XXX Chase
Screaming awakes my sweet dreams. I hear Adaline gasp beside me.
"Shhh. It's okay." My blood ran cold, would if Nick found us? Adaline's deep concerned eyes met mine. The screaming continued. "Get in the closet and don't come out." She nodded and we got out of the warm bed and I led her trembling body to the closet. "Don't come out unless I come for you. Got it?" She nodded quickly and I closed the closet door. I ran down the steps and into the dark lobby.
It was pitch black and I kept stumbling into couch's and coffe tables.
"Jack! Axel! Carson!" I yell! Where were they? I stopped cold in my tracks when a loud shriek echoed in the lobby.
Whack! I screamed in pain, landing on my face. I heard another whistle go through the air before a line of fire and pain streaked across my back.
"HELP!!" I screamed. I heard another blood-curling shriek. I shifted painfully on to my butt and moaned in pain as I tried to scoot away. I hissed in pain when I backed into a couch bumping my wounds on my back, I looked into the dark litted lobby. a shadow stalked towards me from the shadows.
It came into the light and I let out a terrified scream. It looked like nothing I've seen before. It had black oily scales that looked wet, it had a build of a T-Rex but it was a smaller version, with longer arms so it could go on all fours and stand on its hind legs also. Its claws were longer than my fingers, and it had a long snout and rows of sharp dangerous teeth. It had black holes in the side of its head, that I think are its ears. Its tail was covered in narrow long spikes and as it stalked me, the tail would make a cracking noise as it flung it from side to side. But one of the most disturbing things was, it had no eyes, but it somehow knew where I was.
It let out another screech. Towering over me, it stooped right in the front of my face. It's mouth parted and I could see large blood stained teeth. I couldn't breathe as it's reached out to me with its clawed arm. Reaching closer and closer to my arm, it touched my arm and I flinched. I watched in horror as the claw dug into my skin and dragged down my arm, giving me a large wound. I let loose a shriek of pain, and then I heard guns blazing and the monster screeched again and ran through the entrance breaking through the huge glass doors. My head felt dizzy and I heard yells and guns as I drifted to the only safe place in mind, black nothingness.
Ow! I snap out of the darkness. I'm in a hotel room, with someone poking me with a needle.
"Relax, it's morphine." I hear a guys voice say, but I can't see who said it since I was in my stomach.
"Ow." I say as another needle punctures my skin. "How many people have we lost?" I ask. Adaline's voice answers my question.
"Three. One boy two girls." I nod and grit my teeth as a wave of pain goes through my body.
"What did you see Chase?" Axel says in some part of the room. I shivered just thinking about the monster in the lobby. I explained my horrible experience and they were all quite at the end of my story.
"Sorry, we forgot to give you a gun, Chase. We just didn't want to upset Adaline." Carson's voice says from the back of the room.
"It's fine, what's the damage?" My back throbbed throughout our conversation.
"You got a few whip marks on your back, they didn't seem too deep, so we don't have to stitch them up. Your arm is another situation though, we had to stitch it up, and give you morphine from the hospital we scavenged." I nod and use my good arm to lift me into a sitting situation. I gritted my teeth when pain laced my back. "So how are we gonna kill this monster?"
'Uh.. well... We haven't found out that yet, but we are gonna put you in the penthouse until this thing is dead." Axel says as he brings out a stretcher.
"Where did you get that from?" I say with a raised eyebrow.
"The hospital," Jack says, as I shift to the edge of the bed and roll onto the stretcher, so I'm on my stomach. They spend the next fifteen minutes huffing and puffing as they walk up the stairs with me in the stretcher.
"God! You wiegh a lot. Did you eat too much for dinner last night?" Jack says as he breathes heavily.
"Oh, you know it, did it especially for you." I say with a laugh, but grimaced in pain when my back burned like fire. "Err. Can I have some more morphine." I beg.
"Nah, you have to wait a few more hours, sorry bro." Jack huffs. "Thank the lord!" He shouts when they level out the stretcher and walk into a hallway. They walk for a while before lifting me onto a bed.
"Ow," when Axel bumps my arm.
"Oops. You will be up and running in a couple of days, for now try not to let the screams not bother you." Axel says sarcastically. They say they'll check up on me later and leave. What a night, I think as I fall asleep.
"Hey, sleepy head." I hear Adaline said behind me. I smiled.
"Hey." I say coolly.
"I gotta put some medicine on your back." She says, as she takes the bandages off my back. I'm laying on my stomach shirtless with my head on a pillow as I grit my teeth in pain when she applies rubbing alcohol and medicine into my wounds.
" I bought some more magazines from the lobby."
"Good, I'm so bored in here. Did you get me the juicy stuff? Like Kim Kardashian?"
"Oh you know it." She giggled behind me and rebandaged my back. " I'll get you your morphine." I mumble happily when the relief of the drug floods through my body.
"Mhm, that's way better." I mumbled.
"Looks like I'm your bodyguard tonight." Adalines says as I see her shift a shotgun to the front of the bed.
"Oh goodie." I mumble as I shift on to a sitting position.
"Your back's wounds are starting to heal, but I think you're going to have to use a sling for awhile for your arm." I look down at my arm seeing the stitches and the purple looking skin.
"This sucks." I say while I lean back on the head board, trying not to aggravate my back.
"Well, at least we get to hang out tonight." Adaline says as she shifts under the covers by me. Leaning on my shoulder.
"I never said thank you for yesterday." She says quietly.
"I'd do again and again babe." She smiled into my shoulder.
"I'm a lucky girl." She says as she kisses my cheek. Warmth flooded my chest.
"Of course you are, you are my girlfriend after all." I give her a goofy grin.
We spend the next hours reading magazines like we did in the last hotel. We laughed and laughed until the mood was ruined by screaming. Me and Adline look at each other.
"Uhh.." we say in unison, this was going to be a long night.