Chapter 5 - Gather(2)


She stared at him dazedly for awhile as his voice brimming with confidence rang in her ears.

'What's up with this guy?'

Familiar? Vaguely figure?

For some reason, even he was shocked by his own words. Although he said that, the only thing familiar to him was the existence of system in this world.

But it couldn't be help, he needed to sell a convincing invitation.

When the blue irises peeked at him from behind her pair of glasses, with her blond hair draping on her shoulders, he couldn't help taking a slight gulp.

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down in nervousness as she seemed to be appraising him.

'Oh, I'm still wearing a face mask. What's to be nervous about?'

He tried his best to avoid unnecessary thoughts like how beautiful the woman in front of him is and inwardly cussed himself.

The reason I came here is because she's beaut— no that's wrong! I came here because she's wearing a military's uniform!

She furrowed her brows, not saying anything.

After inwardly justifying his dubious action in his mind multiple times, he finally noticed that she was hesitating.

"Of course, the group I'm forming will not only consist the two of us, there are still four people I'm inviting after you agree."

He brought his hands forward as he continued to explain.

"Having too few is a bit lacking, and having too many will be difficult to manage. And by having you on my side, it'll be easier to rope in those people," he shrugged as he looked in to her eyes, "So, are you in or not?"

"When we're done forming the 'party', we will immediately leave the hall. I can't say this with certainty, but I'm sure staying in this hall is not a good idea, considering the guide earlier told us to leave. "

After barraging her with explanations, he stayed silent to let what he said sinks in.

Although he have no idea why it is better to leave as soon as possible, he had this inexplicable feeling that something bad will happen here the longer he stayed.

As he endured the awkward silence between them, he finally saw her elegantly nod.

For a moment he was awestruck, but he immediately composed himself and said with a serious tone, "Follow me."


".... The devil is tempting us. Do not believe what the woman said earlier brothers and sisters! She is the messenger of the devil and..."

Liu Jeemin quickened his pace as soon as he overheard that conversation.

'As I thought.'

He gritted his teeth when he realized his prediction came true. That on every scenario where a certain number of people were transferred to another world, there will be at least one person who'll proclaim the world as nothing more than a test of faith from god.

Soon, that rumor would spread like a wildfire and the fearmongering preacher would succeed in reigning in the public.

Making them unconsciously servile as they became more fearful of leaving the hall — contrary to what the guide ordered them earlier, that is to leave the hall.

Which will inevitably greatly hinder Liu Jeemin's plan on making convincing people easier.

'Don't loudly preach yet, let me finish forming the group first damn it.'

Selling preachings here is usually easier. It's like carrot and stick.

First, inform them about the dangers of falling to hell when they do something without thinking carefully, which ingeniously makes the receiver do a double take and spend more time on thinking — which inevitably makes them more hesitant on taking a risk.

Second, tell the crowd about the eternal bliss they'll receive after successfully passing the supposedly god's test and reached heaven.

Those kind of charismatic preachings; he knows them all too well, and how easily most people get entranced by those self-righteous preachings.

As a keyboard warrior with master's degree in googlelogy, Liu Jeemin had spent most of his time in debating with people of faith on the internet. Of course, overtime he grew tired of it as the arguments got repetitive especially when the other guy's reply almost took the entire webpage.

That was where his immense knowledge in philosophy branched out, considering he had too much free time because of his reclusive nature, he had enough time to delved into it.

Although he was depressed most of the time, he really hated losing arguments. But as time goes by, he gradually got tired of it. Until...

'To be honest, I'd rather not know about philosophy. At least I wouldn't be too aware how pointless my life is.'

...he felt the pointlessness of it all.

He shook his head as he hurriedly walked towards a woman wearing a hiker's outfit, with her red sleeveless shirt, pair of brown eyes, toned skin and wavy brown hair.

After arriving in front of her; he stood for awhile, waiting for the blond girl — whom he had forgotten to ask the name— to catch up, before speaking.

"I am forming a group heading outside the hall, I am a bit familiar with this world and what's beyond the exit, would you," he glanced briefly at the blond girl beside him as he asked," Would you like to join us? Of course, there are still three people we're gonna invite."

Since he already executed his plan, he decided to fully go through with it rather than hesitating halfway.

Of course, his confidence has been consolidated by the military women beside him. He almost smirked when he thought that he succeeded in inviting her.

Her pair of brown eyes examined him for a moment, as her brown hairs swayed when she surprisingly nodded immediately.

"We'll introduce ourselves later after forming the group."


'I need someone who knows how to handle wounded people.'

He craned his neck as his eyes narrowed.

'That one.'

Then, as he walked briskly towards his target, he couldn't quite help but feel guilty when his next target was also a woman.

She was wearing a nurse outfit, outlining her voluptuous body, coupled with her shy lowered head as she seemed to be thinking of something; made even Liu Jeemin who was very conservative in complimenting people, helplessly praised her in his mind.

"Uhmm.. Hello.. *cough*."

'What's wrong with me?!'

Liu Jeemin took a breath for moment.

"I need you. I'm forming a party to head outside the hall... and I need someone who can take care of the wounded. Ehh.. but I'm not saying it's very dangerous outside. But... Yeah, look I already invited two. There's still two after you. So it'll really helpful if you join us."

Inwardly his heart was pounding like hell from nervousness. Luckily, the girl before him shyly peeked at him for her lowered gaze and nodded.

He heaved a sigh of relief when she agreed.


"Hoh, is this a game like world? Su-goi~"

He fixed the ends of his long sleeve as he examined the hall with shimmering eyes.

"Manager would never have thought I was transferred to this place."

His faced contorted in anger as he recalled how the manager in his company treated him.

Then, he smiled as he relished the air before him.

'Ahh. A brand new world with a level system. My knowledge in game designing will surely help me, and then, and then, ahahaahahaha.'

Seemingly lost in his own world, a man wearing a black face mask accompanied by three women, approached him.

As the man invited him, he couldn't help peeking at the three women accompanying the guy.

'Hmm? Invite? Party? This guys a bit knowledgeable. Could it be he's a gamer?'

He readily shook the young man's hand and joined him.

'Right, right, I should've thought of forming party on my own. But... It's not like it's bad joining him either.'


"Hey, I'm Jin Hyoon, you're the first one he invited right? Or you knew him beforehand?"

Her brown eyes looked at the blond haired girl beside her.

"No, he invited me too. I don't know anything about this place, that's why when he said he was familiar about this place, I readily agreed. Information is very important you know. Oh, I'm Claire Williams by the way."

Claire Williams said as she followed Liu Jeemin from behind.

Jin Hyoon glanced at the girl wearing a nurse dress and asked hesistantly.

"What about you?"

"Uhmm.. ahhh... Uhmm—"

Before she could finish talking, Liu Jeemin's voice interrupted them as he started inviting a boy.

"Hey, would you like to join us?"

Liu Jeemin observed the boy staring fixedly at his left hand.

When the boy looked at him and nodded, he started finding a place to organise.


Liu Jeemin, who was humming in his head merrily, lead them near one of the pillars supporting the hall as he cautiously slowed down his pace to avoid unnecessary attention from the crowd.

No one has decided to step out of the hall yet, perhaps they were afraid, or maybe they were still sorting their thoughts out; the important thing is, their group would easily catch their attention if they show their motive by walking in group hurriedly.

'If I was right, then all these gaps are considered as exits.'

The gaps betweens the pillars are filled with darkness that seemed to trap one's soul. If the exit looks like that, it was not strange for anyone to be fearful in leaving the hall.

After arriving at the location he chose, Jin Hyoon turned her head towards him.

"I figured it'll be helpful for us, so let me introduce myself again, I'm Jin Hyoon, a wannabe hiker hahaha. Mhhm, please don't expect too much of me, my knowledge about hiking is just so-so."

'She's sharp, she immediately figured out my intention.'

It's not like he expected them to be so knowledgeable in their respective fields anyway.

Do I give off that kind of vibe?

He inwardly scoffed at himself.

"I'm . . . Uhmm . .  Li Jing. I'm not a licensed nurse yet so . . ."

Li Jing shyly lowered her head, which he found quite cute, those black ponytails and pair of innocent eyes, fair smooth skin; slender figure he can see from the fitting nurse outfit she wore . . . *cough*.

He immediately assumed an indifferent gaze and appreciatively nodded at her while not trying to look like a pompous buffoon.

"I'm Claire Williams, studying a related military course."

Oh, so she's not a soldier yet. But, she still looks more useful than me.

He clicked his tongue inaudibly as he nodded at her.

"Call me Sasaki Seiji, I am a creator. I mean a game designer and a bit of an inventor. I like ransacking machines and designing games. You're a gamer too right?"

Sasaki Seiji excitedly introduced himself while fixing his necktie as he looked at him like a kindred spirit.

He ignored his question as Liu Jeemin gave him a nod and turned towards the boy.

"I'm Dimitri."

The boy, who wore plain white T-shirt and jeans, only spared him a seemingly hopeful glance after staring at his left hand again. Although Liu Jeemin felt curious, he felt it's a bit intrusive to ask why the boy always stare at his left hand.

'Now's the time to speak like a leader.'

"Ehum *cough* The goal and purpose of this group is simple, to make exploring easier for us. This will be a mutually beneficial group, since we will receive each others' help. The reason I gather all of you is because I need each of your help, I'm not capable of a lot things, so I need to make this clear."

To be honest, I don't think I'm capable of anything at all. He grumbled inaudibly at his uselessness as he continued.

"As I said before, I'm a bit familiar about this world. But I still want each of your approval if I am to assumed the leader of this party."

He looked at each of them briefly while speaking.

"Well, it's quite burdensome to be a leader, so it's okay. But, don't you have to tell us your name first?"

Jin Hyoon casually remarked. Then followed by the group nodding their heads in approval like it's obvious that they also agree for him to be the leader, they stared at him, seeming to be asking for his name.

At first he's reluctant because he hasn't yet decided what name he should adopt, but now's not that time to dawdle around. Seeing the crowd was getting rowdy and agitated, he decided the name he will use.

"My name is Asmo- "

He almost blurted that out, but then remembered Asmodeus represents Lust. He's not sure whether people actually care about the meaning of names, but you know, it's better to be careful than sorry. While almost losing his composure, he managed to solemnly state his newfound name.

"My name is Azrail."