The day passed normally even though Kiyotaka felt that they were being observed or rather that the whole peerage of Rias was being observed but he did not know what and it did not bother him. The only thing he doesn't like is not knowing who was watching them. 'One thing is certain, that to see with Rias ...'
During the few days off, Kiyotaka spent his day's training or sleeping. Currently, he was still on the couch looking at something inside his body.
To be precise, he was looking at the "bishop" piece in his body which sometimes emitted a strange crimson light. Kiyotaka even noticed that during his fight with Raynare and all the priests, he had a sudden surge of energy, not that he needed it but it was strange nonetheless.
* BAM *
Suddenly a sound sounded near the sofa where Kiyotaka was located. He stood up before looking at who had done this to see an incredible scene.
Koneko had hit the pervert in the head because he was sniffing the underwear of a certain Catholic who was taking a shower in the club room.
"Hi Koneko" Kiyotaka greeted the loli who nodded at him, looking at Kiyotaka. A little blush appeared on the girl's face, who turned her head to the side so as not to be seen.
"You know where is-" Kiyotaka was suddenly interrupted by the massive entry of two breasts cutting off his field of vision and his breathing in the process.
"Ara ara, are you looking for me Kiyotaka-kun? Fufufu ~~" A soft voice and with a touch of mischief echoed in the ears of the poor boy choked by the two melons of Akeno.
"Bfffffpfpfpfpfp ..." Kiyotaka tried to pull back from the entrance between Akeno's breasts only to fail, unfortunately ... What he meant was' How did she know I wanted to see her if I didn't 'haven't even finished my sentence?' but no one heard it.
Koneko was watching the whole scene but no one noticed the hint of jealousy in her eyes. Seeing poor Kiyotaka suffocating she simply turned her head away emitting a "Hmpff"
A red light appeared behind Akeno happily stretched out as something hot was coming out of the circle, pulling straight at the round buttocks of the girl who had a lewd look on her face.
"Aaaaaanh" Akeno let out a high-pitched moan finally letting go of Kiyotaka. She turned to look at the boy. Now her eyes were really hungry, she stared strangely at Kiyotaka who stood there looking at her just smiling.
"Akeno, I wanted to see you. It's been a while since I relaxed and I wanted to go out are you coming?" Kiyotaka still stayed away from the strange lustful girl in front of him. It wasn't that he didn't understand the beautiful girl in front of him, but that he had more important things waiting for him right now.
"fufufu ~~, is it a date?" Akeno put her hand in front of her mouth like some kind of little girl who didn't know any of this ... but for Kiyotaka he thought rather 'Why is she playing innocent now?' Shaking his head, Kiyotaka fixed his gaze on Koneko who was starting to turn red with jealousy.
"I need you too Koneko" Kiyotaka turned straight to the loli giving her a small smile. Koneko was attracted to Kiyotaka's smile, for her Kiyotaka became amazing as soon as he smiled.
"Okay" Koneko finally accepted the offer, her eyes dropping down slightly, her cheekbones showing a slight hint of blush. Kiyotaka thought she was cute, she looked like a little kitten who was discovering something new.
The group of three consisting of Kiyotaka, Akeno, and Koneko set out from the occult club room leaving a stunned Issei trying to be awakened by the blonde coming out of the shower. From what Kiyotaka had heard from the redhead, Asia was not going to be part of the peerage at least for the moment but she would stay with them anyway because her Twilight Healing could be useful later.
The day passed quietly as the rays of the sun began to dissipate little by little. Kiyotaka, Koneko, and Akeno had a very pleasant day. The three had gone to a big funfair to relax from everything that had happened with the fallen angels.
Kiyotaka had won a white cat plush toy for Koneko after a few tries in a rigged plush machine, despite that, it didn't stop the yellow-eyed boy. Tended that for Akeno, she had forced him to go with her to buy clothes for her.
'Why do girls take so much to choose their clothes?' Was Kiyotaka's only thought in the clothing stores, the worst part is that Koneko was also loaned to the game, but her, instead of Akeno's mischievous smile, had hot cheeks every time she stepped out of the dressing room. Finally, Kiyotaka put the thirty or so clothes bought, in the portal where normally there was his sword, Kengodai.
If the sword had a spirit inside it would probably say 'Are you kidding me? I'm a sword, not a damn clothes!'
The evening came very quickly as the three must be seen walking towards a mall. They sat down in a small restaurant spending their late evening quietly.
"Okay, girls why not tell stories of your lives?" Kiyotaka spoke after he finished ordering his long coffee. Looking at the two girls with a small smile on their lips.
"Alright I'll tell you all fufufu ~~ but you start Kiyotaka-kun" Akeno responded quickly with a smile she was right next to Kiyotaka having a hand on his arm. Koneko was on Kiyotaka's other side but she was hugging the cat-shaped plush toy Kiyotaka had won for her.
"Alright, but it will be your turn after." Kiyotaka paused before speaking as he thought back to his memories of his 'old' world.
"When I was little I had a lot of friends that I liked." Looking down a little, Kiyotaka took a sip of the coffee on the table. Continuing "And you Koneko why this cold and distant gaze from the others?" Kiyotaka looked at the loli holding the plush tightly in her arms.
"Well…" Koneko wanted to speak but didn't say anything, hugging her teddy bear even more tightly in her arms and gazing down at the floor with solemn eyes remembering something painful.
A hand rested warmly on Koneko's shoulder as she lifted her head and looked at the boy next to her who had a warm smile but what she saw was that her instinct was telling her of that smile that he understood her.
"You didn't oblige me-" Kiyotaka wanted to change the subject but Koneko looked at the plush as she spoke "She is my sister, she has ... she abandoned me ..." Some taste of water flowed from the white-haired girl's eyes as she held the teddy bear in her arms even stronger.
"Shhhhhhhhh" Kiyotaka leaned the girl's head against his chest, deep inside he was thinking to himself who Koneko's sister was and that it had happened so that the girl was like that ...?
After they finished paying for their drinks, Kiyotaka, Akeno, and Koneko left the mall to return to the club.
Koneko walked in front taking in the air still keeping the plush tight against her chest. Kiyotaka was always close to Akeno who was sad for the girl.
"Her sister must be really bad" Kiyotaka spoke very quietly so that only Akeno could hear what they were saying.
Akeno looked at Kiyotaka for a moment, then shook her head before sighing. "It's not that she's mean but what I heard from Rias, her sister is wanted for a crime ..."
"A crime, um" Kiyotaka didn't speak anymore, the group continuing on their way.
After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the occult club, Koneko left on the sofa in the room as Koneko began to make tea.
* Grinding *
The door to the club opened as Rias savage appeared in front of everyone, followed by Issei and finally Asia who looked exhausted from their day.
"Kiyotaka, you are going to do your first contract tonight, hold out that I will accompany Issei for his contract tomorrow," Rias said with a warm little smile at Kiyotaka.
"Finally" Kiyotaka smirked strangely in his head, then stood up and walked over to Rias to go do his contract.