Aerion did not spend a long period of time in Tyrosh, choosing to sail for Myr and stabilise his power there instead of remaining in his first occupied city. He left Noronos and his nobles to take care of most of the matters in his absence. Before leaving, however, Aerion came to speak with Jocelyn.
He would occasionally speak with the princess to keep her spirits high and not make her feel like a complete prisoner. Aerion had Ser Barristan guarding her most of the day along with half a dozen greater undead keeping watch over the manse he had proved the princess. It was large and luxurious, fitting of a person of her status. The rather large number of guards stationed there was just a measure to ensure that the Usurper wouldn't pull a fast one and somehow rescue Aerion's most prized prisoner. Of course, at this moment of time, Robert Baratheon had other... more important matters to settle such as the Second Greyjoy Rebellion.
Not that he would be able to take Jocelyn back in the first place... he would (or his men) have to go through the entire city, whether it was day or night as the undead never slept.
Once Aerion entered the manse, he proceeded onwards to the garden, where Jocelyn had spent most of her time. Indeed, just as Aerion had thought, she sat in the garden.
"My prince." Ser Barristan made a small bow of respect.
"Ser Barristan." Aerion nodded, turning to Jocelyn who was reading a book.
"I see that you are quite fond of books."
"There isn't much else to do," Jocelyn replied rather sharply.
"Is that so..." Aerion chuckled. "Well, you shouldn't expect much."
"Hm... 'the dragon showed the deerling a new world', didn't he?"
"Indeed, he did. However, you should know that not everything comes to you immediately or anyone, for that matter... patience is required for great things to happen."
"As an example, I desire the Iron Throne since it is my right. Now, little deerling, I could strike King's Landing at this moment and take it if I were impatient. But would I keep it for long? No, I would not. A large war would ensue where tens of thousands would die and... I may even come out of it as a dead man. Would that be worth it?"
Jocelyn shook her head. "Not for you, it wouldn't."
"But... if I continue what I've started in Essos and remain patient, then it's only a matter of time before my forces rival the opposing Houses of the Seven Kingdoms. Once that is settled, I can take my throne with fewer losses and a guaranteed chance of success. See the difference?"
"Yes, I understand..."
Aerion smiled. "Speaking of showing you the world, we're leaving for Myr. A beautiful and advanced city... you'll see it when we get there."
"What if I don't want to go?" Jocelyn inquired.
"Then you can stay." Aerion shrugged. "Though, I do remember you complaining about being imprisoned to this manse in Tyrosh. You'll only be missing out on a new experience voluntarily... which isn't an issue of mine."
"I was just seeing all of my options," Jocelyn replied. "Isn't that something you would do?"
"Sometimes, when it's necessary. I take it that you're coming with me?"
"Only if I get your bed chamber." Jocelyn smiled with mischief in her blue eyes. "And so, the Rightful King and Dragon of the Seas will be sleeping on the wooden floor once again."
Aerion chuckled. "I'll just buy another bed."
"I suppose you could... along with another dress for me."
"Eh, another one?"
"Don't forget your promise now, the 'richest man' in Tyrosh."
I've invested most of my gold for greater income down the line...
"Hmph, very well."
After a few uneventful months in Myr, Aerion was sure that he had achieved his purpose there... at least for the time being. A new set of magistrates were elected by him along with a leader to represent them in his absence. He decided that every one of the Free Cities was to follow a similar hierarchy, leading to him having nine representatives from each city. Of course, all nine were to be sworn to him along with the magistrates beneath them.
The Emperor demands absolute loyalty, after all.
As Jocelyn's boredom grew, she started to become more interested in Aerion's daily matters. She would watch him spar, practice magic and even study. For someone so wilful, she knew her boundaries and did not irritate him much when he was truly busy. This led to her gaining favour with the Dragon Prince. At times, due to her clear ignorance, Aerion felt the need to educate the princess himself. Eventually, Jocelyn Baratheon had become his ward in all but name.
Aerion certainly saw some potential when it came to the princess as she caught onto new things rather quickly. Not wishing to waste this potential, Aerion hired a tutor of great experience and prestige to fill the gaps when he was occupied.
After his stay in Myr, Aerion intended to return to Sunspear as nearly a year had passed since he left. He had communicated with his family through letters but it simply wasn't the same thing as seeing them in person. He had grown to miss the presence of Arianne as well...
Another strange dream...
Aerion looked around and saw only ice ahead. He stood on a massive wall... the Wall, to be exact. As his violet eyes continued to look into the distance, the fog eventually dispersed as an endless horde of wights was revealed. They marched onwards with no obstacle in sight... they were slow, but frightening due to their numbers.
Among the wights, rode White Walkers atop their undead mounts. There were many colossal ice spiders crawling alongside the wights which would send shivers down any man's spine. He had never seen such a force in his life... not even in his wildest dreams.
This is just a dream... right?
Leading the force, rode the Night King. He was the male White Walker who stood apart from the rest. A crown of ice laid atop his head as he rode at his own pace. Along with his crown, the air around the Night King was... different. His icy blue eyes stared upwards and met Aerion's violet gaze from atop the wall. The icy gaze sharpened and Aerion felt as if his soul had been pierced directly.
The dream was interrupted by a raging inferno which turned it all into ash.