Sad ending

Kiyotaka was made aware of what to do with a demonic contract. Simplifying things he had to do what the person who called him asked. Of course, this should not exceed a certain limit either.

"See you soon, Kiyotaka-kun" Rias waved her hand as the magic circle on the floor began to activate. After a few seconds, Kiyotaka was no longer in the room. Everyone was finally going back to what they planned.

A red magic circle with a logo inside appeared in a room of an unknown house. The house looked quite spacious with gray color undertones but most noticeable was that quiet and subdued vibe felt throughout the house.

Kiyotaka put his hands in his pockets to concentrate on trying to find a magical signature in the room in case there was a trap or even the person who called was a supernatural being or just a simple human.

Kiyotaka felt a presence in the room right in front of him, the door was open to enter. The teenager passed through the door, opening it slightly.

* squeaking *

The door creaked for a moment before reaching the side of the wall. Kiyotaka then discovered a fairly spacious but very minimalist living room, having only a large black sofa forming an angle placed in a corner of the room, a modern TV above a small table supporting it, and a coffee table made of wood where was put a cup of wine right next to the black sofa. On the shelf below the TV, there were a few DVDs and a CD player, but Kiyotaka couldn't quite see what the CD's were.

But what caught Kiyotaka's attention the most was the man in front of him. The man looked older in his thirties, short hair in two different colors, black in the back, turning yellow in the front. His eyes were purple but they were not very visible because hidden by the shadow of a golden wick passing in front of his face despite everything Kiyotaka could see that they contained a little intelligence and wisdom in them. The man had a black goatee and a small smile on the corners of his lips.

He was wearing a normal city tie, consisting of a white t-shirt. In the center of the t-shirt was a sort of yellow cheese with eyes and a mouth, fleeing four blue, red, pink, and orange ghosts that seemed to be chasing him. He also had classic black pants and black dress shoes.

"Interesting" was Kiyotaka's thought as he walked through the door but he wasn't the only one studying the other.

"Hello I'm here for the contract" Kiyotaka spoke with a small smile on his face.

"Sit here, I'll take you" The man motioned for him to sit on the couch across from him. Taking place the two sat down for a good ten minutes.

"My name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka," Kiyotaka said breaking the atmospheric temperature which had weighed for 10 minutes.

"Oh, it's true! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Azazel nice to meet you Kiyotaka-san" Azazel shook his head, sighing how he had failed to introduce himself ...

"Azazel, um" Kiyotaka remembered that name, it was the name Raynare had spoken before he died.

"The governor of the fallen angels, am I wrong?" Kiyotaka crossed his legs and slightly straightened his chest.

Azazel gave a little cry of surprise and opened his eyes slightly but he recovered quickly. He closed his eyes before smiling at the teenager who already knew who he was.

"Wow, I'm already spotted, I admit you impress me, little guy." Azazel raised his hands in applause before taking the same position Kiyotaka had.

"Okay for the contract we're just gonna answer 1 question each, deal?" Azazel smiled strangely at Kiyotaka taking his glass of wine off the table but calmly as if the situation were for him.

"Alright, I'll start" Kiyotaka leaned forward slightly, pulling a mischievous little smile from his mouth as he said, "Do you know the Sacred Gears?"

At this question, Azazel jumped as if he had done something stupid and didn't want anyone to know it. He cleared his throat lightly before speaking "Ye-" But he was interrupted by Kiyotaka "It's okay I already knew that, yours"

Azazel was starting to get pissed off at the boy's behavior in front of him, seriously it was as if he wasn't afraid of his identity ...

"Why aren't you afraid of me? You're a devil I'm a fallen angel, aren't you afraid to die?" Azazel resumed a confident smile looking straight into the eyes of the yellow-eyed teenager who didn't even flinch upon hearing the word "die". Being a little disappointed Azazel did not show it and waited for an answer.

"If you wanted to kill me you would have done it a long time ago the question I ask myself Azazel-san is why did you take a demonic contract? But hey, it does not matter I have more important ones than that "Kiyotaka stopped speaking but was interrupted by the governor of the fallen angels.

"Um, then interesting second question-" before finishing his sentence Kiyotaka interrupted him again "It's my turn for the question, Azazel-san" Kiyotaka leaned forward this time before saying "Talk to me a bit of the Sacred Gears, in particular, the Longinus"


A few hours later, Kiyotaka was on his way home, it was already dark and most of the streets were deserted. Kiyotaka thought back to what Azazel had said about the Sacred Gears and the Longinus. The Longinus are very powerful weapons and there were very few in the world, the fallen angel had not said a specific number and he did not have their power level either ... Kiyotaka knew Azazel was hiding things from him, but he didn't care.

"What is really important is that having a Longinus can increase the power level of a wearer…" Kiyotaka thought. In the end, the contract with Azazel went beautifully and in the end, the Devil and the Fallen Angel had spent their time talking about Longinus and Sacred Gears until very late becoming a buddy. Azazel had signed Kiyotaka's acceptance contract but not before the exchange of the two phone numbers.

"* Sigh *" Kiyotaka sighed he had learned more about Sacred Gears and Longinus but needed more information on it still ... He should also learn to use devil magic perfectly but it will be quick.

Passing through the school gate using his devil's wings, Kiyotaka discreetly arrives in the room of the occult research club, at the present time there should be no one there. Thinking of his sweet sleep awaiting him on the sofa, Kiyotaka stepped out the door. To tell the truth, he hadn't slept at the hotel for some time, it was boring and he felt comfortable here.


The door usually creaked and the interior has been completely redone from its latest incident with the 'bishop' chess piece. Nothing had really changed since Rias had redeemed everything just like the old room.

Kiyotaka entered the room thinking about his good big sleep, but what awaited him was quite different.

"Kiyotaka-kun there you are!" A female voice that Kiyotaka knew called out as he yawned.

'Shouldn't she be there?' Lifting his head Kiyotaka saw something disturbing, there was Rias, Akeno -who was smiling at him-, Koneko -who was looking at him-, Issei and finally Yuuto but they weren't the only ones ...

"Sona" Kiyotaka spoke the name of the purple-eyed girl and all her pair looking at the newcomer.

"But it's dark" Kiyotaka spoke before everyone else showed the sun setting outside.

'Wait a second' Kiyotaka thought in his head, 'a while ago it was dark how come the sun goes down'

"Ara ara, Kiyotaka-kun, haven't you slept all night? It's just starting to get light, fufufu ~" Akeno was the first to respond to Kiyotaka whose face no longer emitted movement.

'Why ?'