| The Endless Screams |

XXX Axel

We had a group, a group of boys and girls that were ready to take down this monster no-matter what the cost. Screaming echoed through the halls, we had ordered everyone to hide and chance their luck while we killed the beast. Eight girls and boys jogged with me through the halls, all armed with smoke bombs, rifles, and shotguns. We all had limited ammo so we all had to make our shots count.

A high pitched female scream filled the air.

"Let's go!" I yell sprinting towards the direction I heard the scream from. Footsteps bounded behind me as we flew down a flight of stairs into floor two. We ran into the hallway at a full sprint. The screaming stopped.

Crack! One of the lights on the ceiling turned off, a girl behind me gasped. The light was punctured by a large black spike. Crack! The other light went out like the first. Then. Crack! Crack! Crack! Pitch black.

"It's a trap!" I scream as we all dove into the darkness shooting into the empty air. I heard muffles of screams of pain. Oh my god! What the hell is this thing. I ran back to the stairway and didn't look back as I bolted up the stairs. I heard the screeching again, my legs pumped as I ran up the stairs faster, not stopping.

I heard the monster behind me at a quick speed. I went up and up not stopping, as the adrenaline pumped through me. There was nowhere else to go. I was running into the doors of the penthouse. No. No. No. Chase can't fight back! I busted through the doors and hid behind a sofa waiting.

XXX Chase

Boom! I think someone entered the penthouse. Adaline gasped silently, as she gripped the shotgun tighter. A screech echoed through the building, a cold shiver went down my spine.

"What are we gonna do?" Adaline whispered.

"Get under the bed, now."

"No, you're wounded, you can't shoot this thing. Are you an idiot?!" She snapped hugging the shotgun. I smiled. She was so cute when she was angry at me.

"No, you're going under the bed, now." I say as I sit up as dast as I can without much pain. "Give me the shotgun, now." I gritted out of my teeth. There's no way Adeline is gonna be even able to even shoot this thing. I use my good arm and pried the shotgun out of her hands.

"Fine! But if you die I swear to god I'll kick down the doors of hell and drag you back to earth." She says Ager written all over her face, making her even more cute.

"Hey! How come I'll be in hell?" Her lips quirked up and she slid off the bed and under it, with no explanation. I chuckle as I lean back against the headboard, trying to ignore my back's protests.

Three bullets, that's all I had, better make it count. Another alien shriek echoed through the penthouse, a tremble went through my body.

I could hear it's tail dragging across the carpet floors. It was getting closer….and...closer.

"COME AND GET ME SON OF BIT—!" The last part was muffled and I couldn't help but chuckle at Axel's battle cry. Gunshots boomed throughout the penthouse. I hissed at the pain of my back when I got to my feet.

"HEY! What are you doing Chase? Get back in the bed!" Adaline hissed from under the bed.

"I'll be back, STAY." I ordered. I made little shuffles with my feet, trying not to move my back and pop my scabs open again. The hall way was dim lighted and I could still hear Axel cussing at the Dino-monster. I shuffled a little more quickly, I stopped in my tracks.

Axel was cornered and the Dino knocked away his weapon, he was a sitting duck.

XXX Axel

My breath hitched as I was pushed against the wall with my rifle knocked from my hands. It had me pinned against the wall. It screeched in my face, while digging its claws in my shoulders.

"Ahhh!" I yelled from the claws digging more and more into my shoulder. I stared in horror as it eyeless head opened its jaw showing rows of blood stained teeth. Drool dropped on my face.

"Ahh-eww." I yelled as it got in my mouth, gross! It's teeth slowly making its way to my throat. I tried to struggle but it was no use, the more I struggle the more it's talons dug in my shoulders. Pain and tears filtered my vision.

I was gonna die from a big stupid gigantic lizard. Are you serious?! It's teeth grazed my throat.

Bam! Bam! Bam! The gunshots went off. The lizard jumped off me wounded. It stumbled for a second before falling on its side. I slid down the wall in relief. I watched the lizard's side move up and down until it's breathing stopped. I saw Chase in front of me, still pale from his injuries. He grinned before he fell onto a couch near him.

"How the hell did you get here?" I asked Chase as I can see he's already dowsing off. He smiled at me.

"I shuffled." He says bluntly before falling asleep. What does he mean by shuffling? I sigh and check my shoulder, I cringed at the claw marks in my shoulders. That was gonna hurt in the morning. I got up on my trembling legs, adrenaline passed through me and I realized how exhausted I was. I sigh and drag Chase to his room.

"Adaline, can you help me? The Dino got a good few swipes at me." I say loudly not knowing where she was.

XXX Adaline

I shifted out from under the bed. Axel was standing there with Chase on his shoulder. I gasp and stand up.

"Is he okay?"

"Thanks for asking, yes I am fine. Oh and this moron is just sleeping." Heat creeps up my neck in embarrassment. He shifts Chase off his shoulder and onto the bed.

"Do you have any rubbing alcohol?" He asks, as my eyes shift to the blood stains on his teal shirt.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Sit down." I stammer as I go through my first aid kit. "Take off your shirt." I say bluntly rolling my eyes at the grin on his face when I said it. Why do all boys have to be so boyish?

He grimaced as he took off his shirt. Yikes. He has deep claw marks in his shoulders, blood seeped out of them.

"This is gonna hurt, so try to relax okay?" He nods. I put some rubbing alcohol on a cloth and start dabbing on the wounds. He takes a sharp intake of air obviously in pain.

Ah! I feel so bad when I accidentally make people in pain. Eek! I don't really know what I'm doing. I clean the blood away and when I'm finished bandaging the wound I pat his thigh.

"All good to go soldier." I say with mock respect as I stand up.

"Thank you. I'm going to see how many people we've lost now, I'll be back." He stands up but freezes when we both hear gunshots.

"Uhh.." we both say in unison. Axel grabs his shirt, and puts on. He grabs my arm and rushes me into the closet.

"I don't think that's out guns." He says to me with concern written on his face. I gasp.

"Are you saying.."

"It may be Nick." He interrupts me, "if they find you and Chase tell them you don't know him." He says sternly, "Nick might kill you for being Chase's girlfriend, just shut up and pretend your his nurse nothing else."

My breath hitches when more gunshots sounded. I nod quickly and shut the closet door, I closed my eyes and tried to shut out the awful images in my head.

XXX Jack

"IT'S A TRAP!" I hear Axel scream and I immediately dived for a hotel room, with Carson right behind me. I took the clip out of one of my smoke grenades and threw it out of the room into the hallway. POOF! Smoke made us all choke hoping it would mess with the Lizards senses. It shrieked like always and I could hear Axle bolt up the stairs with the Dino in pursuit.

"You okay Carson?" I question. I only get a moan in reply. I took one of the flash lights in my belt and turned it on.

Carson has a big black spike pointing out of his shoulder.

"Uhh..we gotta get that out dude." Pain flashed across Carson's face. I reached towards the spike. I touched it and he flinched.

"Just get it out." He stammers in pain. I nod and gripped it.

"On the count of 3." I say as he nods. "One!"

"AHH!" I smirk as daggers shot my way with his eyes. "WHAT THE HECK!" He yells at me." I shrug. I Pat his chest and give him a towel from the bathroom.

"Keep pressure on it." I say ignoring the cuss words thrown my way as I walk out into the hallway. I turn my flashlight on again.

My blood ran cold. Every teen that was with us was killed with spikes puncturing their body's. Horror plastered on my face. I heard some more gunshots above me, probably from Axel, hope he doesn't die. I look away from the gruesomely killed bodies and go back into the room. Carson's face is pale and he's unconscious. I mutter a curse and try to stop the overflowing blood gushing into the carpet floor. God. Where the heck was Adaline when I needed her?