he have to have someone now? It hurts my heart hurts so much he shouldn't have someone, he promised to be my knight until death do us part. The heavens and the stars were our witness did he forgot?

"Hey" I quickly wiped the tears away as I heard someone was in front of me, as I look unto who it was it was the guy that helped me get the book.

"Here" He then hand me his handkerchief.

"You need it more than I do" He said then sit down in front of me.

"Thank you" I said as I wipe the tears away.

"I'm sorry that you have to see me like this" I said to him as I wiped the tears away and smiled at him while he just shrug his shoulder and said.


"I'm Venus Lumier by the way"

"Lumic, Lumic Neel" He said as he extended his hand which I gladly too and shook firmly and soon pulled away, as I take in his features, he has a black spiky hair, a tan skin tone, beautiful almond eyes, pointed nose, pinkish lips, well built body as what I can tell, and quite tall too.

"Done checking me out yet?" He said with a smirk, what the? Realizing what he had just said I blushed and looked down.

"N-no, I-I mean, I a-ain't checking you o-out. I-its just-"

"Geez, no need to get all flustered I was only joking" He then smirked, and so I blushed more at what he had just replied.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For misunderstanding?" With that he then chuckled.

"Eh?" Tilting my head I then found myself asking 'Did I say something funny?'.

His chuckle sounds so hypnotizing, not gonna lie he looks cute when he chuckles, yesh no! Bad Venus bad, Edward would be disappointed in you. Wait! He has a girlfriend now so why would he? Looking down upon realizing what I said I began to feel all gloomy again, that is until I noticed Lumic in front of me shoot I almost forgot about him being here.

"You know, you're funny" Lumic said as he wiped his tears away.

"E-eh? I am?" I question as I sweat drop anime like, if that's possible.

"What year are you on?" He questions.

"First year majoring in literature" He smiles and looks more interested.

"You?" I questioned.

"Third year, and majoring in business management " Oh my gosh I looked at him with wide eyes I guess he read my mind.

"Yes I'm older than you for just 2 years"

"S-senior!" I exclaim with shock and respect.

"Senior?" He questions with a small smirk on his face he looks quite amused as well.

"I- well, you know you are our senior for a student like me- freshmen; but wait a minute you're on the BSBM shouldn't you be busy?" I explained and asked raising an eyebrow at him

We both then continued to talk for hours exchanging information of how college works and what to expect, other than that we both tease and laugh from time to time also getting scolded by the librarian when being too loud. Not noticing the time it was already 3 in the afternoon, I checked on my watch as he did so too.

"Wow, I think we've been talking for hours now" I said while looking back at him.

"We sure did, about 2 and half hours now, say, wanna grab some ice cream?" He asked while about to stand up, and so I stood up as well.

"Sure!" I beam excitedly.

"Let's go" as we were exiting the library at the corridors I noticed almost all of the girls were whispering and looking at us.

"Oh my gosh! Why is 'she' with him?" one girl asked the other.

"Why are they walking together?" one said to someone out of nowhere making the said person nod as well

"Girl has some gut to steal 'The' Lumic Neel from us" someone random said quite out-loud to gain some nods and agreement.

I heard from a couple of girls said well that was weird I tried shrugging the buzzing of the students but really now though, what do they mean about 'The' Lumic Neel is Lumic really an important person on this school? Shrugging it aside again I tried not to be curious sighing keyword T-R-I-E-D but dang it I failed to do so, leaning over to Lumic I whispered to him.

"Hey Lumic?" I started, not looking at him but looking at some girls.

"Hmm" he hummed as a response.

"Why are they acting like that?" I asked him, quite getting uncomfortable of the all stares and glares the girls were giving us err or me.

He looked around and then notice what I mean he then narrowed his eyes at them, what was that about? Shrugging his narrowed eyes to the girls we both continued walking, after some time of walking and enjoying our little talk we finally got our ice cream and head on towards his car.

"Ready to go home?" he asked as he opened the front seat, bewildered I stared at him for a couple seconds before reacting.

"Are you Sir trying to ask me if you could drive me home?" I asked, playfully narrowing my eyes at him.

"Why yes madam I am, if you don't mind" he answered as he bowed his head too, scratching the back of my neck and nervously laughed as well.

"If it's not much of a trouble then I would love too" I reply smiling at him.

And with that I took a sit on the front while he drive off, the ride towards my home was nice and comforting it made me forget of how my first love finally indirectly rejected me. Soon after we finally arrived, stopping at the block where I told him too he got out and opened the door whispering a 'thank you' as I stepped out I looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks for the ride Lumic, and the company as well I very much appreciated it" I said to him cheerfully.

"No problem at all Venus" he replied with a smile I then back a little and wave goodbye as he went back to his car drove off.

As soon as I can no longer see the back of his car I then went my way to the door, I was about to unlock it when I heard my phone rang I took it out and found my girl best friend calling.

"Hey, Lev was'up?" I answered quickly so that she won't spam me with lots and lots of messages.

"VENUS!" She screamed, ouch that hurts.


"Ven a lot of girls just saw you"

"And?" I said while trying to open the door.

"Whats that gotta do with you screaming?" I added as I finally opened the door and get in, I took off my shoes and went straight to the sofa and plop down.

"But the thing is you were with LUMIC NEEL!" she screamed and squealed.

"And?"I ask still not getting what she means.

"Don't tell me you don't know?"

"W-well" I stammer trying to dodge the question.

"VENUS! He is the SON of RICHARD NEEL the owner of the NEEL CORPORATION that is known world wide! That, also he's the second HEIR of being the CEO! Not only that but he is also planning on expanding their group, as the Double EL Hotel, and lastly his older brother is Zacker Neel the owner of the Armor Guard Inc." Levy finished and I was just here batting my eyelashes, processing the words she just spoke.

"Venus? You still alive?" she asked after sometime of me not responding to her long speech.

"Whoa?" shock and couldn't process it enough I then just proceeded to walk my way towards my room.

"Venus? Hello? You dead or something? Yea you probably are I guess the information that I provided you with killed your brain somehow oh well but that was quite cool though you and Lumic hanging out roar you go girl" she stated and imitated a tiger, rolling my eyes I can't help but suddenly be brought back to life.

"Oh shut it we both know that the only man and prince charming I will always pick and love is-"

"Yea yea yea I've heard that shit a thousand times before, but girl like seriously Edward already found his Princess you should at least be happy for him and let him go" she stated with a duh tone, like I know that and I know I should let him go but it's not that easy I can't just easily forget and I can't just easily give him up to some girl.

"I know but it's not that easy forgetting" I mumbled and sat down looking all gloomy and sad.

"You easily forgot about us what's the difference with that?" she mumbled as well though I can not really comprehend what she said because of the background noise but I feel like it was important, perking up I listened intently if she'll repeat it but got silence instead.

"Excuse me what?" I finally spoke up raising an eyebrow I can not help but be curious of what she silent mumbled.

"Nothing you did not hear me right did u?" she asked now moving away from the background noise.

"No the background noise was too loud I couldn't clearly hear you" I truthfully answered her.

"Then good, look Ve I'll call you later dad wants me at his study for something again" I could easily tell she was rolling her eyes with that again, giggling I hummed as a response.

"Alright see you at school talk to you soon" and with that she hung up.

Recalling the thing she mumbled I know it was important but I don't know what to do about it should I ask her about the thing she mumbled or just let it be? Biting my lips I contemplated whether to ask her or not about it, sighing I guess I'll just let it be for now if it's important I know she'll tell me about it someday and if it's not she'll still talk to me about it that is unless she feels like telling me about it. Sighing I got up and shrug the thought aside and change my clothes to more comfortable ones, sighing for the millionth time oh dang I remember them together again now I feel ten times worse.