Complete Rebirth

Once a few more magisters were elected, Aerion went down to the pile of corpses in the cellar to add to his already large ranks. However, before he did so, a thought came to mind.

Is it possible to transfer one of the souls I've gathered onto a corpse? If so, they should be able to last for an indefinite amount of time, like the rest of the undead... while also retaining some of their strengths such as their greater physical attributes and individuality.

Aerion looked at the corpses with great interest. Without further ado, he started getting experimental. Emerald flames burst from both of his hands and an emerald circle appeared with a special pattern engraved onto it. It was different from the Necromancer Lord's engraving, being the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen... but only with a single, emerald dragon.

From this circle, a grand total of three figures appeared; Stannis Baratheon, the archer who shot his knee and a knight who went by the name of Ser Robb.


"Remember me, Stannis?" Aerion's eyes glowed a vibrant yet cold shade of emerald. "I, Aerion Targaryen, have given you a second chance at life... a life where you know your place."

Aerion's control over his undead was supreme and so, he was able to make them fulfil his commands without any hesitation. The undead skeletons were not the brightest so he had to control them himself while the greater undead nearly had a mind of their own, although it was screwed for one purpose and one purpose only; to serve. The souls he summoned, however, kept their minds from before death... until he changed them to suit himself, that is.

When it came to Stannis, Aerion engraved a new purpose into him which was to be his most loyal adviser. The two soldiers, on the other hand, were merely given the task to follow his commands and fight in his name. Once their souls had been altered to his liking, he attempted to perform a greater revive undead on the glowing souls.

His emerald flames engulfed Stannis Baratheon and he merged with them before spreading to the nearest corpse. The flames didn't burn away a single corpse... no, they burned away a great portion of corpses which Aerion estimated to be about a thousand!

Seven Hells... why do you need so many!?

Aerion observed with a shocked yet anticipating expression as Stannis Baratheon was reborn anew from the emerald flames.

Once they cleared, his exact figure appeared in the armour he wore before death. There was one clear difference, though... and that was his fiery emerald eyes. Along with that, there were was a difference that wasn't quite as clear from the first glance.

"Thank you for your divine blessing, my Lord."

He bent his knee without a moment of hesitation. Aerion kept him kneeling while he went through the same process with the archer and knight. The sacrifice for summoning them certainly did bring forth some curiosity.

Aerion wondered what they were capable of... after all, a hundred dead men was no small cost along with the majority of his magic vitality.

Let's see what you three can do.

Aerion was followed by his three servants as he left the cellar and made his way outside towards the city. Since he couldn't find a suitable enemy for them, he decided to use some of the greater undead for comparison.

"Fight for me."

Stannis looked at the greater undead before dashing towards him. The greater undead drew his sword and attempted to stab it into the charging Stannis but it was no use. He grabbed the sword with his right hand and it started to burn... before turning into a pile of ash and disappearing from the world completely in a rather short time.

A slight grin emerged on Aerion's face.

Go on, show me more.

Stannis stepped forward and pummeled the greater undead's chest with a terrifyingly powerful punch.


Seven hells...

The greater undead was sent tumbling a few meters back, his chest revealing a cage of ribs as the flesh from before burned away. Stannis was ruthless as he reached the greater undead once more and placed his left foot onto the greater undead's chest before he could stand.


He broke the greater undead's ribcage by stomping on it!

Aerion chuckled. "Good, good... that's enough."

What weakness does this type of undead have, I wonder?


Aerion did experiment with the undead for quite some time and came to realise that regular fire was completely useless, no matter the heat. Water did not affect them whatsoever and neither could they be affected by any sort of weapon Aerion had access to. This, along with their already absurd super-human strength and the intellect from their past lives, made him the most pleased man in Pentos.

The sacrifice of a hundred dead men... for one of them?

Aerion was willing to make that trade any day of the week.

~The following night

Aerion staged a grand feast within the main hall to celebrate his victory, along with the reunion of the last Targaryens (excluding Jon). His new magisters and a few prominent nobles were invited, accompanying those who were automatically invited. Unfortunately, he came a little late due to his experimenting from before.

The doors burst open as Aerion made his majestic appearance. For the occasion, he wore lavish, red-black, clothing which proudly represented House Targaryen. The archer, Ser Robb and Stannis Baratheon followed behind him as he walked towards his seat.

No one mentioned his lateness... they didn't dare. Except for those closest to him, of course.

"You're late," Jocelyn remarked as her eyes left his figure and moved onto those behind him. "He... looks familiar."

"Of course, you should recognise him. This person here is your uncle reborn." Aerion replied. "Leaving him dead or reviving him as a simple servant would've been a great waste of talent. And so, I found a greater method of reviving the dead."

"Princess Jocelyn, I see that you are well."

"You seem well enough," Jocelyn replied.

She already knew that he was the one to execute Stannis in the first place. Returning him from the dead, however... brought forth some further conflict. She did not know whether it was a good or bad thing.

Aerion sat down as his Kingsguard stood behind him once more. There was one issue... his three new subjects did not have a place to sit, including Lord Stannis himself. Now the two lesser men could stand at the side but space had to be made for someone as prominent as Stannis Baratheon.

To his left were his aunt and uncle while Jocelyn and Illyrio were to his right. Then the table went downwards where the less important people sat.

"Illyrio, move down to the end of the table to make space for one of my lords."

"Ah... very well."

The end of the table?

Illyrio thought, slightly insulted by the order. But he did not dare speak it out as Aerion could have his head at any moment.

This... this was the power of the Emperor.

His word was law and no one could say otherwise.

He stood up with his rather substantial figure, making some commotion as he did so. The table shook a little once he forced himself up. Then he walked down the table where one last seat remained at the very end.

"Take a seat, Stannis."

Stannis nodded and sat beside Jocelyn who seemed more comfortable in his presence over Illyrio's.

The hall was silent before Aerion raised his cup of fine wine. "Who prepared this wonderful wine?"

"I did it personally." Ser Jaime replied.

Aerion nodded and continued without further worries. "After the battle from last night, I have gained Pentos along with something far more important. Without them, I would not have even considered sailing here until much later.... they are but the last two members of House Targaryen, excluding myself. Daenerys and Viserys of House Targaryen... let us drink in their name!"

The magisters and nobles nodded, drinking their cup of wine with him. Jocelyn and Daenerys were the only ones on the table to receive watered-down wine due to their younger age.

Soon after, the true feast began.. and ended.

By the end, Aerion was quite drunk but, luckily, his manse wasn't far. Furthermore, he was accompanied by the most terrifying company of guards in Essos so there wasn't much to worry about.

He fell into his bed without much hesitation, drifting off into a long slumber.


"Well done, you have discovered a new Necromancy skill on your own!"