Chapter 4 - Gather(1)

Liu Jeemin was shocked when he saw this message in his mind.

Heaven/Hell? What's that supposed mean?

He felt afraid, who wouldn't? He just killed himself, a taboo that will supposedly automatically puts him in hell. Am I gonna be burn to 'death' eternally?

Recalling all the things he did back then when he was alive, he was sure that the sins he accumulated thus far doesn't even amount to the sins his neighbours had. But if thought-crime is a crime...

He was worried that that absurdity might come true.

As he calmed himself, he reread the notice and dubiously muttered, "Mark of G?"

Now that he looked at it again, he felt excited.

Since he have read tons of novels related to xianxia and transmigration, the G here should represent the highest mark, Gold. Heaven or hell, having a gold mark meant good.

He consoled himself at this hopeful thought while being excited at the possible existence of those worlds. Completely forgetting that he was supposed to sleep forever in peace in the first place.

[Beginning translocation . . .]

[Currently, the world is identified as Heaven as per the majorities view of it]

A dizzying sensation assaulted him, he felt his body being spaghettified. Liu Jeemin felt an insistent migraine for a moment before light emerged in front of him.

What greeted him was a huge plain white hall.

Looking around with glittering eyes, he found that there are about 150 people around him and are neatly arranged in rows. He also noticed that the scenery outside the hall was completely dark, like the sky at night without any visible stars.

He can feel his heart pumping increasingly at the various possibilities his mind concocting at this moment as he was anticipating what is the strange world before him.

Faint murmurings of 'where am I' and 'am I in Heaven' can be heard around, be he couldn't quite understand the majority of voices due to the difference in languages.

After feeling nauseated because of the translocation, he was inwardly shocked that he noticed he can still actually 'feel'.

Which further the idea that this world might not be the heaven or hell he knew about.

With system messages and usage of the word 'translocation', and why there are people around him wearing various clothings — he figured that if they are in heaven or hell, why should clothes even matter?

Shouldn't God just either put him in hell or heaven directly without those unnecessary messages?

Considering, it made even more hassle to gather them first, then judged them one by one. It's not only inefficient but an insult to an omnipotent and omniscient power.

If god has something to say, he could just easily imprint it on his brain, then send him to heaven or hell. It's even more suspicious if god used words rather than directly making people understand him. Like, by using some kind of magical communication surpassing the limits of human language which is filled with barriers.


An abrupt pain made him press his temples as he groaned.

[Synchronization of language is now commencing . . .]

He felt something weird twiddling with his brain, even though the brain itself can't actually 'feel'. While holding his throbbing temples, he observed that the people around him was also in the same state, after hearing them groaned and held their head with a painful expression.

Now that he looked closer, there are varying ages of people here, some looks like no younger than 14 years old and not older than approximately 28 years old.


"Ughh, what the hell!"

Hearing their curses at the pain of synchronization, he realized that he can now understand them, like they are all speaking the same language as him.

[A Guide is now being summoned]

Soon, a general outline of a figure wearing a white cloak, walked out of nowhere in front of them. A presence so domineering engulfed them as silence befell on the hall. As Liu Jeemin was one of the people in front, just trying to take a peek at the faintly visible countenance of that person, under the hood of the cloak, made him shiver.

"Hmmm. So many." After pulling her hood, she looked at us sinisterly. Her blood-red iris with her white pupils, long draping violet hair, snowy white skin, and tall figure, gave off the impression that she's someone you don't want to mess with.

"I am only gonna talk twice, listen well. After talking amongst yourselves, walk out of the hall."

After impatiently addressing them, she disappeared immediately.


Liu Jeemin was dumbfounded, what about saying that twice?

The gaps between the gigantic pillars supporting the hall was like a black hole, dark and imposing. There were no obvious exits around the hall, except the gaps.

As expected, the crowd went into commotion after she left those words. But Liu Jeemin's mind was somewhere else.

'Status appear to me.'


Organising his thoughts, he recalled the knowledge he had from the novels he read. One of the most common points they had is 'status window'.

"Errrm. Status window appear."

He muttered while lowering his head down.

It seems it's not working, let me try another phrase.

"General information appear."

After several seconds had passed, nothing happened.

Dismayed, he casually thought about the word status, then...

[Status unavailable] finally appeared.

Seeing that the status window is unavailable, he closed his eyes for a moment before deciding to leave the hall immediately.

He had this inexplicable feeling that staying here isn't a good idea.

Besides, he doesn't like crowded area.

'But before that...'

He recalled that gathering people he can use in this foreign world would be pretty reasonable.

Considering the guide earlier mentioned about 'talking amongst yourselves', there should be something to it more than meets the eye.

As an experienced average gamer, he understands the difficulty of soloing a game. In this game like world where system exists, making a party or a group is a must.

Being alone and aloof didn't work out to him in his previous world, of course it's not like he can change his personality that easily.

But that doesn't mean he had zero socializing skills.

'I swear, if there's a social stat, I'd maxed that out.'

First, find competent looking people.

He tilted his head from left and right, sometimes he craned his neck as he examined what they were wearing. He remembered noting some people when the guide arrived earlier, so he added the people he noted now from that.

It should be about six...

After finalizing some of his choices, he felt gloomy at the next step.

Second step is approaching them.

The prerequisite on the second step was talking to them. Now that he thought about it, he can assumed a new identity again like he did so in his previous world, whenever he went to a new class or a new university.

Looking back, most of them were utter failure, because there were familiar faces that forced him to engaged with them with his previous personality.

'Hmmm, what should I wear?'

An identity which has a set of personality that will enable him to command people and convince them. Something he was already familiar with.

'Ahh, I should act like a protagonist.'

And the final step is, setting my goal. Obviously, that would be finding the will to live.

'Everything about this is pointless if I can't feel wanting to be alive here.'

He gloomily narrowed his eyes as he thought of that.

In fact, aside from feeling excited of being transferred here, he still felt the hole in his chest, like there was huge chunk missing from it. He still felt the familiar dismal and pessimistic feeling, telling him that all of these are pointless.

Shaking his mind, he shifted his focus on something else — the guy talking behind him.

"What is this place?"

"Is this heaven? What did the guide said earlier?"

"She said we should talk to each other. I wonder what that meant."

Hearing the conversation behind him, he observed intently for awhile.

"We're talking to each other now, but nothing is happening. Hey man, did you die before coming here too?"

A middle-aged man asked as he conversed with the guy beside him.

"Yeah, I remember—" the guy abruptly stopped from talking as he vomited as if he recalled something horrifying.

"... I don't think I can stomach mentioning it, but yeah I died."

Soon, various people started to talk in unison, as the cacophony got louder, some people begun to gather together.

"Hey, did that scary woman earlier told us to exit the hall? Don't tell me we're going there."

"Nah, I don't think so. Look at that, who knows if you end up in hell if you jump there." A burly man pointed at the gap between the pillars.

"Oh and, don't you think it's weird, when that woman appeared earlier, I almost peed in my pants. What's that about?"

"Yeah, I felt my body went stiff like being stared at by a predator in a forest. Alarm bells were ringing in my head, man. It's really weird here."

Then a dignified man approached them and said cordially, "Gentleman, don't you think it's strange that we're able to talk to each other, despite having different nationality?"

He brought his hand forward for a shake as he spoke, "I'm Markez, I think it's best we stick together."

His chin pointed at a distance as he continued, "Those people have already joined my hand, I'm currently in need of people, it's best that we joined hands and gather information together."

Then he added, with a slight cold tone in his voice, "Unless you want to be left behind."

When they saw several burly man that seemed to be discussing something at a distance away from them, they immediately shook Markez's hands.

With a warm and dignified smile, he beckoned them to follow as his dark tiger's coat swayed when he turned around in a gentlemanly manner.

Spotting this, Liu Jeemin felt a sense of urgency.

'With my lacking physique and average figure, I don't think I can invite other guys like that.'

When his eyes darted towards his first target, he felt his hands sweating buckets. Even his breathing got rough.

The first step was usually the hardest when talking to someone who you know nothing about.

'I can do this.'

He tensely took a step forward, but immediately took a step back, hesitating over something.

Liu Jeemin felt several gazes coming from the the people near him because of his sudden movement.

Feeling those gazes, he lowered his head while agonizingly muttering something in his head.

As his feet ultimately brought him near his target. Like chanting a mantra, he repeatedly muttered under his breath that he should act like a protagonist.

Then, after pausing his flimsy gait; like he was possessed, he straighten his back and walked like a robot — caused by being overly conscious by how he look as he carried himself forward.

'That's right. This is how a protagonist acts.'

After boosting his confidence when convinced himself that he's a protagonist in a novel he read, he steeled himself and awkwardly walked in front of a woman who is wearing a military's uniform.

"I am tentatively familiar with this world, how it works, and vaguely know what's beyond that darkness outside the hall. Would you like to join me?"

He avoided offering a hand shake, considering how his hands were sweating like waterfalls.