Nine years later

...Shadow, Sticks, Cathleen and Sonic have started secondary school and are in the same classes as one another, miraculously. With Sonic, the abuse from his father has worsened, along with the in-school bullying, much to his dismay. Now, it's lunch break and Sonic's hiding away from his friends and everyone in his school year, ears lowered and crying.

Shadow is looking for Sonic, to hear and find him crying in a dark corner, where none of the students hang out.

"Are you alright, Sonic? Cathleen and Sticks are worried about you." Shadow asks and informs

"Nowhere near, I hate being here and at home. My father hates me, everyone at school bullies me and I can't take it anymore!" Sonic cries out

"Wait, your father hates you; what for?"

"He's been blaming me, since I was young, for my mother leaving us. He's been treating me badly ever since."

"Is that why you keep coming out with cuts and bruises?"

Sonic nods, wearing broken-lensed glasses and crying again. Shadow quickly realises that there's more that's not being said.

"There's more to this, isn't there?"

Sonic nods, slowly curling into a ball, frightened. Shadow quickly works out what Sonic doesn't want to admit.

"Has he touched you in your... places?"

"Yes, he's also got other men to do it... including... Umm..."



"Is that why you didn't do sex education with us?"

"Yes, that's... right."

"Why other men?"

"I'm a class three herm, which means I've got the opposite sex's reproductive system and hormones."

"No wonder all the girls and guys have been chasing you."

"I hate it so much, that's why I'm hiding here."

Shadow turns his head away, as Sonic slowly gets out of his ball and admires Shadow. Sonic quickly turns his head away as Shadow sees him.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, or at least I think so."

Shadow soon lifts Sonic's chin, so that they're looking into each other's eyes. Sonic lowers his ears, scared.

"Do you trust me?"

"I don't know, all I know is I'm nervous about what I wanna admit."

"I think this might help you out."

Shadow soon takes Sonic's hand and rubs it, making him blush. Sonic soon nuzzles into Shadow's chest fur, making him purr. Shadow then lifts Sonic's head up again, kissing his lips and rubbing his free hand. Sonic soon runs his fingers through Shadow's quills, earning a moan as a result. The two soon part for air.

"I've worked you out from day one, when we were five. I've loved you ever since."

"Is that why you kept asking if I was okay and hanging out with me?"

"Yes, it is."

As if on cue to kill the mood, the bell for class rings.

"I think we'd better get to class, Sonic."

Sonic checks his timetable; he notices that he has math and lowers his ears. Shadow notices.

"Are you okay?"

"No, we've got math; the bullying is always really bad in that class..."

Shadow then hugs Sonic, rubbing his back to calm him.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you babe."


"Yeah, I would love to be your boyfriend, Sonikku."

Sonic blushes, to his ears. Then...

"I... love the nickname... Shads..."

Shadow kisses Sonic again, then...

"We'd better be getting to class."

Sonic nods as he follows Shadow to class, for everyone to drive their attention to him as he enters.

"Hey, here comes the hermy slut!" A classmate calls out, making the others laugh


"How about you leave Sonic alone?! You don't know or understand what he's going through!" Shadow shouts back, in a protective manner

Sonic rushes to his seat before a fight breaks out. Then...

"Alright everyone, calm down and turn to page forty-six. That's the topic we're looking at today." The teacher instructs, informing

Sonic follows the instruction, to be teased by another student again.

"Hey, slut. Sucked off anyone lately?" A classmate teases

"Hey, you dickhead, leave the hedgie alone or you're dealin' with me after school!" A green hedgehog shouts

The said hedgehog then approaches Sonic's table, for Shadow to notice.

"Hello, Scourge. Thanks just then, you helped us both out." Shadow says his thanks

"It's cool, I hate seein' people bully herms; dickheads those who bother." Scourge responds soon adding "Who's the blue one, Shads?"

"That's Sonic, he's not being treated right."

"I know man, he deserves more respect."

Sonic turns to see Scourge. Frightened, he returns to his math work, causing Scourge to become concerned.

"Is Sonic alright?"

"No, the bullying has got worse since primary school. Something's giving me an impression that he's getting worse treatment at home."

"Alright, I'll be at my table; throwin' stuff at the cute girls. Laters."

Scourge goes back to his seat and Shadow returns to his math work. The lesson passes quickly, and Sonic is scared about going home. Shadow and Sticks notice and approach Sonic.

"Do you wanna come to our house?" Shadow asks

"Are you sure?" Sonic asks

"Yeah, you're our friend." Sticks answers

Ecstatic, Sonic joins Shadow and Sticks, following them to their house. Shadow and Sticks let Sonic in, the hedgie in question races to the lounge, puts his bag down and admires his surroundings.

"It's so tidy here, it's really nice." Sonic compliments

Soon, Sapphire enters the lounge.

"Hello, Shadow and Sticks. Is that Sonic?" Sapphire greets, asking

"Yep, that's Sonic." Sticks answers

"I've not seen him since you were all five. I'm gonna cook dinner soon, could you both clean up your rooms whilst you wait?"

"Sure thing, mom." Shadow and Sticks say in unison

"Sonic, do you want to join us for dinner?"

"Umm... y-yes please, miss..." Sonic responds, having forgotten Sapphire's name

Sapphire politely nods and goes to cook dinner; as Sonic becomes scared and curls up into a ball again, starting to silently cry. Shadow finishes cleaning his room and goes downstairs, to notice Sonic curled up on the couch. Concerned, he sits next to Sonic.

"Sonic, are you alright?" Shadow asks

"It feels strange here, scary and new..." Sonic answers

As this is said, Shadow becomes more concerned. Knowing what Sonic needs, Shadow picks up Sonic's spiny ball and carries him to Shadow's former soft room; filled with cushions and room to race around. Shadow puts Sonic onto the cushions, petting his quills and being careful not to hurt him. After a while, Shadow stops and Sonic gets out of his ball.

"Why am I in here?" Sonic asks, nervously

"You needed space, and someone to be with." Shadow answers

Sonic then hugs Shadow, for him to return it. Soon...

"Guys, time to eat." Sapphire calls

Shadow and Sticks race downstairs, as Sonic reluctantly follows. The trio arrive at the dinner table, hot food served on their plates. Admiring the food, Sonic sits down and starts to quickly eat, sparking concern between Shadow, Sticks and Sapphire.

"Sonic, do you get fed at home?" Sapphire asks

Sonic quickly stops, scared. Then...

"Not much, I never eat breakfast, the only dinner I seem to get is... is..." Sonic responds, getting flustered

Shadow then sits next to Sonic, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"What's happening, Sonic?" Shadow asks, concerned

"The only 'dinner' I seem to get is... ejaculate from strange men, and sometimes my father..." Sonic admits, through gritted teeth

The room is quickly silenced, Sonic scared and everyone else shocked at the red flags. Shadow is quickly saddened and guilty about how long this has gone on for, lowering his ears. Sonic notices.

"Are you okay?" Sonic asks

"I'm sorry you're being put through this; I could've saved you." Shadow apologises

Sonic hugs Shadow, of whom is crying.

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I never said anything to anyone, then it just continued."

"Sonic, sweetie none of this is your fault. You were scared about saying something, it happens to all abuse victims. You're not alone." Sapphire responds

Sonic freezes, then...

"Could I stay here tonight?"

"Forget about one night, you're never going back home. You deserve better, like Scourge said earlier." Shadow answers

"If I don't go back home, he'll hurt who I'm staying with. He's done that before, and won't stop until I'm in his grasp and control... I don't want you, or your family getting hurt; you're all too important to me."

Sonic soon leaves the table and searches for any dark corner he can find. He finds one, upstairs in the unused bedroom and hides there, curling up into a ball. As for Sapphire, she's worried about what to do next. Sticks notices, approaching.

"Are you alright, mom?" Sticks asks

"Sonic is being put through so much abuse and can't say anything because of his father. Sonic needs help, but how?" Sapphire responds

Without anyone's knowledge, Shadow gets some food from the kitchen, locates Sonic and Chaos Controls to him.

"Sonic, I got you some food babe." Shadow softly says

Sonic gets out of his ball, snatching the food and quickly eating it. Sonic then hands his glasses to Shadow, confusing him.

"My glasses need replacing or fixing; but I don't have an optician to see." Sonic informs

"Hold on, mom taught me some handiness magic. Let me try and fix them." Shadow responds

Carefully, Shadow uses his magic skills to fix the lenses and hinges of Sonic's glasses. Shadow hands them back, for Sonic to put them back on.

"Thank you, Shadow..."

Shadow then hugs Sonic, using his Chaos powers to heal Sonic's wounds. Sonic lowers his ears and moves away, guilty and scared. Shadow notices and intervenes.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry I never told you, or anyone else. I thought---"

Shadow then kisses Sonic, for him to slowly return it. After a while, the two part for air.

"Babe, you don't need to apologise; the dickhead you're living with is to blame. I know, you're scared about telling others, but doesn't it feel great taking the weight off your shoulders?"

"Yes, it does. But what about school? They'll still pester me."

"If you stick with me, I won't let anyone touch or disrespect you. I'll make sure of that."


"Boys come on down. There's someone I'd like you to meet." Sapphire calls

Sonic quickly freezes, not wanting to move.

"Are you alright?"

"My father always says something like that. I don't want to go downstairs, not for a second."

Shadow then stands up and puts his hand out; Sonic reluctantly takes Shadow's hand and follows him downstairs. Sapphire sees the pair and approaches them.

"Hey, Shadow. Is Sonic alright?" Sapphire asks

"He's scared about meeting someone new. Considering the way that he's treated at home." Shadow answers

"Oh, right. Let me see him."

Shadow moves aside, putting Sonic into view.

"Sonic, are you nervous as well as scared?" Sapphire asks

Sonic nods, slowly starting to retreat. Then...

"Hey, are you Sonic? I'm Cathleen's mother, you don't need to be afraid." Cathleen's mother introduces

Sonic stops and approaches Cathleen's mother, observing her top to toe. Noticing that she's not a threat, he shakes her hand as a greeting.

"Yes, I'm Sonic... How is Cathleen?" Sonic responds, asking

"Cathleen is fine, but she's worried about you, though." Cathleen's mother answers

Shadow then comes down and puts his arm around Sonic, calming him down. Cathleen's mother notices, becoming concerned.

"Is there something going on that I should know about?"

"Could I talk to you alone, please Victoria?" Sapphire asks

"Sure, Sapphire."

Sapphire and Victoria go into the lounge, closing the door behind them. Sticks comes down.

"Hey, bro. What's up?" Sticks asks

"I'm fine, thanks." Shadow answers

Sonic then gets out of Shadow's arm and races upstairs, to the same bedroom he was in before. Sticks notices, evilly glaring at Shadow.

"Brother Shadow, what's going on?"

"You know what he's going through, it's making him see everyone around as a threat and he'll do anything to stay away from them. I really want to help him out."

"How can ya? He's not allowed to stay."

"I know that, but whilst Sonic's here, I want to give him what he needs. Such as soft cushions, food or someone to hold. The things that we get that Sonic doesn't."

"I hate to say this, but more than anything else he needs a bath; that hedgie don't smell too great."

As for Sonic, he finds a book in a bookcase. Curious, he switches on the light on his phone and reads the book. After a few pages, he notices that the book is Shadow's diary from when he was small. Sonic reads on, to discover that Shadow was telling the truth during lunch break. Furious at himself for not believing Shadow, Sonic puts the diary back in its place and lies under the quilt. Unaware of the time, Sonic is fast asleep as Shadow comes in and notices him.

'I want to sleep beside him; but I don't want to scare him.' Shadow thinks

Sonic then begins to stir; Shadow notices that Sonic's having a nightmare and sits next to him. After around an hour, Sonic abruptly wakes up in tears. Shadow then hugs him, spooking him further.

"Shadow?!" Sonic asks, in shock

"It's okay, Sonic; I'm here and you're safe now." Shadow informs, softly

"Shadow, I had a nightmare; it was awful…" Sonic responds, crying

Shadow continues hugging Sonic and starts petting his quills. To Sonic's surprise, his quills don't hurt.

"Shadow, why don't my quills hurt?"

"I healed your wounds earlier, so that you wouldn't hurt now. I love you, Sonic; that'll never change."

Shadow then takes Sonic's glasses off, so that they wouldn't break and puts them on the bedside drawers.

"I love you too, Shadow-kun…"

After some hugging and kissing, both hedgies fall asleep.