Morning arrives...

…and Sapphire and Sticks are rudely awoken by loud banging at the front door. Sapphire gets up and answers the door, to find Sonic's father at the door.

"Where is my son?!" Sonic's father shouts

Sonic is quickly awoken by his father's voice, for Shadow to swiftly follow.

"Shadow, we need to hide; it's my father!" Sonic whispers, informing

Shadow nods and guides Sonic under the bed. After swiftly making the bed, he joins Sonic. Panicking, Sonic curls into a ball for Shadow to notice.

"Are you okay?" Shadow asks, whispering

"He's gonna find me; he always does!" Sonic whispers, panicking

"Not if I can help it."

Shadow soon Chaos Controls himself and Sonic to a cabin in the woods. Knowing who the cabin belongs to and that they'll be inside, Shadow knocks on the door, for Silver and Mephiles to answer.

"Silver, can we come in? It's important."

Silver lets Shadow and Sonic inside. Concerned, Mephiles speaks…

"Shadow the Hedgehog, what is going on?" Mephiles asks

"Long story short, Sonic's abusive father has turned up, unannounced, at my house and is looking for him. Aside from that, I need you two to look after Sonic 'cos I've got a feeling that Sonic's father's gonna give my mother a hard time." Shadow answers

"How do we look after Sonic?" Silver asks

"When Sonic gets scared, territorial and curls into a ball, he needs an area of cushions so that he can calm down at his own pace. Also, Sonic's not being fed properly at home; so, he's gonna need a lot of food and he'll need bathing as well. My sister has pointed his scent out before."

"Just one question, what's a bath?" Sonic asks

"Wait, you don't know what a bath is?" Mephiles asks

Sonic shakes his head, lowering it in shame. Noticing another red flag, Silver intervenes.

"Shadow, this is really serious. Once you've helped Sapphire, you need to talk to the authorities." Silver informs

"Please don't!" Sonic shouts, scared

Everyone is quickly silenced, then…

"What's wrong?" Mephiles asks

"He'll find out and hurt you; then I get blamed by the people he's hurt." Sonic responds, lowering his ears

Sonic then races to the roof, sitting on top of it. In the house…

"Shadow, go and help your mother. We'll take care of Sonic." Silver orders, informing

Shadow nods and races back to his home.

"Silver, could you talk to Sonic? I'll sort food out whilst you do that." Mephiles asks and offers

"Okay, Mephy. All I know is, Sonic needs help."

Silver teleports to Sonic, noticing him sat on the roof, ears lowered.

"Sonic, are you okay buddy?" Silver asks softly

"Who… are you?" Sonic asks, cautiously

"I'm Silver, Shadow's family friend. You're Shadow's friend, I believe."

"Yeah… I'm Shadow and Sticks' friend. Who was the one next to you in the house?"

"He's Mephiles the Dark, my boyfriend. He went through a lot of trouble to be accepted here in Mobius."


"Yes, that's right. My Mephy's a real saint and I wouldn't replace him for anyone else."

Sonic blushes as he turns his head away.

"Are you alright?"

"I just want Shadow and his family to survive my father; he's killed people when he's hurt them before now. Shadow and his sister, Sticks are really important to me; the last thing I'd want is them to be hurt, along with their mother."

"Are you and Shadow close?

"Yes and getting closer each passing day. He's loved me since we were five."

"Wow, do you feel the same?"

"More than the other school teens would know. If I had to pick anyone out of my year to marry, I'd pick Shadow and Sticks would be my sister-in-law."

"So, it's more important than ever that Shadow and his family are okay?"

"Yes, it is."

Silver carefully puts his arm around Sonic, keeping him calm. As for Shadow, he's with Sapphire and Sticks as they're being held captive.

"Where is my son?!" Sonic's father shouts, having trashed the house

"Why are you so bothered? You've hurt him for long enough." Sapphire responds

Sonic's father then slaps Sapphire round the face, furious at her reaction.

"I don't care, woman. Just tell me where my son is, now!"

"Or what will you do?" Shadow asks, furious

"That's for me to know, and your mother to find out hedgehog!"

Sticks manages to escape, get her weapon and move Sonic's father out of the way, freeing Shadow and Sapphire.

"What are you doing?!"

"Setting my family free, hedgehog!" Sticks responds

The fight continues as Shadow and Sapphire race to another room, for Sapphire to fall to her knees, struggling to breathe. Shadow races to her aid.

"Mom, are you alright?" Shadow asks, concerned

"That man is a monster! How is he even a father?!" Sapphire reacts, scared and shocked

Shadow notices Sapphire holding her side. He moves her hand, to notice a deep wound where she had covered.

"Mother, what happened?"

"That bastard hurt me, it won't stop bleeding… Get me out of here, along with Sticks!"

As if on cue, Sticks runs in, closing the door behind her.

"We need to get outta here, I tells ya, get outta here!" Sticks announces, scared

"We need to get mom to hospital, Sticks she's hurt." Shadow informs

"Shadow, we don't have enough time to get transport… please, use Chaos Control!"

Shadow nods as Sticks joins him and Sapphire.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow shouts

As if in time with his words, the family are at the hospital. Lucinda quickly approaches them, noticing Sapphire in Shadow's arms.

"Come with me, we've no time to lose!" Lucinda instructs

Shadow and Sticks race to follow Lucinda to an empty hospital bed. Lucinda turns to Shadow, worried.

"Shadow, you need to get to Sonic; he's not safe where he is." Lucinda informs

"How come?" Shadow asks

"His father will find him, hurt him and who he's staying with. Here's a location where neither of you will be found. Hurry!"

Shadow nods and Chaos Controls to Sonic, sparking concern between Silver and Mephiles.

"Shadow the Hedgehog, what is going on?" Mephiles asks

"Sonic isn't safe with you after all. I've just been given a location where he will be; I've been instructed by Lucinda to take him there." Shadow answers

"Why is Sonic not safe here?" Silver asks

"His father will find him, hurt him and you two. I have to do this to keep everyone safe and uninjured."

Sonic hears this and approaches the trio.

"What about Cathleen?" Sonic asks, for the attention to turn to him

"How is Cathleen at risk?" Shadow asks

"My father has his 'ways' of knowing who I've made friends during my life. If he finds Cathleen, she'll get hurt until she tells my father where I am."

"What about Sticks?"

"Wait, Sticks is with him?!"

"No, she's with Sapphire in hospital."

"Sticks, I don't know. If she's pushed my father away from you, then probably."

"Back to the main point, I need to take you, and Cathleen, to somewhere safe."

Sonic nods and takes hold of Shadow as he Chaos Controls to Cathleen, to find her on lunch break. Cathleen notices them.

"Sonic, Shadow? I thought you were both sick." Cathleen says

"Nothing of the sort. Listen, you're not safe here." Sonic informs

"What's happening?"

"Sonic's father has been attacking those he's been with; it won't be long before his target is his friends and others Sonic knows." Shadow answers

"How can I possibly get outta this place? The holidays don't start until tomorrow and it's a pain to remove my enrolment from this place. My mother has tried herself."

"How come you want to leave?"

"If we go somewhere secret, I'll show you."

Curious, Shadow and Sonic follow Cathleen to a secret location on school grounds, with a fountain and beautiful flora.

"Why are we here?" Sonic asks

"This is where I've been given to practice my powers." Cathleen answers

"What are your powers?"

"Follow me to the fountain, I'll show you both."

Shadow and Sonic follow Cathleen and wait. Cathleen breathes to compose herself and then shows her skill, water bending. Surprised and impressed, Shadow and Sonic are speechless. Then...

"Woah, how do you do that?!" Sonic asks

"I've been able to do that since I was small. That's the main reason why I'm not safe or welcomed within this school." Cathleen answers, lowering her ears

"Are you alright?" Shadow asks

"I'm also homoromantic. That's part of the water bending power. The only place that truly accepted and protected me was primary school. Everywhere else just turns me down."

Shadow is soon silent, remembering how he was treated at three years old. Sonic notices.

"Are you alright, Shads?" Sonic asks

"My Chaos powers and 'siblingship' with Sticks stopped people from picking me for adoption. I get Cathleen's pain..." Shadow answers, with lowered ears

Sonic then hugs Shadow, for him to cry into Sonic's shoulder. Then...

"I think we need to get going; we've got somewhere we need to be." Cathleen informs

Sonic nods and rubs Shadow's hand, catching his attention.

"Bae, it's time to go." Sonic informs, wiping Shadow's tears away

Shadow soon comes around.

"Alright everyone, grab on." Shadow instructs

Sonic and Cathleen follow the given instruction and Shadow Chaos Controls to the location given by Lucinda. The trio arrive, noticing a stately home. Sonic recognises the location.

"This is my mother's home, why here?" Sonic informs, asking

"Your guess is as good as mine. Let's knock and find out." Shadow responds

The trio walk to the front door; Shadow knocks. Inside...

"Who could that be? It's school hours." A woman asks and informs herself

The woman answers the door, to see Sonic, Shadow and Cathleen.

"Sonic, is that you?" The woman asks

"Mom?" Sonic asks

Shadow and Cathleen move aside; Sonic runs into his mother's arms and they embrace, coming to tears.

"I've not seen you in so long, sweetheart."

"I'm happy to see you again mother."

"I hate to interrupt your reunion, but we've got a serious situation." Cathleen informs

Sonic's mother notices Cathleen; flustered, she bows before Cathleen, confusing the said wolf.

"What's going on?" Cathleen asks

"You're the last, remaining water bender. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Cathleen." Sonic's mother responds

"Oh, right... thank you. I'm sorry, but we're here for safety reasons regarding Sonic's father."

"Oh, him... Come on in then."

Shadow, Sonic and Cathleen enter, for Shadow and Cathleen to look around and like their surroundings.

"I've not had the chance to sort you all rooms out. But you can choose them now, if you want. I didn't expect any of you to come so suddenly." Sonic's mother informs

"Do you have double bedrooms?" Shadow asks

"Yes, five of them. Now tell me, what's happened to make you all come here?"

"My father has been hurting Shadow, Sticks and Sapphire. Knowing how he gets; Cathleen was top of the list to be next." Sonic answers

"So, who's Shadow in your little posse?"

"That would be me, red stripes, black and chest fur. Can't miss me." Shadow, somewhat, introduces

"It's an honour meeting you, Shadow."

Sonic's mother shakes Shadow's hand as a greeting.

"So, tell me, what's the relationship between you and Sonic?"

Shadow and Sonic blush, getting nervous.

"Erm... we don't know that one yet, mom. We've known each other since we were five." Sonic responds, getting more nervous

"Okay, that's fine with me. Shadow, you'll need to get your mother and sister; they're not safe where they are, with Sonic's father lurking around."

"Sapphire's in hospital with Sticks; she was injured when fighting off my father." Sonic responds, starting to silently cry

"I know that they're not safe; but I can't take them from where they are." Shadow responds, lowering his ears and turning his back to everyone

"Miss, what's your name?" Cathleen asks

"My name is Bernadette, Cathleen."

"Is there anything you can do to reunite Shadow with his family?"

"Without travelling to their location, I can't do anything."

Shadow, with his back to everyone still, starts crying and freaking out. Then...

"I can't leave my mother and sister near that monster; I need to help them!" Shadow shouts out, crying soon adding "I don't care how unsafe it is, I want to get them back!"

Sonic approaches Shadow and hugs him. Then...

"Babe let me join you. All I know is, they wouldn't want you hurt and neither do I." Sonic offers

"You'll get hurt worse than they will."

"I don't care, I love you and your family; I'd travel the planet and back if it meant that you three were uninjured and safe."

Shadow then kisses Sonic, for Sonic to taste his tears in the process. Then...

"Alright, hold on tight bae."

Sonic holds on as Shadow Chaos Controls to the hospital. Lucinda and Sticks approach them.

"Hey, brother." Sticks greets

"Is everything alright?" Shadow asks, concerned

"It's your mother, she needs to be taken to the same location I gave you, along with Sticks." Lucinda answers

"What's happened?"

"Sapphire can feel my father's presence." Sonic answers

"Sonic is right, and the longer she feels his presence, the faster she deteriorates." Lucinda adds on

"Take me to our mother."

Lucinda takes the trio to Sapphire, to notice her standing, weakly.

"Mother's really weak, Shadow. She can stand on her own now, but if she was to stay longer, she'd collapse and pass out." Sticks informs, lowering her ears

Sapphire looks up, sees Shadow and signals him to enter the room. Shadow follows the instruction, catching Sapphire as she falls.

"Shadow the Hedgehog, you need to take me, Sticks, Sonic and Lucinda to the location you were given." Sapphire informs

"Why Lucinda?" Shadow asks

"Somehow, Sonic's father knows that she takes care of me. If Luci was to stay here, she'd get hurt, and hurt badly. Also, his presence is gonna catch up to her and she won't like it; it will hurt her both mentally and physically, like myself."

Shadow looks up and signals the others to enter.

"Alright everyone, hold on tight. Including you, Lucinda." Shadow instructs

Everyone, including Lucinda, follows the instruction and Shadow Chaos Controls to Bernadette's lounge.

"Hello, everyone. Who are these, Shadow?" Bernadette greets, asking

"Bernadette, this is my mother Sapphire, sister Sticks and mother's doctor, Lucinda." Shadow introduces everyone

"Hello, miss. Lovely to meet you." Sapphire, Sticks and Lucinda greet in unison

"It's lovely meeting you too, ladies. I'll give the six of you time to settle in."

Sonic taps Bernadette's hand, catching her attention.

"Thanks, mom. I appreciate this." Sonic says

"You're welcome, anything for my unique son."

Sonic blushes as Bernadette walks away and Shadow hugs him from behind.

"And what are you after, pretty boy?" Sonic asks, teasing

"Let's check out the bedrooms." Shadow whispers

Sonic blushes to his ears, making his glasses mist up.

"Get a room, you two. This is a communal space in here." Cathleen teases

Shadow and Sonic go upstairs.

"Let me show you the one I used to sleep in." Sonic offers

Shadow follows Sonic to a single bedroom, filled with books and filled up notebooks.

"Wow, what's all this?" Shadow asks, impressed

"This was my bedroom. I used to read, write and take part in all my hobbies in here." Sonic answers

"Did you used to study in here?"

"Not before my father kept me captive, no. But here was always my place of heaven. In here is usually off limits but I wanted to show you, since we're rather close."

"Could I take a look around?"

"Sure, be my guest."

Shadow looks around and finds a notebook. Sitting on the bed and having a read, he notices that it's one of Sonic's unfinished writing projects. Sonic sits next to Shadow.

"This is really good, Sonic. Where did you learn?"

"I taught myself; kept my books secret ever since."

"It's still really good though, blue beauty."

Shadow kisses Sonic's cheek, making him blush.

"Thank you, let's look at the other bedrooms, shall we?"


Shadow and Sonic leave the bedroom, closing the door behind them. The two go into another bedroom, loving what they see.

"Looks like we've found our room, babe." Sonic says, hugging Shadow from behind

"Yes, I agree."

Sonic soon kisses Shadow's neck, making him heat up. Sonic then covers Shadow's mouth as he lets out a muffled moan.

"Now, we don't want to get caught, do we?" Sonic asks, teasing

Shadow shakes his head, switching places with Sonic, kissing his neck back.

"Now, that was impressive; coming from the introverted one." Shadow teases

"Erm... anyway, we don't want to keep our friends waiting."

"I guess you're right; let's head downstairs."

Shadow and Sonic head downstairs, to notice everyone preparing spaces to eat. Bernadette comes to the stairs, noticing the pair.

"Why hello, lovebirds. I'd appreciate it if you found somewhere to sit, dinner is almost ready." Bernadette greets and informs

Shadow and Sonic go to the lounge, find two empty spaces and sit down. Bernadette then brings in three trays with two dinners on each, handing them to the corresponding pairs. Sonic notices Bernadette without a dinner.

"Mom, are you eating anything?" Sonic asks

"Yes, but I'll eat it later." Bernadette answers

"Bernadette, are you alright? You seem really tired." Sapphire asks, informing

"I haven't slept much for the past six weeks, of which means I don't eat. Although, I've been managing just fine."

Sapphire puts her dinner down, gets around everyone and helps Bernadette upstairs.

"Let's get you to bed, Bernadette. If you want, I could warm your dinner up after you've had a sleep."

"Thank you, Sapphire; I appreciate this."

"I don't mind, it's fine with me."

Sapphire guides Bernadette to her bedroom as Sapphire helps her get into bed.

"Sleep well, Bernadette."

"I will, thank you Sapphire."

Sapphire politely nods as she leaves and closes the door behind her. Sapphire then teleports to her space, getting back to her meal. After around fifteen minutes, Shadow and Sonic finish their food, notice that night has fallen and decide to call it a day.

Two nights later, an emergency magical alert is sent to Shadow from Sapphire, awakening him. Concerned, Shadow races to Sapphire, to notice her holding her chest.

"Mom, are you alright?" Shadow asks

"I feel a presence; I've got a bad feeling that it's Sonic's father again. But I could be wrong." Sapphire answers

As for Sonic, he wakes up and notices the other side of the bed empty. Confused, he searches for Shadow, to see him with Sapphire and notices the same presence as Sapphire, getting scared.

"Shadow, my father's coming; I'm sure of it." Sonic informs

Shadow notices Sonic and realises the danger that the household is in.

"We need to wake everyone up and get outta here." Shadow informs

Sonic nods and races to awaken Bernadette, to notice her sleeping alongside Cathleen. He searches the hallway and finds the inter-room alarm system. Sonic presses the button, for the alarm to sound and awaken everyone. The girls come out of their rooms, wondering what's going on.

"Sonic the Hedgehog, please explain yourself." Bernadette orders

"My father is coming; Sapphire's sensed his presence and we need to leave." Sonic informs

"Firstly, you woke us up." Lucinda intervenes

"Sorry about that."

"That's alright. Secondly, where are we meant to go? We don't have any other safe places to go."

Cathleen then thinks of an idea.

"Wait, there's a place I go to for specific celebrations and emergencies. We can head there, we'll be safe, I assure you." Cathleen offers

"We need to go to Shadow and Sapphire, beforehand."

The quad goes downstairs to Shadow and Sapphire, noticing that the female in question has quickly deteriorated. Shadow notices the quad, worried.

"No time to talk, we need to evacuate this house. Sorry, Bernadette." Shadow informs, apologising

"You don't need to apologise, Shadow. I saw this coming." Bernadette responds

"What usually happens?" Cathleen asks

"Sonic's father's presence is sensed, I then evacuate, Sonic's father arrives at my home, trashes the place when looking for Sonic if he's been out somewhere."

Bernadette lowers her ears, for Sonic to notice. Sonic approaches Bernadette and puts his arm around her shoulders. Bernadette quickly snaps out of her daze.

"Anyway, we'd better leave. Where are we headed Cathleen?"

"Okay, everyone huddle and join hands." Cathleen instructs

Everyone follows the instruction, huddling around and joining their hands. Cathleen breathes to compose herself. Then...

"Water of travel, safety and life, take us to the place of the bender's delight." Cathleen recites

As the words are recited, the group is taken by a body of water to a safe place. Although, that place is underwater and Sapphire, Shadow, Sonic, Sticks and Bernadette struggle to breathe.

"Hold on, guys."

Cathleen then gives the five a temporary air supply.

"I've given you all air to breathe and talk. But it'll only last until we reach our destination."

"Right, so where are we headed?" Sapphire asks, now back to normal

"We're heading to another location I go to practice my powers. Since the only path to it is underwater, you've got a temporary air supply."

"Do we need to swim?" Sonic asks, getting nervous

"No, the path I take has a footpath to follow. I must warn you, there are dangers on the route I take. So, don't let your guard down."

Without further discussion, everyone follows Cathleen. After around five hours of fighting and walking, everyone reaches the referenced destination.

"Right, are you ready to go in?"

The five individuals nod as Cathleen uses her hand to enter the 'building'. Everyone enters, noticing that they're not drenched.

"Wait, how come...?" Bernadette asks

"We're not soaked. Well, since I'm a water bender and you were all within my boundary, we were all kept dry." Cathleen answers

"This place is huge!" Sticks exclaims

"Yes, five double bedrooms and everything needed to live a normal life. However, we need to stay within the centrepiece's boundary."

"What's the centrepiece?" Shadow asks

"Follow me, and you'll see it."

Everyone follows Cathleen and notices a crystal pillar, embroidered with smaller crystals of a lighter shade of blue.

"This is the centrepiece, known as the Totem of Water. It has been in my family, and families of other water benders, for generations. So, it's very important that it stays protected."

"Just a question, how will here be safer than on land?" Bernadette asks

"Regular individuals, and those who bend the other elements, can't come down here. Most want to come down here to steal the Totem for themselves, so I'm not just a water bender; I'm responsible for protecting the Totem through the Water Bender's Oath."

"Will we be allowed our own rooms?" Sonic asks, nervously

"Yes, but that'll need to be sorted later. We never know what other dangers to the Totem there will be."

"Will you have a bedroom?" Sapphire asks

"No, I'm required to protect the Totem and fight off any threats, as of when they appear."

Cathleen goes to the Totem and touches it.

"Totem, please tell me the current status of the secondary school."

"Emerald High, your majesty?" The Totem speaks

"Yes, that is correct."

"As you wish."

The Totem soon shows Cathleen the school. To her horror, everyone is running for their lives, trying to survive the unexpected blaze. She quickly realises who's behind this, starting to cry.

"Are you alright, Cathleen?" Bernadette asks

"An evil fire bender is behind this. From what I can work out it's... Sonic's father!"

"Wait, that jerk can bend fire?!" Shadow asks

"Unfortunately, yes. He's one of the evil elemental benders that want to take the Totems for themselves."


"Yes, there are four elemental Totems. Water, Fire, Air and Earth. These are responsible for keeping elemental balance in this world. If they were to be taken, it would be catastrophic for both us and the world we live in."

Soon, Sonic gets a spiral of air, traveling around him. He puts his hands up in defence and the air stops moving. Sapphire notices.

"What's happening with Sonic?" Sapphire asks, catching everyone's attention

Cathleen notices, surprised.

"Excuse me please. I need to observe." Cathleen informs

Sonic notices Cathleen approaching him. Anxious, the air around him notices and blows a gust, pushing Cathleen back a few feet. Then...

"Sonic, follow my hand movements."

Sonic nods in acknowledgement. After following Cathleen's hand movements, her suspicions are confirmed.

"Sonic, you're an air bender; as unusual as it is." Cathleen informs

"How come it's unusual?" Sonic asks

"Elemental benders are usually one hundred percent female. But you're a herm, making you the rarest bender in a thousand generations. However, you need to learn how to control this power of yours."

"How will I learn?"

"You would need a fellow air bender. But there's only one in existence and she's protecting the Totem of Air."

"How did you learn, Cathleen?" Shadow asks

"I was forced to learn alone since my sister died. Since my mother isn't a water bender, I couldn't learn from her. Anyway, aside from this I need to get to school and save those students and teachers. I'd suggest choosing your rooms whilst I'm absent."

Cathleen then transports to the school as Shadow and Sonic are the first ones 'upstairs' choosing their room. They walk into the third room, falling in love with it. Sonic races to the bed, jumps on back first and gets a sharp pain in his back. Shadow races to his aid.

"Are you alright, babe?" Shadow asks

"No, my back hurts. Of all the places, I didn't expect my back to be the place to hurt." Sonic responds

Shadow helps Sonic up and heals his back. Soon, Is Your Love Enough plays on the inter-room speaker. Then the lyrics start...

"It's getting late, but you don't mind it." Sonic sings

"I call and say I'm almost there." Shadow sings

"Got your anticipation risin', ooh, I wanna love you everywhere."

"Is your love enough? Come on make me believe it."

"Is your love enough, aah."

The pair then stop singing and start dancing to the music. Before long, Shadow is hugging Sonic from behind, with him smiling. Sonic then twists Shadow around and kisses him on the last chorus. Soon, the song changes to Beep Beep, making the pair blush madly. Knowing where this will lead, the pair separate as the song gets 'hot n steamy' as the saying goes.

Then Sonic slowly shakes his head as he bites his lip and...

"Oh, damn this." Sonic says

Sonic then approaches Shadow, with him stepping back and falling onto the bed. Sonic then puts his hands, either side of Shadow, admiring his body.

"What's got you goin', hottie?" Shadow asks, teasing

"Don't know, all I do know is I love being in control." Sonic responds, seductively shrugging his right shoulder

"Love whatcha doin', not quite convincing though."

"Oh, you really think I'm finished with you. Well, aren't you mistaken?"

Sonic then kisses Shadow's neck, for him to heat up and get excited.

"And you thought I wasn't convincing."

"Just shut up and keep going."

Sonic continues, earning a moan from Shadow as a result. Sonic quickly notices that Shadow has gone hard.

"Looks like your little friend wants to come out to play." Sonic teases

Losing his composure, Shadow switches places, getting Sonic further onto the bed and to scare him slightly.

"Sorry, babe I lost it." Shadow apologises

"I saw it coming; although it did scare me. I've guessed what you wanna do, so just get on with it." Sonic responds

Shadow kisses Sonic's neck, licking the kissed area. Sonic lowers his ears and blushes, heating up in the process.

"Liking this, huh?"

"Oh, yes. Keep going, don't stop."

Shadow then sits Sonic up, removing his shirt; for Sonic to return the favour and remove Shadow's shirt. Stroking Sonic's cheek, Shadow kisses him, moving down with each kiss, earning small moans.

"I think you're ready, Sonikku."

"More than ready, Shadow-kun."

Shadow then removes Sonic's underwear, noticing pre-come leaking out. Then…

"How's about you ride me? Since you started this, you can finish it."

"Alright, get out your little friend."

Shadow follows the instruction and then lies on his back. With some hesitation, Sonic takes his chance and gets on top of Shadow, letting him inside. After some adjustment, Sonic starts riding Shadow, letting out small moans. Shadow then gently arches up, making Sonic feel a sharp burst of pleasure.

"Oh, my. That feels so good." Sonic calls out

Shadow then sits up, kissing Sonic's neck as he continues to ride. After a long while, both climax, moaning loud as it happens. The pair soon separate, breathing for air. Sonic soon hugs Shadow, nuzzling into his chest fur and falling asleep. Shadow kisses Sonic's forehead and falls asleep soon after.