The thing

He ran and ran for his life. Unfortanately as he was running he tripped over a rock. He didnt want to look back to see if that thing was still following him so he got up and continued running. He lost his breathe after running so much so he had to stop for awhile. He looked back and didnt see the thing anymore and he gave a sign of relief. When he turned his head back forwards he saw the same thing right infront of him. Later John woke up in a well lit cave. He was lying on something that looked like animal skin. He doesnt really remember what happened all he remembers is seeing that thing and now he is here in this cave. " did i get here" He called out for someone but silence filled the air. As he was about to get up and leave he heard someone say in the most frightening whisper "Dont leave...stay with us". Us?! Who is us..if there was no one with him. John felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He turned around slowly and saw a little thing..he called it a thing since it didnt look like a human or a animal. He went just alittle closer to it and asked it why he should stay and who is us. The little thing just started laughing out of nowhere. John got creeped out by this and said in his head " Fuck it, i am not staying with this crazy person or thing". He turned back and started going out of the cave. After he was a few metres away from the cave he saw pieces of hair everywhere. He just thought it was an animal who had shedded its winter fur so he didnt look into it. As he continued walking he saw something more then just hair. He saw tiny bones all over the ground. This time he just assumed that he was in owl territory and this was maybe rat bones. He stayed walking in the same path that he was in and the bones seemed to get bigger and started looking like human bones. John knew that something wasnt right anymore. He then heard something in the bushes. It jumped out and started attacking John. He fought back and didnt even try to see if it was a normal animal or those things. He just threw punches left and right. He remembers the thing clawing his face. It almost took out his eye. He was finally able to throw it off him and then he ran away from it.