Proving A Point

It was a feast for only the noblest of people, with all of Sunspear's most powerful and prominent individuals present. In terms of size, the feast was rather modest but the lavishness of it was quite spectacular, to say the least. Aerion had Jocelyn sit to his right specifically as she was a stranger to everyone else that was seated. Placing her anywhere else was... well, unwise. The other faces that she knew were the Kingsguard who were all diligent in completing their duty, even at a time of celebration. So they did not participate in the feast... not until the Emperor whom they served said otherwise, that is.

To his left was his mother, who had reached her fortieth nameday not too long ago. She had aged gracefully, unlike most her age. She smiled as Aerion looked at her. It was a motherly smile, one that could cheer him on the darkest day.

"How has Sunspear been while I was away?" Aerion wondered.

"It was much of the same. As we are separate from the Seven Kingdoms, no one minds us much... leaving only interior matters. Surprisingly enough, the Usurper has not acted against us after your victory."

Aerion glanced at Jocelyn. "Well, I did threaten him. The consequence of any action against me or Dorne would be his daughter's life."

"And what if he did commit such an action, would you have done it?"

Jocelyn looked at Aerion and he shook his head.

"No... I would not. If Robert had seen through this, I may have had to abandon my conquest of the Free Cities and return home early."

"It is good that he misjudged you then," Elia stated as her hand touched the scar across his left eye before smiling. "You look even more battle-hardened than your father ever did. Perhaps I will no longer need to worry every time you recklessly charge into battle."

"Mother, you know that I'm not one to be reckless, especially not in a battle where my life is at stake," Aerion replied.

"And yet your soldiers proudly state charging into battle with their fearless Emperor paving the way forward on many occasions," Jocelyn remarked.

"If the Emperor doesn't lead, how can he expect his warriors to follow?" Aerion countered. "If I were to watch from the sidelines, I would be viewed as a weak leader and the resolve of my men would be even weaker as a result."

"She reminds me of a younger Lyanna..." Elia remarked as he glanced at Jocelyn. It was a rather cold glance, one that was hidden well.

Aerion raised his goblet and took a silent sip of wine. "What of it?"

Elia smiled. "She will grow to be a beautiful woman, just like her mother. Perhaps her father's great strength will serve to reinforce that beauty."

Aerion decided not to comment on her cold glance, leaving the matter for a better occasion. He was not fond of Lyanna Stark either, but the faults of a child's parents shouldn't be placed upon the child. He was a firm believer of that very concept.

"Today, we feast in the name of the Emperor!" Oberyn stated. "The same man who made the unworthy Usurper turn tail and run like a dog after crushing him in the Narrow Sea, the man who conquered the Free Cities and even made the Titan of Braavos kneel within a single day of battle! He is not only of House Targaryen, let us not forget. He is the pride of House Martell and the Kingdom of Dorne as well!"

"Hail to Emperor Aerion Stormcaller, the First of His Name, the Rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms, the Dragon of the Sea and the Emperor of New Valyria!"

"Hail to the Emperor!"

Everyone raised their cups of wine and began to drink.

"May the feast begin." Doran, in turn, announced.


Aerion left his seat after some time, to catch up with those that he had missed. The first person to approach him was a rather frightening Obara Sand who had a few manly features. She had pursued the martial way of life from a very young age and so, her skill with the spear could not be underestimated. She was the oldest among the Sand Snakes, being twenty-five years old.

Not this hot-tempered woman...

"Everyone speaks of you as a formidable warrior now. I wonder, how much of the stories are true. Would you even reach past my shield? Last I remember, you were just a boy with a few magic tricks and no real strength."

"Magic tricks? I wouldn't quite call them that, Obara. After all, these 'magic tricks' can kill a hundred men within seconds. Can your spear accomplish that?"

"You cannot defeat me without them... that hasn't changed."

"What makes you say that? We have yet to spar." Aerion replied with great confidence. "I don't need magic to make a fool out of you anymore."

"You- come outside, now."

"Ah, Obara, you're fighting him already?" Arianne went in between them. "Leave that for a better time, would you?"

Aerion chuckled. "I don't mind having a little fun during a feast."

"Move aside, Arianne. He can fend for himself."

And so, they left the hall and collected their weapons. The number of bystanders started to grow as a duel was far more entertaining than anything else that was happening. Obara readied her spear and shield while Aerion drew his glistening blade. Doran wished to end it before the duel had even started but Oberyn stopped him.

"Come now, let them have a little fun and make this feast more eventful. Don't you want to see how far he has grown in battle prowess?"

"That does not matter to me, brother. But I will allow it as both parties seem to have come to an arrangement."

Aerion held his longsword with both hands, though it started to seem a little small as he had continued to grow in size and strength. He started to think that perhaps a bastard sword was more suitable. Nevertheless, he entered a middle guard stance.

"Where is your shield?"

"You know that I don't use shields," Aerion replied. "They only slow me down."

"The same excuse as before... first blood wins!"

She was first to strike, thrusting her spear towards Aerion. He was anticipating such an attack... after all, she was known for being hot-tempered and he had duelled her several times before. However, he was no boy this time.

Aerion stepped to the side and grabbed her spear's shaft, dragging her towards him. Then, with dashing speed, he slashed at her arm before she could recover. It was a minor cut, though large enough to draw blood.

He let go of her spear and smirked.

"I win and without any magic tricks involved."


Obara stepped back and recovered her battle stance, though it was pointless as the duel was over.

"Perhaps you would have lasted longer if you were on the defensive and made greater use of your shield. Then again, that is unlike you."

"Are all Martells so hot-blooded..." Jocelyn muttered.

Arianne glanced at her. "We are all like that, one way or another."

Aerion sheathed his sword and turned to the bystanders. "Is there anyone else who wishes to test their skill against me?"

"Tempting," Jaime remarked as he looked towards his own sword.

They all glanced at each other and no one seemed to step up to the duel, choosing to praise his abilities instead. "Truly, our Emperor is among the greatest swordsmen in the Seven Kingdoms!"