The woman

He ran and ran for his life. Only one night alone in a forest and he had to run for his life so many times. Suddenly he saw what he assumed was a road. He was both happy and confused. Where does this road lead to? He thought that maybe he would go to the road and maybe hitch hike. " Hitch hike, are you stupid?" he said to himself. He realised it was apocalyptic times and of course no one would be driving a car. So he just stood there in the road, like a statue. He tried thinking of what he could do now. He looked behind him thinking if he should go back into the forest. He thought for awhile then decided its the only choice he has at the moment. So he went back into forest, this time making sure he is actually alone this time. He tried looking for another cave but also trying not to go back to the same one from earlier. He found one but this one was...very tiny. U cant even call it a cave now but John had no other choice except that one. So he had to suck it up and just sleep there. To John's surprise he actually survived in that cave and it wasnt the worst place he could stay. Considering what the town had become. It has went to complete garbage. John couldnt believe that all of this was his fault. He could have been happy and living in his house but he fucked up and did this. He was just thinking why he even became a scientist if all he does is mess everything up in the laboratory.As he was thinking about all of this he felt something touch his shoulder. It felt like human hands. Human hands?! He quickly turned around and saw a friendly looking lady but she had the face of worry. What could she be so worried about? John asked her why she looked so worried. She just pulled him in a direction heading southwards. John didnt know if he should be worried or if he should be happy that there are still some people alive. So he just let the lady lead him to where she wanted. She took him to this place that looked like a village. Could John be dreaming or is there really still people that are alive?