Chapter 19

At an alley way, two men against the wall light up a cigarette of their own. Puffing some smoke to lessen the tension from their shoulders, both were silent at first, not daring to talk nor daring to utter a single syllable. Trembling and shaking from their spot both just stood thinking deeply, the only thing that could be heard was the cars moving around, dashing and bolting right out. Silence was at the air, well not until one of them killed the silence that fell.

"We have done our part" said a man puffing out smoke, still shaking and trembling.

"Lets just hope that that man won't notice or find us" the second man prayed out loud, not hiding that fact that he was scared for his life.

Silence fell on them again, legs shaking, praying, thinking, that what ever they have done, that guy wouldn't find out. But alas, what they both don't know was karma was doing it's work, what comes up must come down.

"Excuse me, officers" another man said a loud for them to hear.

Both immediately turn to the unexpected guest glaring daggers at him. But then again withdraw, as the man before them was the person they least wanted to see and confront at the moment. Cowering at the corner both did not want to see Satan too soon, but one was stubborn enough 'What could he really do to harm me?' he stubbornly thought preparing to fight back.

"I believed we have an unfinished business" he stated and grin, and no not the friendly and cute grin but the malicious and the wicked grin, the dimmed light made his features more deadly than what they both thought.

Legs shaking, quavering, and planning to escape while they still can, but sadly no they did not fled out the scene. Instead they stood still on their ground, and not because they thought they can take him out for he was alone, but because they know that nobody dares to mess with them since they were known as Lumic Neel's henchman but boy were they wrong.

For the man that stood before them is the real Lumic Neel himself, they were oblivious and didn't know even dare check to who this guy was for they did not care. Chuckling at their spot they both soon laughed hysterically and Lumic himself joined their laughter, as the two noticed that he joined their eyebrows furrowed and scowled 'who does he think he is?' one man thought, smirking he was now gonna use his ultimate trump card.

"Boy are you unlucky" the first man said knocking his hands and popping some joints.

"Did you know that we work for Lumic Neel?" taking a step towards Lumic and scoffed at his face.

"One call away from Lumic Neel and you are dead, you better scram or else I'm going to call my boss" he threatened as he grabbed Lumic's suit and raised him up a little from the ground.

Eyebrows furrowing, he tried to think 'Since when did I get such a low human being as one of my men?' he asked and shove the mans hand away from his clothes. Clicking his tongue he tried to clean his suit and faced the man.

"Lumic Neel you say?" he asked looking both of the man.

"Yes! Our B O S S! And he would do anything just to avenge us! Ha! You have no chance! Now scram!" he again shouted, again clicking his tongue he took out a business card and throw it to the mans face.

Picking it up he read what was written in the card, face paling and blood draining, he somehow can not look away from the card, thinking deeply oh how he wanted to just bolt right out of the way. He was about to make a ran for it when all of a sudden his world gone dark, his body laid on the floor un-moving but still breathing.

"Lumician" he stated, and shoved his hands to his pocket.

"Don't try to stop me Lumic" Lumician declared through gritted teeth, he wiggled his wrist this was his first time punching a man at his face, the only thing he punched before was the punching bag, looking back he can't help but mentally thank his martial art teacher.

"Don't hold back" Lumic whispered, turning back to where they came from.

"Yes sir" Lumician answered- making a weird face as he looked at the man who was left unharmed; it may have been a whisper but he heard it oh quite so well.

Dragging the shocked and petrified man on his right while on his left he dragged the unconscious man as well, whimpering and fearing what this two would do to them just thinking about made the petrified man pee his pants as he was dragged away.

Back at the abandoned house, there Jose started to trim down Venus' hair, her long hair that was up to her waist was now shoulder length, finally falling unconscious and letting him do as he please, Jose snickered evilly as he hummed his heart out, but little does he know. Behind Venus' cheerful and timid attitude, a rebellious and wild personality is hid inside. Smirking, she lightly chuckled at what he was doing an idea popping in her mind. Acting her way out she weep and cry out a tear, she looked up at him with pleading eyes and said.

"Before you do anything else, could I at least ask you a question?" she asked showing nothing but pure fear.

"You're already asking sweetie" Jose replied mockingly, mentally rolling her eyes she noted to kick his balls when the plan works.

"But anyway go ahead" he continued.

"Where are we?" she asked eyeing her surroundings.

"Oh well, we're at an abandoned building, very tall and quite an interesting building if I say so myself" he replied, placing a finger on his chin.

"Tall? Which floor are we?" she ask nervously, contemplating on her plan but oh well, if worse comes to worst she'd have to act and hurry back.

"At the very top" he replied popping the "P"

She scoffed and look at him quizzically, as if trying to read him, but to no avail she couldn't. He was too hard to read, not knowing what's going on with that head of his. But oh that did not stop her, smirking inside she knows what plan should really work with this guy.

"But, so you know, you kidnapping and torturing me ain't gonna do you good" she stated proudly, smirking, showing no sign of nervousness as much as possible, her act was finally coming off.

"Oh? And why's that?" he ask tauntingly.

"I am no 'buddy-buddy' with Lumic, nor am I his girlfriend, I am just a passerby, a seat mate and nothing more nothing else" she mused, just to let her go, jumping at the window would just really put the host's body more bruised, though it was covered with curtain she knows or guesses they are quite high, Jose said so himself.

"Hmm, but I don't care, you're still a girl who can easily seduce him whenever you want" he says making her want to hit him at his face, 'seduce him? Heck she doesn't even know how to freaking speak normally to him'. With one last thought, she has decided, 'well duck!' She mentally shout.

"Okay, I accept my fate, but could I at least pee?" she pleaded, brushing her thighs together to hold on.

"I can't hold it any longer, please?" she pleaded oh so seriously, eyeing him. Sighing, he peep his head out of the door and called someone, she quietly and hurriedly went closer to him and kick him at the part where not so good jewels could be found and kicked him out the door and quickly slamming the door and locked it.

"Hell yeah I just did that! Ha! That felt good but freaking veggies my body hurts like hell!" she exclaimed and examined the body, cussing a few times when she felt like something was killing her inside, three minutes passed by then she heard a jiggling sound. 'Shit! The keys' and without second thought she dashed-limping towards the window and just then she heard the door slam open.

As Jose got to open the locked door, the police knocked the entrance door and swarmed inside trapping Jose Johns and his goons in the room. Venus however before she could even pray anything in her mind she came rolling down the rocky hills, 'What the!? And he said we were high up the building!!'. As she came rolling down the pathway half of her wounds opened up, half because of a certain curtains supporting. Seconds later she finally hit something, oh how she prayed it wasn't that psychotic mans subordinates.

"What's this?" a man asked poking the rolled Venus.

"Ah sushi! Lumi, it's a suspicious sushi!" another one exclaimed jumping up and down eyeing the suspicious sushi.

"FREAKING HELP ME!" she screamed inside the curtain and wiggled.

"VENUS/VENNY!?" both exclaimed upon hearing her voice.

"Wah! I wanna try being a sushi and roll down!" Lumician beamed with sparkles in his eyes.

"H.E.LP M.E!" she shouted darkly at the two man that she could not see.

Hearing her voice they knew she was now pissed and so they did, Lumic and Lucas helped her out of what they called a sushi roll. As soon as they finally got her out they eyed her well that both immediately noticed all the cuts and bruises she got from getting kidnapped and oh how he snapped. He carried the now unconscious Venus piggyback style and dashed to the hospital Lucas silently following behind them.

Back at the building the police finally captured every last one of Jose Johns subordinates as well as the man himself. He remained silent and trying to think of a way out, he was so busy thinking he didn't see anyone coming his way, not until one has faked a cough, Jose slowly raised his head only to see the chief police in front of him. Upon seeing the person in front of him he scoff and turn his head at the right.

"There's someone who likes to talk to you before you are escorted back to jail" as soon as he finished saying what he has to say he quickly went away, four men were escorting him, two on each side and two on the back. Looking up, there he saw, the man he was longing to see and to talk, tearing a bit up he tried not to get carried away by his feelings.

". . . Lumic" Jose said almost a whisper, he didn't want to look pathetic to the one who have his heart, he thought and remained stubborn.

"You came" he said almost tearing up.

"I came because it was my wife you kidnapped" Lumic said bluntly not looking anywhere but at him.

Jose blinked back a few tears, just as quickly his happiness came as well it did vanish, replacing it with anger, mad, furious. He was furious of what he heard, 'liar' was the only word that was on his mind.

"Liar" he finally said out loud.

"YOU LIAR!" he shouted at Lumic's face, bringing in tiny pieces of saliva along, but didn't reach him at all.

"LIAR! She told me you were just seat mates! She told me that! She told me I won't gain anything from killing her! She told me!" he shouted, tears now streaming down his eyes.

"Who wouldn't say something like that? As long as to not kill her of course she would make excuses" Lumic replied calmly, still looking at him in the eyes.

No sign of any hesitation was seen at Lumic's eyes, Jose now so furious that he couldn't do anything, so furious that his body and mind can not comprehend what to do or to say. The only option was to kill, 'kill him, kill her, kill them, kill them all!' was what his mind said, convinced, he stood up and see him eye to eye.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill her, I'll kill you both" he said grinning. Maliciously grinning, wickedly grinning, he finally lost it, he finally lost the sanity that was left in him.

As the guards noticed his blood lust, they immediately put him unconscious before going into rampage, the last thing he said was.

"I'll kill you both" oh how he said it so deadly, if it was a normal man before him he'd immediately tremble in fear. But it was Lumic Neel, nothing seems to scares him.

"Lock him up, and be sure to never let him escape ever again or else" he said to the police officer, knowing he has power the police officers quaver in fear.

"Yes sir!" they answered and went away, Lumic proceeded to the room, looking in each and every corner. Finally coming to a stop and remembered that Venus has escaped before they barged in, he saw how she rolled on the rocky pathway, if only it was not dangerous then maybe he had laugh. But no it was, sighing he trust Lumician and Lucas would find her rolling down and would get her to the hospital.

Turning around to leave, he noticed the army having a commotion about bodies of young girls. He continued walking, not daring to look, he was done for the day, he was exhausted, although Lumician was the one who tortured the men who they dragged to hell and he was the one to interrogate he was still exhausted.

'At least now she's safe, although saying she's my wife would make a blonde haired girl quite mad' he sighs, 'well whatever, as if she'd know' he concluded and went to his car and drove off. 'One down, two to go' and so the sun has finally set for them, well not exactly since it was still one at the afternoon, but still you get my point.