
Eleventh moon of 295 AC, Pentos.

It was the middle of the night. The wind was howling relentlessly and lightning struck every few minutes as the Dragon neared towards the city. Pentos was well reinforced with the city watch which had been doubled most recently because of the Dragon Prince's close presence. However, at this very moment, they were not in the best spirits. The ominous weather and dark night had drained most of their strength...

Then, at that very moment, the first ship left the deep fog and the banner of House Targaryen came into view.

"I thought... I thought that they would not raise their arms... we're... we are... doomed." A guard stuttered.

"The Dragon Prince is here..."

The majority of Aerion's navy neared the port of Pentos, much to the surprise of the magisters. They gathered in the main hall once news of his imminent arrival came from the guards stationed on the walls. However, since the fog was rather strong, the Mad King's navy was only half an hour away by the time it had been discovered.

Because of a treaty with Braavos, after a war which they lost, Pentos could not maintain its own army. They were restricted to twenty warships and the city watch... however, because of Aerion, this treaty was temporarily lifted. The magisters were able to hire sellswords along with their city watch in order to protect themselves. Unfortunately, for the magisters of Pentos, Aerion's undefeated battle record and superior forces state that Pentos' defenders would be vanquished if he truly wished to conquer Pentos.

"Perhaps, he doesn't believe us and wishes to see the hostages personally." A magister stated.

"And so he brings his entire navy to our shores? He has raised his arms against us... so they must die as a result! The Dragon must know the consequences of his actions!"

"Then what will happen after he takes this City? Do you know the severe punishment that he will deliver to all of us? He may be sorrowful after our actions... but that sorrow will turn into rage, a burst of rage that will lead to our brutal deaths. Does that result sound pleasant or beneficial to you?"

A wiser magister replied.

"We still can negotiate with him instead of acting rashly. It's likely why he brought his navy... in the case of negotiations going poorly. Unfortunately, he may have gained the upper hand if our hostages do not matter much to him."

"That ruthless and tactful bastard... our plan of stopping him may have backfired greatly."


Some of the residents in the port stayed outside of the walls, knowing that Aerion would not harm them. His only concern was with the magisters who ruled the Free Cities, after all, and it was no different with Pentos. Still, other citizens and slaves alike decided to enter the walls to return to their homes to avoid the conflict that was to come.

Aerion's ships docked with the port of Pentos as his men approached the port. Since the port of Pentos was absolutely colossal, all of his ships were able to dock at once which was simply wonderful.

Aerion led his men forward, towards the gates of Pentos. He stopped at a safe distance where arrows wouldn't reach him while he could still shout loud enough for the people on the walls to hear him. The first lines of defence (or offence, for that matter) was a shield wall formed by his personal soldiers just in case he had to walk closer or invade Pentos.

"The magisters of Pentos! I, Dragon Prince Aerion of House Targaryen, call upon your immediate presence!"

The sky rumbled with thunder as Aerion made his demand.

"Yes, yes. We have gathered here!"

"Do you know the consequences of your actions!? You have raised your arms against Pentos and so, Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen shall die before you even reach them!"

Aerion shook his head. "This is but my entourage! Let it be known that I've come here to propose an offer for my relatives and nothing else. However, if matters go south... then I may have to raise my arms and burst open that gate of yours!"


"Even if you did not come with the intent to conquer, you threaten to do so!"

Aerion chuckled. "Threats and actions are two separate things, my dear magisters! Before we speak of a trade, I want to see them."

"No, you will have to trust our word. A trade is, indeed, acceptable... so let's begin negotiations now."

Aerion frowned.

"I don't believe you understand the current situation... magister. So I'll repeat my words again... present my uncle and aunt on the walls so that I may see them. Do it before I lose my patience."

Some added pressure... will they choke under it?

Aerion's violet eyes focused on the magisters on the walls. The magisters looked at the flaming skeletons and the rather cold greater undead, realising that they would meet the same fate as the magisters of Myr and Tyrosh once Aerion's patience ran out. Knowing this, they bent to his demands.

The magisters huddled together and voted on what they should do. The result was a near-unanimous decision of presenting the two Targaryens. In truth, they did not know how valuable they were to him which made decision making rather difficult. One thing they did know was not to push their luck with the Dragon Prince.

"Very well, we will show them to you."

Aerion secretly smiled.

I win.

He waited for a few minutes before two new figures appeared atop the walls in his view. Aerion took out his myrish spyglass for a closer, more detailed look just in the case of the magisters grabbing some random valyrians.

"So, what about the negotiations?" One of the magisters spoke out.

How did Viserys...look?

Aerion searched his deepest memories for the faintest clue from all the moments he and Viserys spent time in the Red Keep together. He was only two years old so it was rather difficult to access those blurry memories and make sense out of them.

He closed his eyes and focused.

Aerion appeared in the void of light once more and gained greater clarity.

Then, it happened.

An identical image of a six-year-old Viserys appeared before him... eventually transforming into the face he saw through the spyglass.

"You're welcome~" The system stated in a rather pleasant voice.

"Thank you."

He opened his eyes once more and grinned.

"My eyes do not deceive me! Well done, well done, indeed. I thank you for your cooperation, magisters of Pentos. Now, without further ado, let's begin the negotiations!"

Aerion raised both of his arms in a grand manner as a green circle emerged around Viserys and Daenerys.


Twenty-three emerald-glowing, ghastly, knights appeared to protect the two Targaryens and slaughter everyone else on the walls.



The gate was forced open by the howling wind which tore it apart within moments.


The men roared with him, charging into the city of Pentos.