A Small Tear

"How..." Jaime muttered in his disbelief.

Wasn't he colder than ice just a moment ago?

"How what?" Aerion chuckled. "I was just taking a prolonged, well-deserved rest. Still, to think that you would all worry so much about me... I am overjoyed, truly."

Ser Barristan smiled. "The prince seems well enough to be cheerful."

Aerion touched the scar which went across his left eye before standing up. His plate armour had been replaced with rather stylish clothing from Pentos which made him feel slightly uncomfortable. After all, it meant that someone had changed his clothes other than himself...

"Jaime, who was it that took care of my resting body?"

"It was a well-trusted maid, my prince," Jaime replied.

"I suppose that's not so bad... how far away are the forces of the Free Cities?"

"Both are only days away," Stannis stated. "It is believed that the magisters intend to strike on your nameday as a way of spiting you."

Aerion laughed. "They wish to spite me? It seems that my conquests have gone under deaf ears!"

"Lord Stannis, you will prepare the city's defenders in case the navy does strike while I confront the army myself. Once both the army and navy fall, so will the resolve of the remaining Free Cities. After that... there will be no one left to resist my declaration and so, I will naturally become Emperor."

Stannis took note of Aerion's orders as Aerion turned to Jocelyn. "All of you are dismissed until I give my orders later in the day... except for Jocelyn, that is."

His two Kingsguard and Lord Stannis saw themselves out while Aerion walked towards his wonderful window and admired the rather pleasing sight of the port along with the beautiful blue sea.

"Why am I the exception?" Jocelyn inquired

"How have you been, Jocelyn?" Aerion countered, effectively dodging the question.

"Well enough..."

"Hm, I see. We will be seeing the titan of Braavos soon." Aerion smiled. "I wonder... did you find that something was missing in my absence?"

"Certainly not... why should I?"

"How cold... almost as cold as Tywin's old heart." Aerion looked towards the Narrow Sea which eventually led to Westeros.

"You should know that once I become Emperor and stabilise the Free Cities, there will no longer be a reason for you to remain here. As the Usurper, along with his foolish rebels, will no longer be a threat to me in the slightest by then. Being the kind person that I am, I've decided that you will be shipped back to him and given your freedom before I begin my second great Conquest."

"You are going to release me... after all of that?"

"All of what?" Aerion wondered. "Wasn't that what you desired most... your freedom?"

"Freedom... what freedom did I have in the Red Keep?" Jocelyn inquired. "Do you even know?"

"No, I wouldn't know." Aerion shook his head. "Do tell."

I would have if my father didn't ride off with a certain fair maiden- but that is in the past.

"I spent the majority of my life in those walls, only leaving for Winterfell once every two years or so. I couldn't decide whether I wished to go or not... it was all thrust upon me, no different than my current position. I would not call that freedom."

Is that so?

Aerion chuckled. "What of your family... don't you yearn to see them all again?"

"Yes... some of them." Jocelyn admitted.

"I don't see the issue then."

"I..." Jocelyn wanted to say something but, in the end, she couldn't find the resolve to say it out loud.

Aerion turned back to Jocelyn, his violet eyes shimmering like the sea.

"Speaking of Winterfell, I'd like to know about a certain bastard. Jon Snow... do you know about him?"

"Lord Eddard's bastard? Why would you care about him..."

"His existence is a stain on Lord Eddard's honour and so, I can't help but be slightly amused by him." Aerion made up a lie.

"Of course, you would be 'amused'. Anything that makes House Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tully and Arryn have a worse reputation pleases you."

"Rightfully so, little deerling." Aerion smiled. "House Baratheon because of the Usurper's Rebellion and his other misdeeds such as the countless assassination attempts, restricting me to Dorne, keeping Viserys and Daenerys in exile and declaring war on me when I had no intentions of fighting him. House Stark, Tully and Arryn all strongly supported the Usurper in his Rebellion and reign that followed, therefore I see them as rebel Houses."

"House Lannister... oh, the Great House Lannister... how my blood boils because of a single man. You do know what happened during the sack of King's Landing, don't you?"

Jocelyn gave no reply, nor did she know how to reply to that question.

Aerion sighed as he turned around to face the window once more. A slight tear fell down his face as he thought about it once more. "I... will never forget that day."

"It was the day when I lost almost everything dear to me. I lost both my home and close family, all except for my mother... forever. You have no idea what it means to feel the entire world collapse on top of you. And you never will... if you did, you would understand my distaste towards every single one of those Houses."

His voice remained firm, nevertheless. He wished to explain further but felt as if that was unnecessary... and weak. It would only push him further into the hole and bring forth even greater emotions, after all.

"Now, tell me about Jon Snow."

"I will tell you about him after you defeat the army of the Free Cities." Jocelyn decided that it was best not to speak with Aerion at this very moment.

Aerion chuckled as it wasn't exactly a pressing matter as Lord Eddard would certainly not mistreat his nephew.

"Very well... you may leave then."

And so, Jocelyn left Aerion's chambers. He took a deep breath before deciding to take control of his khalasar at last, something he had intended to do three weeks ago.