"Make sure you have the directions on your phone the whole time! If the driver makes a turn that doesn't lead to the academy, then call me!" Rosie has been lecturing me for about 3 hours now.
We're waiting in my front lawn for the car to pick me up. I have my important stuff in a light purple suitcase. My candy is stored in my, also light purple, backpack.
"Rosie, I'm gonna be fine." I assure Rosie for the 10th time.
"You better stay safe! Or I'm suing the school!"
"You worry too much."
Rosie suddenly hugs me, "please come back safe."
I giggle, "of course I will!" I hug her back.
"It's almost 8. If the car is a minute early or late, sue the school."
"Rosie! That's mean!"
"They said 8 AM sharp. So they better be here at 8 AM sharp!"
We both start laughing. I'm gonna miss Rosie. "Hey Rosie."
"What, you quiet freak."
"If anything happens, or you need someone, please call me."
"Who else would I call? You're the only person that actually comforts me."
"I'm gonna miss you lots and lots and lots!"
"Can't say the same."
I fake gasp, "you meanie!"
"I'm kidding! I'll miss you too."
"Look it's about to turn 8 AM!" We both stare at my phone until it turned 8.
Right when it turned 8:00, there was a honk in front of us. We both look up to see a black Honda.
The driver rolls down the window, "Lena Winters, you have 10 minutes."
I stand up to put on my backpack. I help Rosie up, and I hug her.
The hug was tight, and lasted for a few seconds.
"You have the keys to my house, so you're welcome in anytime!" I say to Rosie.
"I'll make sure it's squeaky clean when you come back." Rosie pats my back.
"I love you, Rosie."
"I love you too, rat"
I grab my suitcase and walk to the car.
I look at the driver and ask, "can I sit in the front?"
"Your decision." The driver replies back.
I put my suitcase and backpack in the back seats. After that, I sit at the front seat.
"You ready?" The driver asks.
"Yes, sir!"
He starts the engine and drive off. Rosie and I wave bye to each other until I don't see her anymore.
I look in front of me. Oh! I have to put the directions on my phone. After putting the directions on my phone, I look in front again to see the road.
Hmm. I should text the smart human!
➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
>Thank you for deciding to come to CA.
➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
>Yes, I am.
➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
>We will have to see.
➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
I sigh. I really want to meet this human.
After 15 hours of silent driving, we stop in front of a big gate. The driver pushes a button that's attached to his car keys. The gate opens up. After it fully opens, the driver starts driving inside. Once in, he pushes the bottom again. I turn around to see the gate closing.
"That's a cool button." I point to the button.
"It is, isn't it." The driver says.
As I was about to say something else, I see a huge building, that was shining bright in the night, in front of me. It's 6 stories high, with a flat roof. The building was big and u shaped, the windows and pillars were really fancy. Vines grow in the school's walls, making it look old but pleasing to look at. At the front of the academy, orange trees grow around a big circle, which is probably where cars drop off or pick up kids. I look around to make out small houses that surround the school, the property is really big.
The driver stops the car right next to a set of stairs that lead to the academy's front doors. "We're here Miss Winters."
I hop out and grab my suitcase and backpack.
"I'll bring you to the front office." I follow the driver into the building.
The walls were white, with pleasing paintings. There was well kept, healthy plants in old pots. There's about 6 plants in every hallway. The hallways had light, kinda pastel, blue carpets that cover the floor. The classroom doors had a wood plank pattern, it was really really light pink, you would think the doors were white far away, but if you take a good look, they're light pink. The doorknobs looked like big clear diamonds. In the middle of each door had a name painted in. I'm guessing the names are the teachers who teaches the classroom the doors lead too, and the nameless doors aren't classrooms.
The driver stops walking and opens up a door that wasn't pink, it was just normal white. Instead of a name, it had 'The Office' painted on.
The driver then leads me inside the room, "Lena Winters has arrived."