Troublesome News

Aerion found himself floating in the void of light once more as the ashes went away.

Such a tall wall along with the snow... it could only be the Wall.

"Do the Others still live?" Aerion inquired, wondering if the system would answer his question.

"They are believed to have gone extinct... but that is not the case."

The threat that emerges is far greater than any ordinary man...

Aerion recalled Melisandre's words which seemed to be connected to what he saw and the knowledge the system provided. After linking those three together, the truth became clear to him.

"So it was no mere dream."

"No, it was a Dragon Dream." The system added. "Ordinary dreams have no truth to them while Dragon Dreams speak of the future. A future that could not be denied... unless something unordinary happens. There was a man who denied his Dragon Dreams several times over, though you cannot compare yourself to him."

"The Great Other, Night's King or better known as the Night King will march south with his ever-growing army to end all life, starting with the wildlings north of the wall. The end... however, is left unclear."

"Do you know of his weakness?"

"He has no weakness... only strengths. The only weapon that he is vulnerable to in this world is magic equal to or greater than his own."

"Then how great is his magic?"

"His greatest strength is Cryomancy which is water magic focused around the aspect of ice. I will not specify the rank as it is something you will have to discover yourself."

"How helpful of you," Aerion remarked.

"Along with that, he wields Necromancy... which is his second greatest strength." The system added. "You needn't worry about him in the immediate future, though. I suggest that you focus on growing yourself for now."

Aerion nodded. "I'll do that."

After a brief moment of silence, Aerion made an inquiry. "What is my current state?"

"I have great news regarding that!" The system announced. "Your Aeromancy and Pyromancy have progressed to a new realm of power, ascending into the Master tier. You have gained the Rain of Fire and Tornado magic abilities as a result of this ascension, both of which are quite formidable. if used correctly, they can drastically turn the tides of a battle to your favour."

"Wonderful news, indeed." Aerion smiled. "Might you know where the other trial grounds are located?"

"Where the Doom hit hardest is one place."

"Old Valyria?"

"Yes, though I suggest you venture there on your own as everyone who travels with you will inevitably die. There are many rewards to be gained there along with a new type of magic. However, it is not a short trial nor an easy one."

So I should be prepared beforehand...

"Show my current state."

"As you wish, Dragon Prince."



Prince Aerion Targaryen

Born: 280 AC, the fall of the second moon.

Age: 15

Titles: The Rightful King, Dragon Prince of Tyrosh and Myr, Dragon of the Seas.

Traits: Handsome, Genius, Strong, Tall, Patient, Diligent, Proud, Ambitious, Ruthless, Brave, Confident.

Manpower: 4000 - 6000~: 2500 undead, 500 greater undead, 1000 professional soldiers, 2000~ from vassals of Dragonstone

Navy: 80-100~ ships: 80 from personal navy, 20~ from vassals of Dragonstone

Gold: 70,000 Gold Dragons on hand, 800,000~ total worth in gold


[Physical Attributes]

Strength: 84

Endurance: 94

Dexterity: 89

Charisma: 95


Magic vitality: 30

[Magic grades and skills]

Pyromancy: Balanced Master Pyromancer ☆☆☆

-Skills: Fire Control (0+), Fireblast (0.75), Greater Fireblast (5), Rain of Fire (10)

Hydromancy: Efficient Adept Hydromancer ☆☆

-Skills: Water Control (0+), Water (0.5), Tidal Wave (10)

Aeromancy: Powerful Master Aeromancer ☆☆☆

-Skills: Air Control (0+), Wind gust (1), Mighty Roar (3), Tornado (6)

Necromancy: Balanced Master Necromancer ☆☆☆

-Skills: Control undead (0), Revive Dead (0.75), Soul Steal (0.75), Greater Revive Dead (5), Soul Summon (10 + 0.75 with every additional soul)


[Overall skill grades]

Magic: Master Mage ☆☆☆

Duelling skill: Knight ☆☆☆

Martial: Skilled Tactician ☆☆☆

Diplomacy: Charismatic Negotiator ☆☆☆

Stewardship: Fortune Builder ☆☆☆

Intrigue: Intricate Webweaver ☆☆☆

Learning: Dutiful Clerk ☆☆



"Great news, Dragon Prince... the magisters of Lys would like to bend the knee and swear fealty to you."

"Just like that?" Aerion inquired as it seemed all too simple.

"Yes, it is the truth. They only ask that you appear in person as they wish to welcome you into the city themselves and make the terms of their surrender official."

"That makes three," Jaime remarked. "And now, only six remain standing."

"Lys isn't the most militaristic out of the Free Cities but I doubt they would surrender so easily," Aerion replied, stroking his chin.

"By now, the other Free Cities should be pointing their joined swords at me as I am a threat to their freedom... but they are not. In truth, they seem to be ignoring my existence as a whole."

"Hmm... I find their silence eerie."

Could they be plotting together? No, it's not that they could... they should already be doing so.

"They may be plotting something already." Ser Arthur suggested. "If you were to fall, then so would the law and order you placed onto Myr and Tyrosh. There would not be a need for further conflict and the two cities would regain their freedom..."

"Similar to the King dying without any heirs." Ser Oswell nodded.

"The Seven Kingdoms wouldn't collapse completely, though." Aerion shook his head. "A King would be chosen from the previous King's relatives. Anyway... from what I can gather, this little invitation to Lys is a trap."

"If that is the case, I'm sure that they will use several different methods to make me lower my guard. Then, once I'm all loosened up, they will be taking an attempt at my life, whether through force or other means such as poison. My death would not only benefit Lys, but it would benefit the other Free Cities as well. If it's truly a trap... of course."

Their silence would make sense... perhaps they will use Lys as the first line of defence, followed up by an upfront invasion? I doubt that they would all idly sit by as I take their beloved nine Free Cities one by one.

"I see... either the magisters risk their lives by attempting to take yours or they have realised their inferiority and do not wish to face you, my prince. No matter which it is, it would be best to remain vigilant." Jaime advised.

"We will use their surrender to our advantage." Aerion decided. "Since they acknowledge me as their sovereign, I can bring in as many troops as I wish into the city... which I most certainly will. Then I will be able to talk of 'surrender' with the magisters of Lys."

After growing my army through Necromancy, Volantis will be next.

And then the journey to Old Valyria will begin... in my search for even greater power.

Knowing about the Night King's existence, Aerion decided to not waste time when it came to developing his magic. Since Volantis was close to Old Valyria and one of the stronger Free Cities, it would only make sense to conquer it before the journey. Then the only other noteworthy navy would be Braavos' navy... which was, in fact, superior to Aerion's navy on paper.

When you included his magic into the equation... well, the tides of battle would certainly favour the Dragon Prince.

It was hard for him to halt his visit to Sunspear until a later date but it was necessary as he felt that the true Conquest of the Nine Free Cities would soon begin.


Instead of sailing for Sunspear, he returned to Tyrosh to gather his navy. The very first thing he did was ask Noronos about the whereabouts of his lost Targaryen family. Viserys and Daenerys... his uncle and aunt which were forced to remain in Essos as exiles. After all this time, he could not find them and neither could Robert Baratheon.

"Welcome back to Tyrosh, my prince."

"Noronos, any news about my uncle?"

"Which one?" Noronos inquired.

"The one with silver-blond hair," Aerion replied.

"Ah... well, I have most troublesome news."

He frowned. "What is it?"

Noronos sighed. "Well... both your uncle and aunt have been seized in Pentos. As there were some witnesses, the gossip eventually reached me. They have yet to make the news public... but the magisters of Pentos have sent a letter."

"Where is it?"

Noronos pointed towards a letter that was on his desk in the study and Aerion grabbed it without wasting much time.

'Raise your arms against another Free City and your two relatives will face death, Dragon Prince of Tyrosh and Myr...'

Aerion, after reading through the letter, grasped it tightly as flames sparked and lighted the letter on fire.

"What will you do now? The invitation to Lys still remains so we don't have to raise our navy against them... only negotiate the terms. Moving forward from that, however, will be impossible without consequences."

Yes, enter Lys on my own... what a wonderful plan.

"It could be no more than gossip." Aerion sighed. "But, if it is the truth... then I must make a decision."

"Noronos, what is more important? Two Targaryens or the creation of the New Valyrian Empire and reclaiming the Iron Throne?"

"Well, I believe it is the latter."

Aerion nodded. "Indeed, it is. They intend to use my family as a weakness against me... hmph, only a fool would back down and allow such things to hinder him."

They found the Dragon's weakest scale...

He chuckled. "Then, I suppose that makes me a fool. Doesn't it, Noronos?"

"No, you cannot be a fool for caring about your blood, otherwise everyone would be classed as fools."

"You do have a point... still, there might be room for negotiations if the magisters of Pentos are not dim-witted."

Soul summoning will be the key to this victory.

If I do this correctly, Pentos will be mine and I will be reunited with the last of my kind apart from Jon. If not... then I will only have Pentos.

Aerion certainly hoped for the former as he prepared to set sail for the Free City of Pentos.