Chapter 12: The New World

The Floor Guardians raised their heads after hearing Zelphyrs permission. Each one had a look of awe in their eyes as they watched Zelphyrs every move with what seemed to be reverence.

"I called you all hear as you all hold invaluable positions to Nazarick. Roughly an hour ago, Nazarick was transported to a strange place. The exact cause is unknown, however there is something that is certain. This is not the world we're used to."

Gasps of shock were heard from among the Floor Guardians as they listened to Zelphyrs words.

"Due to this, I have decided to raise Nazaricks defenses to maximum. For now, we will be consolidating ourselves and familiarising ourselves with our current position. Now, my Floor Guardians, I will give you some time to ask any questions you may have starting with Albedo"

Zelphyr turned his gaze to Albedo who looked surprised to be suddenly given the chance to speak.

Quickly recovering herself, Albedo smiled and spoke.

"I have only one question, My Lord. Should we prepare the forces of Nazarick to be ready to advance?"

Zelphyr smiled warmly before shaking his head slightly.

"There is no need for that right now, Albedo. I will give instructions to you all after this. I just would like to alleviate any concerns or questions you may have so that they do not plague your minds when we're in a serious situation"

While this was partly true, Zelphyr also wanted to get familiar with speaking to them and judging what types of people they are. After all, their real life counterparts are different to their animated versions. Zelphyrs influence is a major factor that could bring out different behaviour in them, thus he wanted to get a good grasp right now so that he will be more likely to notice the changes in the future.

"Very well, Lord Zelphyr. Thank you for caring for us so much, it is truly awe-inspiring."

Albedo spoke with slightly reddened cheeks.

"Hmm. Next is Demiurge. Do you have any questions or concerns?"

Demiurge crossed his arms and started to think. Eventually, he uncrossed his arms and faced Zelphyr with a serious expression.

"Lord Zelphyr, this may be impertinent of me, however I feel I must ask. Are you the only Supreme Being left?"

Immediately, the atmosphere turned tense. Everyone other than Zelphyr and Albedo started to sweat. On the other hand, Albedo glared at Demiurge with killing intent.

Zelphyr raised his hand towards Albedo, causing her to immediate retract her killing intent.

"This is indeed a difficult topic Demiurge. However it is one that I feel you should all know. In recent times, the majority of the Supreme Beings have left to move on. They all have their own duties and responsibilities elsewhere. Therefore, I decided I should stay with Nazarick until the end. Now that we have been transported to this strange land, I feel there is virtually no way of them coming back even if they wanted to. After all, even I am unable to transport us back."

As Zelphyr finished his explanation, many of the Floor Guardians had downcast expressions.

"It is a difficult situation, and I know that you must be feeling down. Nevertheless, please know that I am still here with you. All of the denizens of Nazarick are worth more to me than the many treasures in the Treasury combined. Therefore, I ask of you all, grant me your assistance to protect our home."

Zelphyr did not bow his head and kept a serious expression. Everything he had said was technically true. After all, many of the other Guild Members had deleted their characters after passing over their stuff while others had not logged on for years. Thus, the chances of them being transported too, were close to zero.

On the other hand, he mean't what he said about the NPCs within Nazarick. He had spent the past 10 years working to build Nazarick and himself, all for this moment.

After a while, he heard heavy breathing from a certain succubus.

"Haah... haah... Lord Zelphyr! Your love is too much! I, Albedo swear to use my very being to serve you forever!"

Despite the excited look and heavy breathing, Zelphyr was touched by Albedos declaration of loyalty.

Following Albedo, Demiurge decided to speak.

"My Lord, I must admit that I am down that our creators left us. Nonetheless, I am truly overwhelmed by your benevolence that you would liken us to the Treasures of the Supreme Beings! I, Demiurge hereby swear to serve you Lord Zelphyr for eternity"

Much to his shock, the usually straight laced Demiurge also proudly spoke a pledge of loyalty. It seemed that his speech had been extremely effective as one by one, all of the gathered members.

"Thank you all for your loyalty. Now then, continuing with the questions. Cocytus, do you have any?"

"None. My. Lord"

Zelphyr nodded then turned to Mare.

"Mare, do you have any questions for me?"

Mare shook his head frantically as his legs shook slightly.

"N-no My L-lord!"

Zelphyr chuckled slightly and smiled kindly at Mare. Seeing this smile, Mare calmed down slightly, although his body still shivered slightly.

'He truly is a timid boy'

"Aura, your turn"

Aura put her hands behind her neck as she thought for a moment. When she had an idea, she straightened her body and spoke.

"Nope, My Lord"

Zelphyr wryly smiled as he heard the strange way of speaking. It was both informal yet formal at the same time, truly befitting a free spirit like Aura.

Turning his head to the next person, he was met by the same beauty he had visited just before the transport.

"Shalltear, what is your opinion or questions?"

Shalltear smiled as one of her fangs slightly protruded from her mouth. It was quite charming.

"Nothing, My Lord Zelphyr. Although I must say, you're looking very handsome today!"

Zelphyr froze momentarily before quickly collecting himself. Although he knew her personality, he did not think she would be so open. After all, he assumed she was so open because of her fetish for skeletons, however that does not seem to be the case.

"Thank you for the praise Shalltear. Next, Sebas."

Sebas, stood upright. His posture looked very unnatural, yet when combined with Sebas, it worked.

"None, My Lord. I am ready to carry out your orders at a moments notice."

Sebas replied with a serious tone.

"Finally, Cinder. Is there anything you would like to know or add?"

Everyone turned their heads to Cinder at the back. For most of the gathered members, it was many of their first time seeing Cinder as he usually stayed within Zelphyrs room and the corridors of the Supreme Beings chambers, only the maids had seen him.

"None my Lord, my body and soul are for you to command. I shall follow your orders even after death"

Zelphyr nodded his head at Cinders evangelical loyalty. Had it been any of the other NPCs, he may have been slightly freaked out by the depth of their loyalty despite only properly interacting once. However, this was Cinder, Zelphyrs creation. One of the aspects of Cinders personality that Zelphyr spent lots of time on, was his loyalty to his creator first and foremost and then to Nazarick. This was to ensure that even when they transmigrated, he would not be backstabbed by his creation so easily.

'Now that I think about it, maybe I just have awful paranoia'

Zelphyr thought to himself as he removed his gaze from Cinder and turned to look at the whole group.

"Now, onto the important part. I would like Shalltear to remain on the 1st floor for the time being. I will have another task for you in the future. Please ensure that all of the defense are raised to maximum and the denizens of the first to third floors are prepared to fight at a moments notice"

Shalltear smiled elegantly and bowed her head.

"Certainly, Lord Zelphyr"

Zelphyr then addressed Demiurge and Albedo.

"Albedo, I would like you to set up a perimeter approximately 2km around Nazarick. Make it so that I am aware of any and everything that crosses that perimeter. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to engage or interact with any being on the outside"

Albedo and Demiurge bowed to Zelphyr whilst the others also nodded to his words. Although not targeted at them explicitly, they knew that it applied to them too.

"Consider it done, Lord Zelphyr. We will not disappoint you"

Zelphyr nodded and continued.

"I am sure you won't. Mare, I would like you to bolster our defenses. Create a terrain around Nazarick that is similar to hills. Then you can bury the walls in dirt. Right now, our movements need to be hidden until we learn the strength of this world"

Mare despite his trembling saluted with a resolute expression.

"Y-yes Lord Z-zelphyr!"

"Cinder, I would like you to go with Mare and assist him by planting trees and plants inbetween the valleys created by the newly founded hills. Make sure these trees look as natural as possible."

Cinder nodded without speaking.

"Noe then, the rest of you. Return to your posts and increase the defenses on your floors. I will have further instructions when we know more about this land"

After saying this, Zelphyr stood up causing all of the gathered members to kneel once more. Using his 'Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown', Zelphyr left the throne room.

After Zelphyr left the throne room, silence covered the room for an additional minute. Finally, Albedo stood up and straightened out her dress, followed by the other members.

"What. An. Amazing. Aura"

Cocytus murmured as he looked at the now empty throne.

"A dragon..."

Sebas muttered quietly. Nevertheless, Sebas' mutters were heard by all.

"What do you mean Sebas?"

Demiurge questioned as he pushed his glasses back into place. Despite knowing Zelphyr since their creation, they were not wholly aware of his abilities, after all they were often defeated whenever the Supreme beings were fighting. As a result, Zelphyrs abilities were shrouded in mystery and they only had small pieces of information that they had overheard from their creators.

"His Aura. It was a dragons aura except it seemed to be much more domineering. When he was questioning me, it felt like he could remove my head with a single word"

Everyones eyes widened at Sebas' words. It was no secret that Sebas was one of the strongest members of Nazarick, thus for him to show such fear, meant there was some truth to his mutters.

"I once overheard my Creator Lord Peroroncino and Lord Momonga discussing Lord Zelphyr. Apparently he was someone who could rival Lord Touch Me easily and even overwhelm him if he wanted. Although that is unconfirmed since Lord Momonga said they had never battled"

Shock filled them all once again. Lord Touch Me had been very vocal about his strength and would often lead defenses in Nazarick since he had a World Champion defensive skill that worked well in group battles. Therefore, to hear that someone could contend and potentially even overwhelm him, was ridiculous.

"Hey, Cinder was it? You're Lord Zelphyrs creation right? So you should know his strength right? How strong is he?"

Aura spoke with her voice full of energy. It was clear her curiosity had peaked.

"My Lords strength? From what little I have seen of it, I can say that Shalltears claims are true. He is a true Supreme Being"

Cinder couldn't help flashing back to the times of when Zelphyr was power levlling him. Unlike many of the other guild members who worked as teams to power level their NPCs, Zelphyr decided to do it solo since it would have been easier for him to escape if a group of PKers came along. He was very protective of his classes since getting killed once, meant he lost 5 levels and World Champion Class.

"Ah such an amazing Supreme Being! Lord Zelphyr is truly the only one worthy enough to claim the Throne of Guild Master!"

Albedo declared with heated breath and rosy red cheeks.

"Now, if only I could see his dashing figure!"

Shalltear nodded her head in full agreement.

"I apologise, but my Creator has given me a task to do. Mare, shall we go?"

Mare nodded to Cinder and gripped her staff that had been laid on the floor.

Thus the Throne Room became deserted as everyone went to complete their respective jobs.

Back in Zelphyrs room, he was sat on his bed unwinding.

"That was so stressful! I mean, I was prepared but having such intense loyalty thrown at you is startling to say the least"

By no means was he struggling, however, it was a strange feeling to have so many people treat you so highly. After all, even as a Guild Master, the bonds were more like the leader of a friend group rather than a central figure of an army.

"Anyways, I believe that was a successful first show. This Dragon Aura that comes from my 'Dragon Imperator' Class really comes in handy here. Right, let's head to the 6th floor Amphitheater"

Using his ring, Zelphyr teleported to the entrance of the arena and entered it. As he looked around, the sheer majesty of the arena was overwhelming.

After briefly basking in the impressive sight, Zelphyrs expression turned serious. He closed his eyes and thought deeply. Suddenly, he felt the magic power stored inside himself had increased drastically whilst his defense and physical strength seemed to drop slightly. Zelphyr waved his arms around, taking in the strange feeling of having his strength drop.

"It seems I can still 'Style Change' by just thinking about it. Now lets try some magic."

Zelphyr stuck out his arms like he would in Yggdrasil and thought of casting. The spell activated and a large ball of fire started to form next to him before suddenly launching itself in the direction he was thinking.


Much to his joy, the fireball flew to the back of the arena and exploded. Unlike in the game, he had no HUD to tell him when a spell was ready, however, it seemed something inside his body naturally knew and alarmed him.

A devilish smile rose upon his lips as he watched himself cast magic. It truly made him feel alive.

'I should get a target, preferably a mindless one'

"Summon Primal Water Elemental!"

A being made completely of water appeared from the ground. Its form kept changing however, it seemed to stay in a humanoid form for the longest. A Primal Water Elemental was a level 87 monster that had the highest of resistances out of all of the primal elementals.

"Primal Water Elemental, defend against my attacks with all of your strength"

As it did not have much sentience, it could not respond, however a clear link was created between it and Zelphyr when he summoned it. As a result, his intentions got through to it clearly.

Casting a spell, Zelphyr remained still as he aimed at the water elemental. This time, he pointed his finger at the Water Elemental.

"Maximize Magic: Chain Dragon Lightning!"

A large bolt of lightning shot from Zelphyrs outstretched finger darting towards the Water Elemental. The water elemental converted its arm into what resembled a shield, allowing the lightning to collide with it. The impact of the lightning, caused the water creating the shield to tremor violently.

"Your defense is good. I would like to try one more thing"

This time, Zelphyr repeated the same actions yet he tried to activate silent magic.

'Silent Magic: Chain Dragon Lightning!"

Like before, the magic activated, sending a bolt of lightning hurling towards the Water Elemental. The crackles were reminiscent of the roars of dragons as it hit its target.

"Hmm, I need to work on silent magic it seems. The accuracy was slightly off, thus I am guessing my inexperience makes a large difference in this case"

Due to his discovery, Zelphyr made a mental note that he needed to practice combat more before he started picking fights with people of power. Although he had very few weaknesses, should a powerful enemy with a counter against him arrive, he will have to rely on his experience and skill to deal with the situation.

For the next hour and a half, Zelphyr continued practicing against the Primal Water Elemental. Suddenly, he felt a presence watching his from the stands.


Zelphyr spoke with a neutral tone, his voice carried until the top of the stands sending a shiver down the spine of the peeper.

"There is no point hiding"

Aura shrugged her shoulders and jumped down into the arena. After landing, she scratched her head as she walked toward Zelphyr.

"Lord Zelphyr, I am sorry for watching you"

Zelphyr waved his hand as he shook his head softly.

"There is no need to apologise. I just felt you may as well come and speak to me rather than watch from the stands. Is there something you need?"

Auras previous reserved attitude immediately disappeared when she realised she was not in trouble.

"AH! I heard your spell casting and was wondering why you were fighting against your own summon"

Zelphyr looked up towards the Primal Water Elemental that seemed to be in quite the beat up state. Taking out a healing wand, Zelphyr activated it and targeted his summon. Although he felt bad for damaging his own summon to such a degree, there was a second reason as to why he healed it. Zelphyr wanted to see how long his summon would last before it naturally disappeared. This was vital for the future as it would affect his future military strength.

"I was testing the laws of this New World"

Aura looked at Zelphyr in confusion.

"Laws? Like those things humans use in their little towns and stuff?"

Zelphyr chuckled at Auras innocent reply, his hand naturally reached out and ruffled her silken gold hair. Auras ears twitched slightly before Zelphyr retracted his hand.

'Her hair is so soft'

"Not those types of laws. In every world, there is a set of laws which govern the world, I was testing to see if our magic worked the same way with this worlds laws"

Aura had a pensive expression as she tried to fully understand Zelphyrs words.

"There is no need to worry about remembering that, in summary, I was testing to see if Nazaricks Magic still worked"

Auras expression lit up as she finally understood what Zelphyr meant.

"I see! Such foresight, as expected of a Supreme Being! I did not even consider that!"

Zelphyr could only shake his head slightly. It was not that he was a genius, its more due to the fact that Aura is a bit too carefree.

"Besides that, Aura, what task are you doing currently?"

Aura looked around before showing a difficult expression.

"Well, you see, I was strengthening the defenses of the 6th floor but then I kind of got distracted by the sounds of battle"

Zelphyr nodded before apologising lightly.

"I apologise for the distraction. I will be leaving now anyway. Aura, I would like you to watch the Primal Water Wlemental and tell me when he naturally disappears"

Aura looked up at the giant elemental with curiosity.

"Sure thing, Lord Zelphyr!"

Taking that as his cue to leave, Zelphyr teleported to the entrance of Nazarick.