Hanzo had no time to waste, gripping his Katana, he raised it above his head and cut into the air.
The ninja looked at him without moving.
"Flailing your blade around now?"
The ninja accused in a condescending tone. He was not wrong, from his perspective, Hanzos blade hit nothing but thin air. Had others been watching the battle, they would have questioned how he had managed to win the World Tournament of Helheim.
Suddenly, a translucent object flew out from Hanzos blade as it sliced through thin air. The translucent object caught the ninja off guard and pierced his defenses sending the ninja stumbling back.
Shock overwhelmed the ninja as he quickly processed what had just happened. Yet, he still struggled to pinpoint how exactly Hanzo had done it.
In truth, Hanzo had spent the last few years trying to master one of the most useful aspects of his unique World Champion equipment the 'Harbringer of Corruption'. This ability was 'Spontaneous Casting' which allows Hanzo to cast spells that fulfill certain conditions without the need to 'Style Change'. Originally, Hanzo struggled to use this ability as it involved working with both magic and his weapon simultaneously. It was slightly easier with the game system, however Hanzo trained himself to ensure the timing was perfect as a precaution for the future when he may have to relearn how to do it in the future.
With that ability, Hanzo was able to silent cast 'Air Slash', catching his opponent off guard and causing a good deal of damage.
"What was that?!"
The ninja yelled, his voice strained as he held back his anger.
'This guy isn't much of a ninja, yelling like that'
Hanzo thought in disappointment.
"Never you mind, now then, let's keep going shall we"
As Hanzo finished his retort, he kicked off of the ground and lunged at the Ninja, his Katana eager to strike.
The ninja backstepped and pulled out another pair of Kunai, with the same poison enchantment as the first time.
Hanzos overhead strike dropped onto the Ninjas head, with it narrowly being blocked by the ninjas kunai. Feeling the pressure, the ninja desperately pushed against Hanzos blade in an attempt to flee.
Smiling internally, Hanzo spoke with a gleeful tone.
"Severance of Fate"
His voice was clear as he triggered the ability of his weapon. The ninja started to panic as he heard Hanzo activate a skill, alas he was physically unable to react.
A change was seen at the point of contact between the two blades, Hanzos Katana seemed to slice through the Kunai with ease, continuing on until it cut into the chest of the ninja.
The ninja screamed in rage as he saw the blade cut into his chest.
Suddenly, the ninjas body dissolved into a shadow like material before materialising in a shadow at the entrance of the corridor.
"An escape skill? Why did he not use it in our clash?"
"Fuck! I had to use it here!"
Hanzo heard the ninja yelling at himself as he watched Hanzo warily.
"You had a skill like that? Why didn't you just dodge with it?"
"It's my trump card you idiot"
'I'm the idiot?'
Hanzo thought to himself as he looked at the ninja who seemed to be edging towards the entrance of the corridor slowly.
Finally, the ninja arrived at the entrance and his body once again turned into a shadow-like material, thus leaving Hanzos sight.
Without delay, Hanzo reached into his item box and withdrew an antidote, drinking it with relief.
As he looked at his health, he noticed that he only had 15% left due to the poison. A shiver ran through his mind as he saw how close to death he was.
Following this, Hanzo opened his chat log with Momonga and told him the World Champion had fled. After a few seconds, he received a happy reply filled with congratulations as well as news that the suppression force was about to arrive on the 9th floor and there was roughly 200 players left, with many of them injured.
'Lets continue the massacre'
After a long battle, the suppression force was wiped out completely. News spread of the failure causing many of the guilds to cease all hostilities with Ainz Ooal Gown for the rest of the Yggdrasil days. While there was some who challenged them, none were successful. Ainz Ooal Gowns wealth soared, as did Hanzos personal wealth. Although he was slight disappointed he did not get to finish off the ninja, he was happy that he managed to get through with all of his classes intact.
As time passed, many of the members of Ainz Ooal Gown dropped off, various reasons were the cause however, by the end of Yggdrasils lifetime, there were only two who regularly came on, those being Hanzo and Momonga.
Right now, Hanzo sat at the head of the large round table often used for meetings, across from him was Momonga. The two were sat having a final conversation as the game was set to end at midnight.
He had to admit, Hanzo was going to miss Yggdrasil and his fellow guild members. Unlike when he joined Ultimate Ageis, he actually enjoyed playing with his guild mates in Ainz Ooal Gown, it truly did feel like he had formed friendships that would persist even after he transmigrated. Alas, that did not stop him from wanting to transmigrate, if anything, it just made him more thankful to his guild members for building such a brilliant home.
"Ugghh I have work at 5 tomorrow"
Momonga complained as he gazed across the lonely meeting room.
"You should probably head off soon then, I doubt anyone will be coming this late"
Momonga nodded his head before questioning Hanzo.
"What about you? Don't you have work tomorrow?"
Hanzo replied naturally, without a single lapse in his kind tone.
"I have tomorrow off, so I will probably finish up soon to. I can't imagine going into work tired and depressed"
Momonga sighed once more, his reluctance to leave was clear, however he knew what Hanzo was saying was for the best.
"Fine, you're right. I will log off now then, remember to keep in touch on the forums, especially when they announce a new game"
Hanzo raised his hand in affirmation to Momonga.
"Sounds good dude, these past years have been the best years of my life, thank you"
"Me too Zelphyr, it's a shame we haven't met up, but maybe, perhaps we could?"
A tinge of guilt plagued Hanzo as he answered Momonga.
"I will have to check my work schedule and my future plans, but sure. That would be cool"
With that, the two said goodbye one more time before Momongas avatar logged off for the final time.
The previously chatty room was now deathly silent as Hanzo looked around. An overwhelming feeling on loneliness descended upon him as he stood up.
Shaking his head, Hanzo tried to invigorate himself.
"No backing out now, I have spent way too long preparing for this to back out now"
Similar to the Ainz Ooal Gown from the anime, the Guild Weapon was a staff. Although it was typically used by the Guild Leader, everyone decided it would be more beneficial to have a staff rather than another sword. After all, Hanzo already had a godly Katana for his physical combat form, thus with the Guild Weapon as a staff, it will be useful when using his Magic Caster form.
Without idling any further, Hanzo used his 'Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown' to teleport down to the 3rd floor. This was one of the floors under Shalltears jurisdiction, his aim was to find the floor guardian herself. A piece of information he had often thought about on a daily basis was the bizarre settings Peroroncino had given her. Despite this, he felt that her background and personality were flawless, well except for one small issue, that being her fanatical love for Undead men. That setting worked very well for Momonga in the New World, however it may be a large obstacle for Hanzo as he is not a member of the undead and there are many strong members of the undead within the New World that could cause Shalltear to run rampant or defect.
After reappearing on the third floor, Hanzo found himself surrounded by a small force of Vampire Brides. Looking towards the back of the vampires, he noticed Shalltear stood still waiting for additional orders. His mind buzzed happily as he thought about being able to speak to the denizens of Nazarick soon, it was an experience that he would easily give up his current life of healthiness and wealth to partake in.
Hanzo used his Developer Tool to edit Shalltear. A large block of text appeared, as he browsed through it, he noticed the section stating her sexual preferences.
Hanzo froze when he started to read the long list of sexual preferences Peroroncino had given Shalltear, a sigh escaped from his mouth as he deleted the Necrophilia preference from her.
Nodding his head after giving Shalltear one more appreciative look, Hanzo used his ring to teleport to the throne room.
Stood besides the throne was a beauty clad in pure white, her gentle smile exuded a radiance that made others feel warmth.
Hanzo looked up at the clock in his HUD and saw that he only had a couple of minutes left.
Swiftly making his way to the throne, he immediately set out to removing the one troublesome line of code that Tabula Smaragdina had left in Albedos background. Taking a note out of Momongas book, Hanzo changed the line to 'She is madly in love with Zelphyr'.
Despite having the power to do this with every Female NPC, Hanzo felt that doing so would be cheap and would remove the true feeling behind it. It may have been self-gratification, however Hanzo wanted to form his relationships with the NPCs without relying on their coding to cheat. Certainly he did change Albedos, however he intended to build a true bond before progressing further with her.
In his mind, the NPCs as of the moment he transmigrates, are no longer just NPCs. Instead they're companions and family that he needed to treat as he would his guild mates and friends.
Hanzo looked around the throne room once more and sat himself on the Obsidian throne with familiarity, waiting for his years of work to finally bear fruit.
Time felt slow as Hanzo sat on the throne with his eyes closed, waiting for the clock to tick past 12am. As he was sat there, anxiety started to gnaw at him, causing Hanzo to start to wonder whether he will truly be transmigrated. After all, he was never told the conditions except that it was similar to what he already knew. His worries started to grow enough for him to want to open his eyes, however he knew that if he did, he may panic even more. Thus, Hanzo sat atop the throne whilst taking deep breaths to calm his overactive mind.
"Whatever happens, happens"
(MC name change starts now)
Zelphyr looked around, relief and excitement started to bubble inside of him as he noticed the familiar throne room.
'It worked... It actually worked!'
Zelphyr thought to himself as the familiar scenery felt increasingly more beautiful than before. Taking a deep breath, Zelphyr felt the cool air fill his lungs and his body move alongside his actions.
A large smile grew upon his lips as he felt the sensations of life once again.
Turning to the side, he noticed a lady dressed in pure white staring at him with a loving smile.
Zelphyr addressed Albedo with a serious tone.
"Yes, Lord Zelphyr?"
Albedo took a step forward, causing her deep cleavage to bounce slightly as she walked.
Zelphyrs eyes immediately went towards that wondrous sight, before he managed to resume his serious attitude.
Albedos lips curved up into a pleased smile as she noticed Zelphyrs gaze.
"I would like you to go and gather the Floor Guardians and Sebas, tell them to meet me in the Throne room within 30 minutes. There is something serious to discuss"
Albedos expression immediately turned serious before she bowed her head.
"As you command, Lord Zelphyr"
Albedo then left, her demeanour remained elegant to the very end, earning a sigh of appreciation from Zelphyr.
'Wow she is hot... I mean she was good looking in game, but in reality, she could probably topple kingdoms if she so pleased'
Zelphyr stood up and stretched his body. He enjoyed the feeling of his body, it felt stronger and more natural than his body from before.
Focusing on the 'Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown', Zelphyr pictured his room. Immediately, he felt a sense of weightlessness, before his vision suddenly changed to that of his destination. Zelphyr looked around his room, a sense of pride filled him as he looked at the illustrious room. He was completely baffled as to the reason why Momonga would choose to move out of such a high-end room for something smaller. Sure it would take some getting used to however, Zelphyr felt that this private space was perfect for the leader of Nazarick.
Zelphyr slapped his cheeks slightly to regain his focus. He did not come to his room to think about those types of thoughts, in fact he came to the private rooms to fetch someone.
Walking to the door, Zelphyr gripped the door knob and opened it. It felt weird having to open the door properly, after all, there was no real weight in the game, thus it was his first time feeling weight in this form.
"It's refreshing"
Zelphyr murmured to himself as he started walking down the corridor. When he turned the corner, his gaze fell upon the one he had been seeking. Stood before him was what seemed to be a wooden statue, it's bark was a pale grey colour with glowing red eyes. It stood to be about 3.5 meters tall and has thick branches shaped like arms. Its legs however were a series of thick roots that scuttled in cohesion giving the strange wood statue a surprising amount of speed. Reaching out from its head, branches filled with blood red leaves shook slightly as they walked.
Zelphyr called out to this abomination of nature.
Instantly, the leaves on the branches shivered as the being turned around to face Zelphyr.
"My Lord"
Cinder spoke with a husky voice as though it had been smoking for years.
"It is good to see you Cinder. We have an emergency. I have ordered every floor guardian to assemble in the Throne Room, you will need to attend too"
"Certainly My Lord"
Zelphyr nodded his head and told Cinder to follow him. As he did not have a spare 'Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown' on him, they had to walk back to the Throne Room. For the first time in his life, Zelphyr was shown just how expansive Nazarick truly was.
Entering the 10th floor, Zelphyr saw 6 members of the Pleiades lined up against the wall with their heads bowed as they waited for Zelphyr to pass. Simultaneously, they all greeted Zelphyr, with their heads still bowed.
"Greetings, Lord Zelphyr"
Zelphyr waved his hand signalling they could stop bowing.
"Greetings to you all too, we are currently experiencing a situation that requires the floor guardians to leave their posts. Thus I would like for you all to head to the first floor temporarily to make sure no intruders take advantage of the situation"
The Pleiades adopted severe expressions and bowed once more before leaving towards the exit.
Although Zelphyr knew that there was a high chance no-one knew of their presence yet, he would not take any chances especially when he knew there were beings in this world that could harm Nazarick.
After his small talk with the members of the Pleiades, Zelphyr and Cinder slowly made their way to the Throne Room. As they were approaching the large double doors, Zelphyr spoke to Cinder.
"Cinder, go in and tell the others that I will be arriving in a minute. I have something to check on."
Cinder nodded while Zelphyr teleported back to his room. Truthfully, Zelphyr did not have to check on anything urgently. He just wanted to make an entrance with a good impact, after all this will be similar to the first impressions as the sole leader of Nazarick. While they may have extreme loyalty right now, that can change over time, thus he wanted to act the part of the leader to ensure his and Nazaricks safety.
Zelphyr walked over to the mirror in his room and equipped his battle attire. Appreciating the cosmetics of the armour, Zelphyr checked for any issues with his attire before deciding it was time to arrive.
Once again using the ring of 'Ainz Ooal Gown', Zelphyr teleported directly into the Throne Room.
Before his vision became fully clear, he heard the sound of multiple people dropping to their knees.
Ignoring this, Zelphyr strode to the throne and sat. Immediately, a heavy pressure pulsed across the room. It seemed that one of the buffs of 'The Throne of Kings' was a magnification of the users aura, which combined very well with Zelphyrs already strong Draconic Aura.
Looking down at the subjects who were knelt on one knee, Zelphyr internally nodded at the amazing co-ordination of the members gathered. Everyone had assumed the same posture and remained still and silent, except for the sweat that seemed to be falling from their faces.
'I should try and retract this aura'
Zelphyr silently focused on his aura before willing it to lessen. As per his thoughts, the aura pressuring the room, weakened.
"Raise your heads"
Zelphyr spoke in a serious tone. Although he was excited about this situation, the celebrations can be saved for when they are safe.
Thus, the first meeting between Zelphyr and the Floor Guardians began.