Kiyotaka didn't wait any longer as he rushed with the sword in hand to the priests. Most didn't take the teenager who wanted to fight them all seriously.
The sword had an extremely fierce glow with fire like the blade that felt like it could slice anything in its path.
A priest frantically ran with a sword of light in hand as he slashed towards Kiyotaka right in the heart. The teen easily dodged the priest's sword of light. He knew for a fact that now that he had become a devil the light would become mortal to him.
But Kiyotaka didn't just gain from the weaknesses of his reincarnation. He felt much stronger physically, much more lively his reflexes having increased tenfold in an inhuman way.
After dodging the enemy's sword, Kiyotaka had time to smile, then he pierced the man's throat with his modified sword.
Under the heat of the fire of Kiyotaka's sword, the priest's blood disappeared in blood smoke.
Having seen the scene all the priests moved away from Kiyotaka, what shocked them the most was his cold smile as if it did absolutely nothing to him. The poor priest's corpse fell to the cold ground, his eyes skyward, a trace of black marks on his throat.
"AAAaah!" Suddenly four priests attacked together determined to kill Kiyotaka. The young man leaned back at extreme speed dodging a double strike, then he kicked the poor priest in the chest sending him flying against a wall, then Kiyotaka threw his elemental sword at the other attacker, the blade changed taking the color blue, the crackling was heard as the electric sword pierced cleanly the poor man's skull exploding into a thousand pieces. Kiyotaka lost his support but quickly regained it before leaping onto a priest's head, crushing his skull to the ground.
The sound of the skull hitting the ground gave an extremely domineering feeling to the other priests who were now recoiling in fear.
But not for the two other priests who did not listen to their instincts which shouted at them to withdraw in front of the beast in front of them. They rushed towards Kiyotaka who had just landed on the ground. Kiyotaka looked at the two attackers before stepping back slightly.
"Pale thunder" Four large magic circles formed behind Kiyotaka as he smiled, the four circles then combined into two green and blue magic circles.
The sound of the wind then the bodies cut into two parts of the two priests fell to the ground in a horrible sound. If you were careful where there was the impact of the pale, little blue lightning was still crackling inside their body.
"We can't kill him like that! Let's band together to cast magic spells!" A priest who looked like a leader growled as he shouted at his comrades to come together to cast a magic spell on Kiyotaka.
Kiyotaka only knocked being curious if this 'spell' was going to be powerful. He smiles brightly in front of the priest. Right now he felt alive.
"FIRE!" Magic circles appeared on all sides of the priests who began to cast their magic spell gathered on a specific person: Kiyotaka who simply put his hands in his pockets but his lips moved as if he was whispering something.
* BOOM * * BOOM * * BAM *
Explosions in all directions, there was so much magic spell cast in one go that the foundations of the abandoned church began to unravel from cracks all over the walls, rocks were falling everywhere crushing the already broken ground beneath their weights.
Dust everywhere, the scene was chaotic but the church still held up despite the great concentrated attack.
"Ahahahaha he's dead, poor fool you shouldn't have overestimated yourself" Raynare laughed out loud mocking the pathetic death of the teenager. For her, it was the best joke of the year.
The air pierced in a shrill sound as a strange sword slammed straight into the laughing Reynare's shoulder.
"AAAAH!" In an instant, the fallen angel fell to the ground with the sword stuck in his shoulder. Calming down, she tried to pull out the blade only to realize there was a problem ... the blade, it was made of extremely sharp wind.
"WHA-" Before Raynare even finished speaking, all the priests still alive cried out in shock at what they saw.
An orange-colored dome was there in the middle of the battlefield where Kiyotaka normally took all the spells on him. On the dome some cracks were visible but the most important...
"How did you survive?" Raynare uttered a cry of surprise mingled with a touch of anguish. The human ... no, she felt he was a devil, he had stopped so many spells with simple protection?
"My turn ?" Kiyotaka dusted his shoulder then the dome disappeared then about fifty lights of different colors appearing behind the teenager who still had a smile but this time condescending on his face. He wanted to see if he could withstand so much sorting with his current state and he had succeeded but for him, the crack on the protective dome was proof of his failure.
All the lights of the magic circles lit up the now rubble underground. But what was most shocking is all the priests who fled like sheep having spotted their predator. Their faces display real fear, fear of death.
A huge explosion due to the impact of the fifty magic circle behind Kiyotaka signaled the end of life of all the poor priests who could do absolutely nothing as the church began to collapse from too much firepower.
"Protection" Kiyotaka raised his hand to Asia who was still hanging on the big cross casting a protection spell so that she wouldn't get hurt and he did the same for him.
* Shattering *
The whole church fell apart as large rocks fell on the priests who miraculously survived the fiftieth spell cast by Kiyotaka.
* In a certain forest near the church *
There was plenty of black feather on the floor as Akeno could be seen sweeping away with a wicked smile. She was wearing a white and red Japanese kimono.
Koneko, Yuuto, and an unconscious Issei carrying by the loli rushed towards Rias who had a worried look present on her face.
Rias looked at Issei before she yelled in anger "What happened? Has a powerful enemy appeared?" She walked over before seeing if he was breathing.
"Yes" was Koneko's only response which dropped the pervert to the ground. Despite her relaxed look, her eyes indicated otherwise. The loli was worried about Kiyotaka, at his request she and Yuuto left alone.
Rias who had heard the whole story had exorbitant eyes, as did Akeno who continued to smile and breathe heavily. But deep down the redhead was angry with Kiyotaka, he had forced his companions to leave while he was facing a fallen angel and more than fifty priests.
Back at the crash site, the old abandoned church had become a complete graveyard, large rocks strewn everywhere as if the war had taken place in the forest.
* Blurg *
A girl in an SM bikini outfit emerged from the rubble with scratches all over her body. She spat blood, the impact had been violent and unfortunately for her, she had not had time to dodge all the falling rocks.
She kept herself upright thanks to stone and her gray wings that were out so as not to fall. Looking around her, her eyes slit on something, losing control of her body and drawing on her last strength, she created a spear of light then propelled herself at extreme speed towards the two-person silhouette.
Kiyotaka held unconscious Asia hugged to his chest, she was a bit undressed with part of her pink nipples sticking out.
Kiyotaka looked at her, somewhere he liked the courage of this girl, from what he had heard from Issei she had no friends especially after becoming a disowned from the church.
He placed her delicately on the ground activating a protection spell so that the sharp pebbles didn't hurt him. Then he sighed before turning around leaning his body back a few inches.
"Not bad" were the only words from Kiyotaka, who effortlessly dodged the fallen angel's desperate act. Suddenly a gleam crossed the eyes of the young man "But it's too late" A portal of blue color appeared behind the fallen angel who was trying to gain support with what was left of his strength to stand up.
From the portal came a shimmering sword wrist with a luminous glow entirely made of silver. The wrist of the weapon took on a red color as a fiery fire took place as the blade of the sword.
"This sword!" Raynare tried to dodge but unfortunately, the sword pierced her burning leg inside her thigh.
"AAAARRRRGH" The fallen angel screamed in pain at Kiyotaka's weapon.
"The other mad priest used to name his weapons, I will name my sword Kengodai!" Kiyotaka came up to Raynare and pulled the sword from the poor woman's leg.
"BASTARD" Raynare swore in pain, the fire stabbing her twice in pain.
"Well tell me who is so interested in" Sacred Grear "do you know people who know more?" Kiyotaka asked pressing the blade of fire close to the throat of the woman who couldn't even speak properly.
"And why .... would i ... tell you?" Raynare gave a small laugh of disdain but quickly became disillusioned as her throat was starting to burn from the heat emitted by the Kengodai sword.
"If you want to die quickly tell me, it's a bit of advice" Kiyotaka pressed the blade deeper into Raynare's throat who moaned in pain.
"Alright... Ahah the one for whom ... I carry everything ... my heart ... Governor Azazel" After having hardly finished her sentence, Raynare breathed his last due to the great loss of blood caused by the elemental sword.
"* Sigh *, I'm sure you were nice, Raynare the fallen angel" Kiyotaka shook his head, standing up he put his sword back in the portal before heading towards unconscious Asia. Kiyotaka walked over to Rias and the group's magical signature.
A few days later, KIyotaka had been reprimanded by Rias for acting alone, Akeno was much closer to Kiyotaka making suspicious innuendos at him and breathing heavily whenever she was alone with him in a room. Koneko had opened up much more to the yellow-eyed teenager not calling him perverse anymore. On the other hand, Issei was still angry with Kiyotaka who knocked him out during the rush to the church. As for Yuuto, nothing changed in the ordinary except that since the event of the church he was doing some sparing with Kiyotaka.
In the hall of the occult research club
Kiyotaka was sleeping on the couch, he had used up a lot of magic against the priests a few days ago. In the room, there was Kiyotaka on the sofa, Rias, Issei, and Asia talking to each other but something bothered him. Kiyotaka didn't know why but he felt like someone was watching him ... 'Strange' ...