Respect Is A Big Word

The Big Room As Two Children Looked at one another While The Secret Camera's Carefully Placed As The Person Behind the CCTV Observe the Two of Us.

He Looked conflicted, Not believing such a Good Opportunity would really come While I Maintained A Soft Smile on My Face While Putting away the Tray That was Now Empty.

"Will You Make sure to Atleast Respect Me?.."

I Wore A Gentle Smile While My mind Went to Leo's Past, He Never was the type to Tell Anyone about he's childhood and was a Private Person so I Respected That and never asked Anything Risky But I felt Myself Feeling Mad At the Shitty Parents Leo Had.

"I Will."

Without Hesitation, I Answered While Wearing a Gentle Smile While I Adored he's Face that was filled with Joy Yet Reluctancy.

After Hearing My Answer, He seemed to have Made Up He's mind and Looked at me in the eye while He's Eyes were filled with Determination Yet Acceptance.

"Im A Loser who Was Raised In the Streets, Starving And Homeless So I don't Really have The right to Refuse such a Good Opportunity Nor Am I In A Situation To Refuse getting Free Food Or Education.."

He Looked down, He's Head Filled with Shame while I Unconsciously Placed My Hand On He's Head. Patting Softly At he's Silver Hair like in the Past while He Looked Surprised As My Hand Softly Pat he's Dirty yet Soft Silver Hair.

" I Promise to Respect You "

He Nodded Before Grabbing The Hand That was Petting Him When He suddenly got down At the Bed and Kneeled while I felt Embarrassed and Happy at the Same time.

It was Like The First Time Leo and I Met When we were Kids, He's Father Introduced the Two of us and Told Him That He will Be My Personal Butler From Then On.

He Suddenly Kneeled Infront of Me and Infront of He's Father and Other servants While he's Face was Stoic Yet Had a Professional Smile on him.

Like In the Past, This Younger Leo Grabbed My Hand while I only felt embarrassed While he Said In He's raspy yet soft voice filled with Determination.

"I Promise to Serve You And Give You My Utmost Respect Venna Michedel"

Grabbing My Hand, He Kissed it Lightly While he smiled at me while I Only Smiled Not Saying how Embarrassed at I Am while he did the very same thing he did In My First Life.

Is this Considered A thing In a Butler Dictionary?

Nothing Less, I Responded and Swallowed My Embarrassment And Lightly Helped Him Get Up In he's Kneeling Position.

"You Don't Have to Kneel, I have No Use for People Kissing My Hand or Kneeling for Me so Just eat Properly and Take Care of Yourself since Having a Underweight Kid Who can barely even Lift a Thing is Not Useful"

With those Words That are Clean and Cautious Because Im Well aware that there are people watching Us, I Helped Him Stood Up While he responded to My Answer with a Light Pout while Lightly Complaining.

"Im Not That Small...and I promise to be useful to You in the Future"

I Chuckled at how Adorable This Small Leo is while Not being Able to Resist to Go and Pet he's soft Yet dirty Silver Hair.

"You Will Be In the future but Now, You Better take a Shower because You stink Boi"