Majestic Declaration

As the ghastly emerald knights appeared, everyone on the walls was struck with terror.

"Who... who are they?"

Then, before they could even let the situation sink in, Aerion's order struck like thunder as the gates were blasted open. The roars of his men followed... along with the screams of his enemies, both on the walls and beneath them.

"You will be joining us. It is your fate... embrace it, as we have."


One of the magisters turned and attempted to run but one of the knights pierced his chest before he could take more than three steps.

The ghastly knights struck forth, slaughtering everyone in sight excluding the two Targaryens. Even they, the protected, were terrified of their cold figures. The soul summoned knights showed no mercy and were ruthless to the extreme, whether it was an unarmed magister or a member of Pentos' city watch... it simply did not matter.

Soon enough, the wall was covered in the blood of their Lord's opposition.

"Have you... left us for last?" Viserys inquired with a dazed Daenerys by his side. The ordeal was a little too much for her.

Instead of replying to Viserys, the soul knights bent the knee in another's presence as he walked up the stairs to the wall. His four Kingsguard stood behind him, in all their glory. They wore their white cloaks and dashing armour with great pride. Leading them was none other than Aerion Targaryen, who wore durable yet remarkable beautiful light armour.

It was still hard to believe that he was still moons away from his sixteenth nameday, moons away from being a 'man grown', having achieved as much as he has. This was the Dragon Prince who struck terror within the hearts of many but, in person, he looked like a handsome and charming young man.

Aerion's accomplishments as a boy were very reminiscent of Daeron I Targaryen, though Aerion started with no more than a hundred men while Daeron had all but Dorne under him. Nevertheless, they were both young conquerors in their own rights.

"My lord, our first task is complete."

Aerion nodded and continued onwards. "I can see that."

"Viserys, your time in exile ends today." He smiled. "From now on, you will be under my protection."

"What are they...?" Viserys replied.

"Nothing more than servants who were brought forth from my magic. You need not fear them... in truth, you should be all the more confident in their presence."

"I see..."

Although Viserys remained uneasy, Aerion's calming words seemed to have a great effect.

"And that must be Daenerys Targaryen..."

She had never seen the Red Keep, being born on Dragonstone and forced to move into exile because of the Usurper. All those years of exile... it must have been difficult. Hmm, it seems that she did not take the slaughter well... nevertheless, with this, I have reunited all but one member of House Targaryen.

Viserys must have struggled taking care of Daenerys for all those years, being a child himself for most of them... another fault of the Usurper.

"Ser Oswell, take them to my ship until the battle comes to a close."

Ser Oswell nodded and moved them along.

After their figures crossed the broken gate, Aerion drew his sword once more as he descended the steps.

"I have fought more battles during this year than the rest of my years combined," Jaime remarked.

"Is it too much? If so, you should consider retiring." Aerion jested.

Jaime chuckled.

"Only death retires a member of the Kingsguard." Ser Barristan replied.

The other two agreed with Ser Barristan and so did Aerion. Despite Ser Barristan's age, there were very few knights alive who could still compare to him. His skill with the sword was simply on another level which helped him defy the looming terror of old age. Besides that, any man who he served gained honour from just his service (since most people revered him) along with the wisdom he had accumulated after all these years.

Aerion's company of twenty-six knights swept through the small groups of defenders scattered across the city. He killed fifteen men on his own without any use of magic except for fire control, which he used to light his sword aflame. Eventually, his group joined with the main force and led the charge against the remaining defenders.

All of the magisters were put to the sword, all but one (the cheesemonger himself, Illyrio), their heads removed and impaled onto spikes to serve as a reminder to all who resist him now and those who will in the future. Only one leader remained apart from the last magister and that was the Prince of Pentos. Oh, the poor Prince of Pentos who was mainly ceremonial and held little to no power over the magisters who chose him. If anything went south, he would be the first to receive the blame and potentially be put to death for the misfortunes of Pentos. This was mostly an act done to appease their gods.

Aerion considered the position of Prince of Pentos to be an awfully terrible one as, although you gained many privileges, you could die at any moment.

After the battle was over, Aerion ordered the undead to carry the corpses of the defenders into a cellar beneath the main hall before taking a seat on the rather empty council. A greater undead warrior shoved the Prince of Pentos forward for his judgement. Meanwhile, Aerion's three Kingsguard stood behind him. To the sides were the cold emerald gazes of the soul summoned knights.

Aerion relaxed completely, even placing his legs on the table as a show of power.

"As the new sovereign of Pentos, I require a new set of magisters to rule over the Free City of Pentos when I am absent somewhere else."

Aerion announced rather grandly. "The old magisters of Pentos were fools who opposed my will and so, they naturally had to die. You, however, had no power to make any decisions regarding that."

"Now... what decision will you make, I wonder? Will you bend the knee and acknowledge me as your sovereign or... will you join the magisters mounted on the walls? Your fate lies with this one decision, Prince of Pentos."

Without much hesitation, the Prince of Pentos bent his knee and swore fealty to him. "May you vanquish all who dare to stand in the way of your conquest, Dragon Prince Aerion of House Targaryen. I, Prince of Pentos, relinquish my title and will do as you wish from henceforth."

"Good." Aerion smiled. "You will be the first of my new council of magisters for Pentos."

He removed his legs from the table and stood up. "You may rest easy for now, though I will require your presence in the morrow. Be sure to arrive early."

"Understood, Dragon Prince."

And so, his only magister was dismissed.

Aerion left the building soon and saw dozens of residents looking upon him.

"Gather round, if you wish."

Eventually, a rather large number of residents gathered beneath him as he stood at the very centre of the city. Once enough gathered, Aerion decided to make an announcement.

"Rejoice, my dear people of Pentos, as I, Dragon Prince Aerion of House Targaryen, have arrived to bring forth endless prosperity! Under me, there will be unity... not just in Pentos, but in Myr, Tyrosh, Braavos... every single one of the Free Cities will know only one true ruler."

Aerion looked around as he paced from left to right on the higher stage.

"No longer will the city-states fight each other... no, they will stand united and keep the peace in the Emperor's name. Who is this Emperor, might you ask? As the head of the last dragonlord family, it can only be me... Aerion of House Targaryen!"

"Yes, dragonlords have long since been extinct along with their dragons... however, high valyrian blood still courses through my veins. Needless to say, I do not require a dragon to be considered a dragonlord... as I am already a Dragon!"

Possessing a dragon certainly wouldn't hurt but it isn't necessary.

"Now, you may all rest for the night. My condolences for disturbing your sleep with the sound of battle... but it's a small price to pay for greatness."

Aerion led his Kingsguard and a dozen greater undead through the city and towards the port. By then, his emerald soul knights had vanished from the world and returned to him.

"Ser Oswell, you may take Daenerys and Viserys into one of the dead magister's manses where they can choose their chambers. As this night was rather tiresome, we will have to celebrate the grand victory tomorrow."

"Uncle, we'll have to buy you a more suiting pair of clothes. Daenerys too... it's unfitting of royalty."

"Clothing was the least of my concern these past years."

"My condolences that I couldn't have found you sooner, Viserys," Aerion replied with a slight tone of sorrow in his eyes. "Believe me, I tried as best as I could."

Viserys smiled and patted his head, remembering the days when he was no more than a cute little nephew. "All that matters is that we are together again. I could not help but feel proud hearing of your countless exploits in Essos... I intended to travel to Myr through a ship and gain your protection before the magisters of Pentos seized me."

Aerion smiled as well. "You have my protection now, uncle. Your many years of exile have ended with this chaotic night."

Ser Oswell scratched his hair, slightly irritated as he waited. "So, when are you two going into the city?"

"We will be going now, Ser."

Viserys stated.

The girl is quite timid.

Aerion remarked as his uncle and aunt left the Mad King and approached the city. He then descended the steps to the lower deck and walked towards his quarters which were guarded by several greater undead. Once Aerion entered, he noticed that Jocelyn sat near his desk reading a book.

"You're not sleeping yet?"

"Did you win the battle?" Jocelyn countered with a question of her own, which would have the same answer.

"Yes," Aerion replied. "What of it?"

"What about your two Targaryen relatives?"

"They're alive and well since the negotiations went exactly as I wanted them to."

Jocelyn was quite worried. "Won't the other Free Cities make an alliance and attack you? If so, you will be overwhelmed and..."

"Oh, don't worry about me," Aerion replied. "I welcome their hatred and dislike towards me as it is something that brings them all together. Furthermore, I have all the power to deal with them so there isn't a reason to worry."

"Anyways, since you have yet to sleep, I'll show you to your new manse in Pentos."


Aerion sat at the table where the previous magisters usually gathered during meetings. Only three people were sitting at the table; Aerion Targaryen, Illyrio Mopatis and the ex Prince of Pentos, Stallio Pahroran.

"My greater undead decided to leave you alive, how interesting."

"I did not stay on the walls as the rest of those fools. Instead, I remained in my manse where your men captured me. I'm overjoyed that you released me, Dragon Prince, as I will now be able to serve you in your path to reclaiming the Iron Throne."

Stallio glanced at Illyrio with distaste but he didn't speak on it.

Was there a feud between these two?

"Thank you for your loyalty." Aerion smiled, though it wasn't a true smile as he already knew the type of man Illyrio was from a few glances. He was a man of greed, clearly, from his fat figure to all the jewels littered across his clothing. "Our first act today will be a declaration of war on all unoccupied Free Cities followed by an election of a couple more magisters."

"For the declaration, I will write a letter and the two of you will copy it many times over before sending it across to each and every Free City. Be sure to send one to each leader and most of the magisters. If I find that you cannot complete this simple task properly, then you are unfit to remain on this table. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Dragon Prince, we understand," Illyrio replied.

"Good, now sit silently as I complete this letter."


To the great magisters of Essos.

I, Dragon Prince Aerion of the House Targaryen, declare myself Emperor of New Valyria! All who stand against me, you are welcome to deny my claim and raise your petty swords against me. But know that I will humble every last one of you through fire and blood, as Aegon the Conqueror did to the Seven Kingdoms before me!

All unoccupied Free Cities will be given a month to declare their loyalty to their new sovereign. The magisters who do not answer this call will be noted as rebels and conquered in due time while those who swear fealty will be well rewarded.

Once this conquest is over, I will be crowned as Emperor. Let it be known that law, order, prosperity and peace will be restored to the Free Cities of Essos under my supreme authority!

With this letter, may the great conquest of New Valyria begin.

Sincerest Regards, Dragon Prince Aerion of House Targaryen.
