Poor Max

That thing that happened really had everyone in the bunker abit scared. Max was found dead even though John did nothing everyone else there thought it was him. Max's body wasnt found inside it was instead outside. How could it be John? He later then inspected the body and found that some limbs were missing. John told the others that it must have been the creatures since Max's limbs were gone. They still said it was him and he was trying to blame it on the creatures. John didnt want to "clap back" and say over and over that it wasnt him instead he let them stay with their thoughts. He continued to investigate Max's body. He found something that he didnt think would be left by a creature. He found hair well hair is something common that could come from anyone he thought that he might aswell take the strand of hair as a sample. John was very paranoid so he took some hair samples from the others just incase. "Wait what am i thinking those things cant shape shift..right?" He thought to himself and he came to realise that he doesnt even remember if they can shape shift or not. After thinking about that John kept a close eye on them just to make sure they arent the creatures...but they cant be them right...right? John drove himself crazy for about two days thinking about Max's dead body, whether the others killed him or if it was a creature and if so are one of them the creature? He did more studies with the dead body he found out something..it might be incredibly useless but he needed to ask the others.