
Aerion laid in his luxurious bed that once belonged to one of the most prestigious magisters in Pentos. Unfortunately, that certain magister was foolish enough to defy him... and you know the rest. However, unlike most nights, Aerion looked ill. There were moments where he was colder than ice and seemed to be dead... then he would suddenly rise to an absurd temperature before returning back to normal. Then he would return to being ice cold and the loop would continue. Not once did he open his eyes or show signs of recovery which was very concerning, especially to those closest to him.

Soon enough, Aerion's ill state began to affect the undead. The skeletons became less responsive and their fire began to dwindle day by day. It took a longer period of time for the greater undead to be affected but, nevertheless, they grew weaker in the end. As the weeks passed, only the mighty Soul Knights seemed to be doing fine.

After a while, Aerion's khalasar started to split once more due to his absence. Now, from forty-thousand riders, only ten thousand remained. A ko was chosen by the remaining riders to command them until Aerion became well again. This led to some stability which was certainly needed at the rather dire situation.


296 AC, a week from the fall of the Second Moon.

Jaime Lannister sat beside Aerion, as he usually would every day since he entered this strange state. As the Lord Commander of Aerion's Kingsguard, that was his duty... yet he would have done the very same whether he was a member of the Kingsguard or not.

"Is this the Father's judgement?" Jaime wondered as he felt Aerion's cold temperature. "Is this justice?"

To give power and then take it away at a whim... he never was the holiest child, not after the sack of King's Landing. Yet he always acted with a greater goal in mind and used the power given to him to help achieve those goals, one step at a time.

He killed many using his gift... but there was always a clear reason.

Jaime thought.

Meanwhile, the being of boundless strength observed the world once more. The sky had been cleared of all clouds as the heavenly blue sky was revealed along with the radiant sun.

Within a single moment, he became aware of everything he wished to know at the comfort of his Divine Palace. The Transcendent Being was a rather busy man who wished to be clear of any necessary thoughts, after all.

"Jocelyn Baratheon... hm, how intriguing." He chuckled before drinking some of his wine and descending onto the world.

The first place he visited was Old Valyria, where the next trial would begin. Suddenly, the ruins of Valyria were replaced with the Valyria of old in all of its beauty. It was as if the Doom had never struck... the only difference was that the Transcendent Being had yet to return the dead from that time.

Would that be too much?

The Transcendent Being wondered as the dragon lords of old began to walk Valyria once more, followed by the revival of their colossal dragons. They were restricted to the dimension he had formed, one which only Aerion could enter. Meanwhile, every other person would only find the rather depressing ruins of Valyria.

He littered the massive city with various rewards, most of which Aerion would have a very hard time finding anywhere else. Some of these rewards could not even be found anywhere else.

Once he was satisfied with his creation, the Transcendent Being appeared beyond the wall where the Night King was beginning to act after centuries of slumber. White walkers were starting to emerge yet news of their return did not reach far.

With a single glance, he shattered the Night King's chains and unleashed his true strength which did not bode well for those beyond the wall.

"So this is the dimension you were so fond of?"

The Transcendent Being chuckled after he met one of his wives' eyes. "Yes, this is one of the dimensions where I have made a few changes."

"I don't even exist here... hmph, what are you trying to suggest?"

"Eh, nothing in particular." He shrugged and disappeared as his business was complete. The Goddess took note of this dimension before joining him.


"You have awakened at last."

Aerion opened his eyes to the void of light.

"At last?" He inquired, unsure of what the system meant by that.

"A few weeks have passed since you drifted off into your peaceful slumber-"

"A few weeks!? You must be jesting..."

"I do not jest, Dragon Prince. This long rest was required to reach the next realm of power. It all happened because you accidentally used a Grandmaster ranked magic skill without having the qualifications." The system explained. "As a result, instead of slowly progressing to the Grandmaster stage, you directly broke into it and so, you had to spend a period of time recovering."

"Am I a Grandmaster or was I merely using the power of one?" Aerion wondered.

"The latter... if you wish to avoid doing so, do not use the majority of your magic vitality at once."

Aerion nodded. "I will pay heed to your advice. Then can you tell me what happened in my absence?"

"No... you can do that yourself. I will, however, present your current status."



Prince Aerion Targaryen

Born: 280 AC, the fall of the second moon.

Age: 15, a week away from 16.

Titles: The Rightful King, Dragon Prince of the Free Cities, the Dragon of the Sea, Emperor Of New Valyria (declared), Khal, the Stormcaller

Traits: Handsome, Genius, Strong, Tall, Patient, Diligent, Proud, Ambitious, Ruthless, Brave, Confident.

Personal Manpower: 14000: 2500 undead, 500 greater undead, 20 Soul Knights, 1000 professional soldiers, 10,000 dothraki

Personal Navy: 100+

Gold: 200,000 Gold Dragons on hand, 1,000,000~ total worth in gold


[Physical Attributes]

Strength: 88

Endurance: 99

Dexterity: 94

Charisma: 97


Magic vitality: 40

[Magic grades and skills]

Pyromancy: Balanced Master Pyromancer ☆☆☆

-Skills: Fire Control (0+), Fireblast (0.75), Greater Fireblast (5), Rain of Fire (10)

Hydromancy: Efficient Adept Hydromancer ☆☆

-Skills: Water Control (0+), Water (0.5), Tidal Wave (10)

Aeromancy: Powerful Master Aeromancer ☆☆☆

-Skills: Air Control (0+), Wind gust (1), Mighty Roar (3), Tornado (6), Earth-Devastating Tornado (30)

Necromancy: Balanced Master Necromancer ☆☆☆

-Skills: Control undead (0), Revive Dead (0.75), Soul Steal (0.75), Greater Revive Dead (5), Soul Summon (10 + 0.75), Complete Rebirth (100+ corpses, Soul, Greater Revive)


[Overall skill grades]

Magic: Master Mage ☆☆☆

Duelling skill: Mythical Warrior ☆☆☆☆

Martial: Skilled Tactician ☆☆☆

Diplomacy: Grey Eminence ☆☆☆☆

Stewardship: Fortune Builder ☆☆☆

Intrigue: Intricate Webweaver ☆☆☆

Learning: Dutiful Clerk ☆☆



Jaime turned as the door to Aerion's chambers opened and three figures entered. It was a little lady accompanied by her rather stern, emerald-eyed uncle and Ser Barristan of the Kingsguard.

"Has he gotten better?" Jocelyn wondered though she hid her concern as best she could.

"No, it's much of the same..."

Jaime replied with a tone of sorrow in his eyes. Upon hearing this, Ser barristan sighed. "The host of Norvos and Qohor is approaching whilst one of the strongest navies formed intends to attack from the sea..."

"Your troubles are unfounded, Ser Barristan," Stannis stated. "The armies of the Free Cities cannot defeat the Knights of the Emperor."

"But... what happens after?" Jocelyn countered. "A sleeping Emperor cannot rule..."

"That was an issue... but no more." Stannis suddenly smiled as he realised something.

"What are you trying to suggest?" Jaime inquired.

Aerion slowly opened his eyes and rose from his bed which made Jaime take a step backwards. He looked around and recognised the figures who stood within his chambers before asking a question of great importance. Though, it was more or less to cheer the mood in the rather dark room.

"Can a prince rest without having several people staring at him?"