DNA test

The more John investigated Max's body the more he came to believe that one of the people in his bunker killed him. The bunker was quite..shall i say large. Large enough for a family of six so John, Ashley and Robyn were going to be fine. But will they go crazy...maybe they will. As the week later progressed John found out that the creatures can shape shift atleast some of them can. That made John even more paranoid since they could shape shift and Ashley and Robyn could easily be one of them. He tested the DNA samples that he took from them and tried to see which matched with the one on Max's body. He was up almost the whole night trying to get a result from the samples. What he found left him speechless. After he saw that one of them matched the hair on Max he tried to think reasonably. Maybe it was just another Humans hair or an animal..like a dog or cat..or...or something right? It couldnt be that one of them is the creature and if they r why didn't they attack us yet?