
Leo Blushed While Running towards the Bathroom while I Only chuckled and Ordered a Random Servant to take care of Him and Help Him Get Ready.

Glancing at Time before Frowning While Imagining That I Need to Go have dinner with That woman Since Im Pretty sure the servants have Already Reported to Her what I did today and she will likely Go and Act All Motherly to know what Im Plotting.

Mother Is A Paranoid Person, After hearing what I've Been doing. She's probably Franting at how Much I Changed.

I Was never a Social Person who cared for connections and so-called 'Friendships'.

I was never a Nice Person who cared for the Poor.

Nor Am I The type to Smile at whoever Talks to Me.

I was a always trying to act like her who was always Cold and Emotionless.

Walking down the Stairs While I could already Hear the Servants Synchronized Greeting To My Mother As she Arrive Earlier Than usual.

Heading downstairs, I Told One of the Stand-By Servants to Go and Give Leo some Dinner after he Finished Bathing and Getting ready As I Glanced at the Hallway which My Mother is currently Looking at Me with Observant Eyes.

"Welcome Home Mother"

With a Smile, I Greeted Her like it was Normal While she Could Only squirt her Eyes at me. Observing me before replying to My Greeting with her Usual Cold Self.

"You Too, We have something to talk about In Dinner So Don't be Late"

With those words, She left and Got upstairs. My Smile Dropped after she left, Indifferent and Cold As I Headed Towards The Living Room with My Phone in Hand.

I Needed Power and Money Fast.

Although Im Still A Elementary Student, I know to myself that Mother's Paranoia Started to get worst after I Graduated Elementary.

that was when she would Monitor and Stalk Me, She didn't spare the Bathroom and Never gave me a single Ounce of Freedom.

I Wasn't allowed to Go outside And Is Ordered to Go straight Home after school, Never allowed to Got to any Social Party Or Even Go Outside And was forced to be Home schooled In My 2nd Year in High school.

That was When her Mental Symptom called 'Phycosis' Appeared. When I was just In Kindergarden Or just Practically a Kid, She was Just A Paranoid and Overly Cautious Woman But After I Graduated Elementary, That was when My Nightmare started.

'Phycosis' is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see, hear, or believe things that aren't real.  

Practically speaking, She always said to her Therapist That she would hear Voices In Her Subconscious That Would Warn her that Her own Daughter would be The Death of her In the Future.

I found That Out When I Investigated Mother when I Was In Collage, Her Mental Symptom Was The cause of her stress,Overthinking And Over-Analyzing the Situation.

Glancing at the upstairs where Mother Dissapeared at, I Didn't Feel an Ounce of Pity Or Even felt Sympathetic To My Own Blood and Flesh.

Instead, I just felt like I Had No Opinion about her So-called Symptom.

Am I Suppose to Feel Pity That My Mother Overthink To the point where she believed that her own daughter would Kill her one day and Decided to Isolate and Lock Her daughter away from the World?

Im Not a Saint nor Am I Determined and Energetic enough to Take Revenge On A Person who will Get Fucked In the future By her own Paranoia.

People Do Bad Things And Good Things, Im Not In a Position to Act Like Jesus And Baptize those Motherfuckers.