Power Of Healing

"My Emperor, what will we do about the Ironborn?" Ser Arthur inquired.

"Giving pursuit would be a waste of time... however, leaving them with a little message will help them realise for certain that the Reach is under my protection."

Aerion channelled his Aeromancy, forming three tornadoes towards the end of the Ironborn fleet. Half of the fleet was crushed within seconds as the ruthless winds surged towards the ships. Every single man aboard the ten ships died... making the Ironborn even more fearful as they turned away from him at the very fastest speed possible.

They had witnessed the terrifying Stormcaller themselves which made them forget about sailing anywhere close to the Arbor again.

"They will never sail here again," Oswell stated. "Unless they are mad, of course."

"You would be surprised by the foolishness of the Ironborn, Ser Oswell," Barristan replied. "They were mad enough to challenge the Usurper under Balon Greyjoy... though, it seems not even they are willing to fight the Emperor."

"Nevermind those outlaws." Aerion replied. "Now, we sail for Sunspear!"


The crew cheered and got to work. After an hour of navigating on the upper-deck, Aerion decided to leave the duty to his vice-captain before returning to his chamber to practice some good old magic. He sat on his chair and observed the desk before him.

His dagger remained on the desk, as glistening as the summer sea. No one could tell that this very dagger had tasted the blood of dozens of men, resulting in their deaths. It had also tasted Aerion's blood on many occasions as he had tried to create a magic that could heal others. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed pointless. He was forced to use his flames to avoid scars in the end... every time.

Is there something that I am lacking?

The magic to heal... how did it all begin?

As Aerion thought of how he had awakened his first three magics, it dawned upon him.

There was a need for it, a true need... to survive.

The mountain was moments away from crushing me... Jaime needed greater speed to escape and then I needed to breathe in the harsh winds. It felt so much easier back then... but only because I was in greater danger at every step.

In this case, I believe that someone dear to me has to be close to death's doors... then perhaps it will finally awaken. Harming myself will not mean much because my flames are already capable of healing me.

Aerion returned his dagger to its sheath.

... Maybe one more time.

He drew his dagger again and made a slash across his right hand. He did not even react to the pain as he had grown used to it. Instead, he looked at the blood flow before placing his left hand atop his right and closing his eyes for greater concentration.

A vast, magnificent and gentle white light surrounded Aerion's body before being concentrated into the wound. He willed the wound to heal, exhausting a massive amount of vitality while doing so. Once the aura disappeared, he opened his eyes.

The moment of truth...

He removed his left hand, revealing the right... unharmed.

He breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back on his chair in exhaustion.

It worked... a little inefficient, but it worked.

Aerion closed his eyes once more and entered the white void to see if the System had anything to say. He was looking for an explanation, to be precise.

"You have started to build the foundations of healing magic through sheer hard work and a greater understanding of its nature, though you cannot call yourself a novice quite yet." The system explained. "You have yet to truly awaken this type of magic. Unfortunately, it will remain inefficient and rather useless until you do."

"I know what to do regarding that." Aerion smiled. "However, you mentioned 'a greater understanding of its nature'... what do you mean by that?"

"It came as a result of your actions today." The System stated. "The kinder the heart, the easier it will be to learn and master healing."

"So it is more difficult for me."

"You are no saint, that is certain." The system replied. "Yes, it will be more difficult... but not impossible. Your thoughts from before are, indeed, the keys towards success. You cannot force it to awaken, it will happen naturally... only the opportunity needs to present itself. You can certainly, if you wish, make this opportunity more likely to present itself through several means."

"You are a bright young man so there isn't a need for me to explain further, or is there?"

Aerion shook his head. "No, of course not."

I know what I need to do.



Aerion's small fleet immediately sailed for Sunspear, wasting little time. Aerion had decided to focus on his Hydromancy a little more instead of the healing magic which seemed to progress no further. The waves were more kind this time, resulting in the ships moving more swiftly.

Aerion stepped onto the port and walked towards the Old Palace, accompanied by his Kingsguard and some Soul Knights. He went directly for his uncle's solar and knocked on the door.

"Uncle, are you present?"

"Yes, I am."

Aerion opened the door and walked in, leaving the rest to guard the corridor.

"You returned sooner than expected. How did your negotiations with the Tyrells end?"

"They ended wonderfully, uncle." Aerion smiled. "I have another Kingdom under my empire as a result. And... I've gained new insight regarding healing."

"Oh? Well, that is good to hear. You need not worry about me too much..."

"I made a promise and I intend to keep it," Aerion replied. "The next time that I return... it will be as the greatest healer the Known World has ever known. They say gout cannot be cured? Hmph, there is nothing within this world that magic cannot heal and I will prove it."

"Then I look forward to your next return." Doran smiled. "Where do you plan to sail after Sunspear?"

"Volantis and then..." Aerion didn't know if he should mention Old Valyria, the place that no one has returned from since the Doom. A hundred thousand men, massive fleets, small fleets... it did not matter. No one had ever returned from that ruined place alive.

Aerion did not wish for his uncle to start worrying which may or may not lead to his mother worrying even more.

"Will you give me your word that you will not tell anyone else of my second destination?"

"Why might you need to keep such information a secret from others?"

"I need your word first."

"Very well... you have my word that I will not inform anyone else of where you intend to travel after Volantis."

Aerion sighed. "Well... it's not the safest place to visit. I'm sure you know many of the stories, as I do."

Doran frowned.

"To be precise, it is Old Valyria that I tend to visit."

"Old Valyria!?" Doran couldn't believe it. "Have you gone mad, Aerion? Even you can suffer the consequences of such a voyage. Not a single person has returned from those ruins alive even with armies of tens of thousands of men... what makes you believe that you can survive?"

"It is because Old Valyria is the only way to continue surviving that I must sail there," Aerion replied.

"If my magic remains stagnant for any longer, the world will end as we know it..."

"What nonsense are you speaking of? Have you truly gone ma-"

"Winter is Coming." Aerion interrupted.

"Once, I thought those were rather meaningless words but I've come to realise that they are words of warning. That, even after all these years... this ancient threat can still emerge. Through my dragon dreams, I saw them... the Others and their King."

"I saw his army of countless different creatures marching south... such a force would even make the Seven Kingdoms collapse completely, followed by the rest of the world. Uncle... this is not a threat that I can ignore. I must be strong enough to crush them all along with their King, who has his very own magic."

"To do this, I must travel to Old Valyria where greater power awaits me."

"And if you die because of this journey?" Doran inquired.

"Then I would have thought too highly of myself." Aerion chuckled. "I would join my father as a fool... oh, and I would have plenty to say to him. You see, I could stray away from Old Valyria and sit on my throne peacefully but that would not stop him from gathering his army. Eventually, he would merely march down and kill me anyway."

"With this voyage, at least I... along with the realm and all those dear to me have a chance of surviving past winter."

"I see..." Doran sighed. "Then you will do what you must, I will not stop you... not that I wield the power to do so. As the Emperor, you are free to do as you wish and no one can tell you otherwise. You need only live with the consequences of your actions afterwards."

"I promise to return in one piece, even if I must walk through the worst storms, fires, diseases and disasters this world has to offer." Aerion stated with fierce determination."If I find myself in the Seventh Hell, I will survive and return."

"Even if all the Gods gather and aim their swords at me, I will slay them all and move only forwards towards my path."

Doran laughed a little. "You have always been determined towards your goals... perhaps far too determined at times. However, I do believe that you are capable of anything that you put your mind towards."

Aerion observed as his uncle stood up from his seat and walked towards him.

"Never forget that you are the last pillar of the great House Targaryen and millions of men, women and children look towards you for a greater realm. All of your conquests... they would mean very little if you disappeared so suddenly, without an heir no less. I'm sure you know this already... more than I do."

"Then your family as well... myself, Oberyn, Viserys, Daenerys, Arriane and your mother especially would all suffer great pain in your death. Even the Baratheon... remember them whenever you encounter any great danger."

Doran embraced Aerion, for the very first time since he was a child.

"I am proud of all that you have accomplished from the moment you came to Sunspear as a child to now... where you stand as the proud and indomitable conqueror who could shake the world if he wished." Doran smiled. "I don't believe there is a more proud uncle within the Known World... other than your other uncles, of course."

Aerion smiled.

"You will have plenty more to be proud of in the future, uncle," Aerion replied. "I will make sure of it."