Returning Home

Aerion decided to write one last letter to his mother before returning home. He had been doing so as often as he could, especially when events of major importance occurred. The last time he had done so was before leaving Pentos for Braavos and much had happened since.


Dear Mother,

I must have made you worry to death at every step that I took to complete this conquest... but I am pleased to inform you that it has come to a swift close. The men serving the Sealord of Braavos fought long and hard, even catching me off-guard at one instance. However, I emerged victorious at the end without any wounds of significance. I've decided to leave Lorath to my loyal servant, Stannis Baratheon, and intend to sail for Volantis myself to remove the Triarchs who insulted me before.

However, before doing so, I wish to return home. My blood continues to burn for battle but my mind grows weary from it... I believe that a few weeks beside my family would do me well, I'm sure that you would tell me the very same thing.

I sometimes wonder how it would feel... to clearly see my father's smile once and hear the words 'I am proud of you, my son.' as he would embrace me with warmth. He was all that I dreamed to be... I hate him for his actions... and yet, I still wish that he had lived. That he had escaped the battle by some miracle. I would have berated him daily for being so bloody selfish, no doubt... but I would have had a father. He could have taught me how to wield a sword, ride a horse, fire a bow, charm the ladies, lead men into battle... and, in the end, I would have loved him despite all his flaws.

You would hate him too, mother... but maybe we could have been a complete family again as the years passed and wounds healed. If I was strong enough, then perhaps Rhaenys and little Aegon would be there too. Us five together... what I would not give for that.

If the afterlife is true, I wonder if he can see me today... I wonder if he would be proud of what I have become...


Aerion sighed as a couple of tears fell onto the paper. He wiped his eyes and let go of the ink.

He laughed at himself in a mocking yet tearful manner. "I let my feelings write for me again..."

Mentioning my father would only hurt mother...

The past is done and nothing will change that. I must push forward, paving the way for a greater future instead of idling in the past.

Aerion crossed out everything that followed the second paragraph before taking another piece of paper and copying what he had previously written. Then he took a short break before continuing from where he had ended.


Now that I think about it, the moment that I set foot on Sunspear uncle Doran will likely scold me for not making use of his reinforcements and striking out on my own in every battle. But... he can't scold an Emperor, can he?

We'll have to see about that.

There is one last thing that I wish to write about. This girl, Jocelyn Baratheon, did not wish to return to her father when I let her go. I understand her quite well but the reasoning behind this specific matter is something that I cannot comprehend, at least not yet. I've grown to like her company over time so I decided to grant her desire to stay under a few conditions. She has the potential to be a brilliant mind which is something that I am quite fond of developing. But, in the end, she is a Baratheon... this very fact has clouded my previously stern resolve regarding House Baratheon. Doing what I wished would only lead to pain and further hatred...

I hope that someday I gain absolute clarity on this matter.

Nevermind that, I intend to bring her with me to Sunspear. She is innocent of the Usurper's deeds and a companion of mine, so I ask that she is given a warm welcome. I should arrive in Sunspear about five to eight days away from the sixth moon.

That is all, my dear Mother.

Sincerest Regards, Your Son, Aerion.


Satisfied with the letter, Aerion gave it to a specific raven who thought of Sunspear as its home and set it free. Before sailing to Sunspear, he intended to collect Daenerys and Viserys first.


Middle of 296 AC, Sunspear.

"Sweet Sunspear... King's Landing simply cannot compare."

Aerion couldn't help but smile as he looked upon the distant view of Sunspear.

"Spicy Sunspear, more like." Oswell laughed at his own jest. "The elder Sand Snakes might eat up our charming Emperor now that he has grown into a man."

"Spicy Sunspear... it doesn't sound quite right," Jaime remarked as he looked at Aerion. "About your cousins..."

Aerion chuckled. "Arianne will fend them off... or they might share. I can see either happening."

"I see how it is." Viserys chuckled.

"Share what?" Jocelyn was slightly confused.

"That, I cannot answer." Aerion tactfully replied. "You will realise as you grow with age."

"Hmph, fine, keep it to yourself." She turned to her closest and only friend. Surely, she would give the answer. "Daenerys... would you happen to know anything about that?"

"Well... I might but I wouldn't tell you about it."

"Ahh, even you! Aerion... I feel betrayed."

Aerion laughed. "Stop worrying about something that doesn't concern you, Jocelyn. It is unnecessary, albeit quite amusing to witness."

"I see how it is."

He softly pat her head. "It's alright, blame Ser Oswell for being an idiot and bringing the subject to mind in the first place."

"Hey-" Oswell sighed as he did not wish to enter a battle of words against his Emperor. "Indeed, I am at fault."

"I am at fault as well," Aerion admitted as he looked at his Kingsguard. "Anyway, let us proceed away from this subject."

"That would be wise." Ser Arthur agreed.

Afterwards, Aerion's eyes did not leave Sunspear until the ship docked, followed by nine other galleys. The distinguishable banner of House Targaryen was proudly hoisted on each and every one of the galleys, informing those at the port that the Emperor had arrived.

As he stepped onto the port, a feeling of joy surged within Aerion. It had been far too long... before, he was eager to get away from Sunspear as soon as possible and be as free as a dragon. However, now he had come to miss it greatly. It was quite the turn of events, although completely natural.

As his violet gazed looked up, he could see his mother and the rest of his family. He entered a short daze as his mother embraced him so tightly. Tightly enough that he began to think if it was the Mountain breaking his bones or still his mother.

"Mother... I might... die..."

"Oh, forgive me." Elia let go and laughed slightly. Jocelyn chuckled at his rather helpless situation.

"It was very stressful to hear of all your battles... anything could have happened and so, I..."

"I wouldn't allow a lesser man to slay me, Mother," Aerion assured her. "The Kingsguard and many more capable warriors are there to protect me as well."

"He has grown to be an excellent warrior in his own right, Lady Elia." Jaime added. "Almost as good as me, I dare say. This means that slaying him is no easy task... especially when he begins to use his magic."

"I'll surpass you yet, Ser Jaime." Aerion glanced back.

"I'm sure you will, my Emperor." Jaime smiled.

As Doran was about to say something, Oberyn interrupted.

"Emperor!" Oberyn proudly chanted as he grabbed Aerion's shoulder. "The boy left a prince and returned both a man and Emperor after only a year and a half! Even Aegon the Conqueror with all his dragons would have to bow his head to such a feat."

Aerion chuckled. "I wouldn't quite compare myself to him-"

"Oh, and we have all these new faces. Prince Viserys Targaryen, I take it?"

Oberyn offered his hand as a form of introduction. He was hesitant to do so but after Aerion's glance, he did exactly that. They shook hands.

"Indeed, I am. And you must be Prince Oberyn Martell... we share quite the brilliant nephew, wouldn't you say?"

"Indeed, we do!"

They separated their hands.

"And she must be Princess Daenerys Targaryen. I am pleased that you were able to fulfil one of your main goals in uniting the last members of House Targaryen, Aerion." Doran Martell stated. "As for Jocelyn Baratheon... I do not know why the situation is what it is but she is welcome under your invitation. Even I dare not question you on such matters."

Doran Martell nervously laughed. "You are the Emperor of the New Valyrian Empire while I am but a Prince of Dorne, after all."

"I will still need your advice, uncle." Aerion replied. "Don't seal your tongue just because I am an Emperor now."

"I will keep that in mind." Doran smiled. "Now, I believe it is a good time for a celebratory feast, no?"

"In the name of the youthful, charming and invincible Emperor, Aerion of House Targaryen!" Oberyn shouted. "To celebrate all his glorious victories over the Usurper and the Free Cities who opposed him!"

"He sounds drunk with joy already." Elia laughed.

And so, they began to make their way into the keep.

As Aerion paid attention to following Doran, Arianne sneakily grabbed his left arm and softly whispered into his ear. "I've missed you dearly... I wonder if you have been unfaithful in my absence?"

"I didn't have a reason to be," Aerion replied. "What about you, Arianne?"

"No one quite compares, so I have been patient... very patient."

"I'll make it worth the wait." Aerion smiled.

Home... at long last, I am back home.

Aerion thought as he continued to walk onwards.