
"You will join the Valyrian Empire as loyal vassals, along with the rest of the Reach. All of your gold, swords and other resources are mine to use if I require them. This is one of the primary policies of the New Valyrian Empire and, for your sake, it would be best not to forget it. In a time of war, it is expected of every vassal to act as one and put forth their very best efforts in the name of the Emperor or be deemed as... rebels."

"In exchange for your loyalty and service, it will be my duty to protect these lands from any outside forces that threaten its prosperity. They are my lands as much as they are yours, after all." Aerion drank some more of the Arbour Red. "House Tyrell will remain as the direct rulers of the Reach, serving only under me."

"The Houses which defy my rule within the Reach are to be humbled and replaced with more loyal subjects. If you find any trouble with that... please, do tell one of my knights. They will be more than glad to assist you with any rebels."

Aerion stood up from his seat.

"You need only to bend the knee now to secure your future."

Mace looked to Olenna for her advice regarding the matter.

"What are you waiting for?"

He stopped looking and stood from his seat, walking towards Aerion moments later. He bent the knee, albeit not in the most elegant manner due to his... size. However, this was good enough for Aerion who smiled afterwards.

"You are wise, Lord Mace Tyrell." Aerion nodded. "You may rise now."

"Perhaps there will be a day when I visit Highgarden and we find the opportunity to have a more... pleasant meeting there."

"It would be my pleasure to greet the Emperor in Highgarden. There are many sights to behold, I assure you."

"Then I will inform you beforehand whenever I find the desire to visit. Now, as a gift of good faith and symbol of my protection, I have decided to leave three of my finest knights with you."

Aerion chose 3 Soul Knights at random and ordered them to follow the orders of the Tyrells... unless those orders opposed his interests. The Free Cities were a good distance away, especially those which were further East, so he wouldn't be able to react to any attacks immediately. Therefore, the main purpose of these three Soul Knights was to be an extra layer of protection in case someone was to invade the Reach in his absence. They could also go on the offensive which, despite their small numbers, no enemy would desire.

"Use them well." Aerion turned to the door and began to leave.

"Will you be leaving so soon, my Emperor?"

"Oh... not quite so soon." Aerion retraced his steps and took the entire basket of peaches, along with the jar of wine. "I'm sure you won't mind, I found them quite wonderful. Now, I will be on my way."

"I am glad that you do, My Emperor." Mace glanced towards his daughter. "Why don't you allow Margaery here lead you to the port?"

Aerion looked at her and nodded. "Sure."

What's the worst that could happen?

As Aerion's entourage left the hall, the three remaining Soul Knights looked a little depressed. "From serving the Dragon to a couple of roses."

"It is our duty to keep the Emperor's peace. This order alone is just as important as any other battle the rest will encounter."

"He said that you three were his finest, did he not?" Mace stated. "Then I would like to see one of you in combat against one of my own men."

"Does this fat man have the gall to doubt us, The Emperor's mightiest warriors?" One Soul Knight stepped forward, looking down on Mace. "Bring us every guard you have and we'll show you what we are capable of."

"They are confident... not without reason, I hope," Olenna remarked.

"That can be arranged." Mace nodded.


"The people of his port seem terrified of you, My Emperor," Margaery remarked. "Perhaps a little act of kindness will convince them to be more open."

"What do you propose?" Aerion wondered. "Must I bribe them to think of me as a saint? They will understand my actions with time as the result becomes clear. Nevertheless, sometimes to be feared is better than to be loved, especially when it regards enemies."

"Due to the negotiations, they are now your people to protect and support. I believe some charity would bring more light to your name and change the views of the smallfolk. To them, you would no longer be the demon that they think you are."

"Hmph, very well."

Although a little impatient to leave the Arbour, Aerion decided that he would follow her advice and give away some spare gold dragons. Minutes later, he was within the less fortunate parts of the port and giving away some gold dragons in the name of charity.

"Well, isn't this a first?" Oswell remarked. "Maybe the lady has shown our Prince a new trick."

"Charity is no trick, Ser Oswell." Ser Arthur replied. "It is an act of kindness."

"With the intent to profit..." Oswell shrugged.

"Our Emperor thinks more with his head than his heart. It is better this way, Ser Oswell." Jaime replied. "For a person, a King especially, to be ruled by his emotions... it is only a path that leads to disaster. We should all know that."

"You do have a point, Ser Jaime." Oswell nodded.

A child ran up to Aerion, only looking towards the basket of peaches in his hands. He ended up bumping into him, unable to stop his momentum. Aerion turned to the child and frowned.

The child looked up and saw a man who seemed fiercer than a dragon, with piercing violet eyes that glowed even in the darkest void. Half his face was hidden by shadows, while the other half revealed his rather clean yet still menacing scar.

"Do you want something, child?"

Aerion's cold tone led to the child immediately turning around and running the other way. However, the wind swept him up and forced the child to face Aerion again.

"I will not ask again... do you need anything?"

The child shook his head. "No... no, let me... go."

Aerion frowned as Margaery giggled slightly.

"Your appearance does not make this the easiest task, my Emperor. The chilling tone does not help much either-"

"Hmph, I am already renowned to be among the most handsome men in all of the Free Cities. How is my appearance a detriment?"

"Perhaps it was the shadows... and the scar."

As they had been conversing, the child had turned to run again but Aerion's wind caught him again. He reluctantly took out one peach and gave it to him.

"You want this?"

The child looked upon the peach and nodded, slowly taking it from Aerion's hands.

"Since I enjoyed it, you are likely to as well." Aerion brought out a gold dragon. "Take this and don't spend it on anything you don't need, alright?"

The child nodded.

"Good man, now scuttle along."

Aerion looked around and saw that ever since he had begun being a charitable young Emperor, more and more people crowded around him.

"That will be enough, for now." He announced. "I may or may not return."

They were respectful enough to back away which made Aerion smile as he didn't have to intimidate them into doing so. Their fears from before kept them at bay while the kindness from today made them more open towards him, their Emperor.


"This time we spent was quite insightful, my lady," Aerion stated as he stepped onto the port. "And enjoyable, if I do say so myself. Perhaps I will visit Highgarden a little earlier."

"Our walls will always be open to you, my Emperor." Margaery smiled and bowed slightly. "Safe travels."

"I have nothing to fear-"


A shout from one of the guards resounded across the port.


Aerion turned around and saw several ships come out of the distant fog, all bearing the Golden Kraken of House Greyjoy. He called upon the wind to clear the fog, revealing a rather impressive fleet of twenty galleys.

The Ironborn must really want the Arbor today... how unfortunate that they chose this day.

After the fog cleared, however, the Ironborn looked upon the banner of House Targaryen hanging over ten ships in the port. Almost immediately, the ships turned around and sailed in the other direction.

"Merely the sight of your banner makes them cower away," Margaery remarked.

Aerion smiled as he returned to the deck of the Mad King.

"That is the power of fear, my lady."