"There's no one here." I tell the driver as we enter the office.
"I know." He replies back, in a embarrassment tone.
"Then why'd you announce I was here?"
"Please drop this topic."
"Okay." I start humming to distract myself from the uncomfortable silence.
He walks up to a desk. He picks up a note, after reading it, he crumpled it up and threw it away. "Looks like you're being sent to the headmistress' office."
I stop humming, "did I already get in trouble?"
"Don't know." He leads me out of the office, and stops at the door that was in front of the office door.
In the middle of the door the words, 'Headmistress Vee' is painted on. The driver opens up at door, so I can get inside. He closes the door without even coming in with me.
"Welcome Lena Winters!" A voice from the room startles me.
I see a lady wearing a suit in front of me.
She hugs me, "I'm glad you made it here safely!"
After giving me a light hug, she walks to her desk to sit down. She points to a chair that faces her desk, "please sit."
I sit down, "umm am I in trouble?"
She shakes her head, "of course not! Why would you think that?"
"I'm sent to the headmistress' office on the first few minutes I've been here."
"Oh, silly! I wanted to welcome you here myself, after all you suddenly transferred here in the middle of a school year."
I like this lady. She talked in a bubbly way, even her appearance looked bubbly. Her hair was short, the ends of her hair was curled up, it's like those hairstyles from the oldies, it was also a light brown color. Somehow her blue eyes matched her hair.
"From what I read from the name tag at the door, you're Headmistress Vee?" I ask her.
She nods, "that's me!"
"Cool. Um, so what now?"
"Oh! A student volunteered to help you adjust here, so you'll be living with him! He'll be here in a few minutes to pick you up!"
"Living with a guy?!?! Uhm, if you read my application correctly, I clearly wrote I was a female."
"Don't worry! We would never make a girl move in with a disrespectful guy, and vice versa!"
"How do you know he's not disrespectful?"
"Stop worrying! He's a really nice and respectful person!"
"I just transferred to a prestigious school, and right away I have to move in with a guy?! Am I some main character in some romance book?!?!"
"My my, if you were in a book, the author would never do such a thing! You'll only be staying at his place for a week so that he can help you adjust to the new environment! After a week, you can decide to move out or not."
I open up my mouth to say something, but before my voice came out, the door opened up. I look behind me to see a guy enter inside and close the door behind him.
"Lena, this is Sean Clen. He will be your house mate, and the person that'll be helping you." Headmistress Vee introduces me to the boy named Sean.
"Hi! I'm Lena!" I stand up to put my hand out.
He shakes it, "nice to meet you Lena."
"Oh! Before you go, I have a request, Lena." Headmistress smiles.
I face her, "what's the request?"
"Can you call or text your parents to come here, I'd like to meet them."
I shake my head, "they're too busy."
"Oh, well that's fine. Everyone seems to be busy with work nowadays." Headmistress laughs.
I shake my head again, "no. They're not busy with work."
"Oh, then can I ask what they're busy with?" Headmistress asks.
"My dad's probably busy sniffing coke with a random homeless person in a abandoned alley, and my mom is probably busy slutting in a club."
"Oh my. I'm very sorry to hear that." The headmistress gives me a look full sympathy.
[Stop. Don't look at me like that.]
"Don't worry about it! I'm happy that I didn't have to rely on big jerks like them." I give her a big toothy smile.
"Well then, Sean should be bringing you to your new home. Have a fun time here, dear." She gives me a sad smile.
Sean leads me to a small, 2 story house that's only about 17 minutes away from the school. Being a gentleman, he took my suitcase so that I don't have to drag it with me the whole walk. We didn't even say a single word to each other during the 17 minute walk.
Sean opens up the door, "ladies first."
"Thanks," I say as I go inside.
"Follow me to your room."
I follow Sean to a room upstairs. He opens up the door, showing a boring room. The walls were plain white, nothing interesting hanging in them. There was also no carpets in the gray wood plank floor. The only thing inside of the room was a bed with white bedside tables at both sides. Even the bed was boring. There was 2 white pillows, and one white thick blanket. The only thing that were interesting was a uniform laying In the middle of the bed, and on top of the uniform laid a few papers. There's also 2 mystery doors that I should explore later.
Sean leaves my suitcase next to my bed, "sorry that your room is pretty boring. I didn't know what you liked, so I decided to let you decorate the room yourself."
"I can decorate the room?!" I throw my backpack on my bed.
"Yup. You can decorate it how ever you like. You can even paint the walls," Sean walks to the door. "I'll be downstairs. Don't be afraid to come down if you need anything."
"Okay." I reply back. Sean walks out, closing the door with him.
I open one of the mystery doors. Behind the door was a fancy bathroom. It was bigger then the bathroom at my house. The bathtub had a shower in it! Everything looked so sparkly. After admiring the fancy bathroom, I explore the other door. This time the door reveals a walk in closet. No wonder there's only 2 rooms up stairs, the rooms have a big bathroom and a walk in closet that takes up so much space.
After unpacking my stuff, I grab my phone to text Rosie.
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➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶
Hmm. Rosie is probably sleeping. I grab a small sour gummy worm pack from my backpack, I didn't have any place to put my candy so I left it in my backpack for now. Oh yea! The stuff on my bed. I walk to check the stuff out. I pick up the papers first. One paper was my schedule and the other was a packet full of rules and stuff. I read my schedule.
Period 1 - P.E | Mrs. Yamira
Period 2 - Science | Mr. Bird
Period 3 - French | Ms. Neta
Period 4 - Art | Ms. Madison
Period 5 - Math | Mr. Jones
Period 6 - History | Ms. Le
Period 7 - Free Time
Period 8 - Photography | Mrs. Penelope
Ew! 8 periods?!?! Woah that's too much! Maybe I can skip some classes. I put my schedule and the rules packet in one of my bedside tables. I go back to the end of my bed to check out the uniform.
HELL NO! I grab the uniform, and run out of my room to go downstairs.