| Found |

XXX Adline

"I know you're here Chase!!" A familiar voice yelled through the penthouse. Nick. I heard Chase take a sharp intake of breath. "Come out! And I might spare your pretty girlfriend." I gasped. How did he know? Chase hugged me tighter and then stood up.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"I can't lose you." He said as I grabbed his arm desperately.

"Don't do it." He kissed my forehead and moved out of the closet.

"Chase, come out in five seconds, consider your girlfriend dead!" Nick yelled.


"Don't" I say desperately.

"3…." I heard Nick say before, Chase barged out of the room.

"I'm here stop… just stop." He said as I ran into the room where Chase was. Nick was pointing a nine millimeter pistol at Chase's face, while he sat on a lavish sofa with a toothy grin slapped on his face. He had two other people with him. I recognized them both, Henry and Josh. They too were holding guns, but rifles.

"Ah, I knew that would work. Hey Adaline, how's it going?" Looking at me with lust. Ew. No thank you.

"Well, not good since you're here." I say sarcastically. Chase stumbled to a couch and sat down. Nick scowled at me.

"What happened here?" Nick said as he pointed to the lump of scales that used to be alive and terrifying.

"We were attacked. Took out half of us." I said, before Nick whistled.

"The Big man said he was going to lower your numbers, but I never imagined this." He says pointing at the dead monster in the corner.

"What do you mean?" Chase asked, clearly confused.

"Oh, just a friend of ours called The Maker. He's the reason why Jack, Axel and Chase are even alive." he tells me as he shrugs. "If not I would already have all of you already six feet under." I shoot daggers with my eyes.

"And why are you even following his orders?" I asked.

"Because, my group and I were not doing so well and--"

"Like that's a surprise." Chase interrupts sarcastically, my lips quirked up when I saw Nick's red face.

"Shut up!" He snapped. "Anyways." Nick says cooling down again. "He gives us food, water, and not to mention guns, if we just follow his instructions. We just find letters from him signed off by The Maker." He shrugs. "Sounded like a pretty good deal to me, too bad he doesn't want me to kill you all." He gets up from the couch.

"I'm pretty hungry, so let's get going to the lobby." Chase groaned, probably already exhausted.

I hold onto his hand tightly as we walk slowly through the hallway and into the stairs section. I could tell Chase was in pain, I haven't given him any morphine for hours. I can't imagine what he's going through.

"Gosh, can you go any slower Chase?" Nick practically growls.

Chase ignored him and he continued to walk down the stairs with me at a slow pace. His jaw untightened and tightened each step he took.

Next thing I know Chase is falling down the stairs. Thump! I winced when he finally stopped falling.

"Oopsies." I hear Nick say sarcastically. I turned to him and shoved his chest. Nick stumbled up the stairs in surprise.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell at him rushing towards Chase. I could see blood through his shirt. UGH, the bleeding started again.

"Are you okay Chase?" I say crouching in front of him.

"He's fine, he's just being a big baby." Nick taunts.

"Did I ask for your opinion Nick?" I yell at him. He smirked at me and walked down the stairs towards Chase. Chase sat up holding his bloody forehead that hit the stairs as he was tumbling down them.

"You okay?" I say as I grab his shoulders. His violet eyes looked into mine.

"Just peachy." Chase hissed out in pain.

I looked down at his arm, I sighed in relief. At Least he didn't break open his stitches.

"Okay get up, stop being a baby." Nick mumbles as he nudged his foot against Chase's thigh. I helped Chase get to his feet, and then we began to walk down the stairs again.

XXX Chase

When we finally made it to the lobby, Nick had me instantly tied to a pillar that was in the lobby, away from anyone else. My hands and feet were duct taped, with my hands in front of me, and a thick rope bound me to the pillair giving me no escape.

Axel seemed fine with only a few bruises on his face, but Jack was another situation. Anger raised in me when I saw his broken body. Jack looked so disappointed when he saw me in the lobby being tied to the pillar.

My stomach growled as I watched Nick eating canned peaches on the couch, talking with his right hand men. They hadn't fed us, they just took all of our food and then ate it infront of us. Nice. I was in constant pain, my back was on fire, and my arm never stopped aching with so much intensity.

"Henry?" I groaned. I shifted on my butt, but that made it hurt even more. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"What?" I hear him say, clearly annoyed.

"Morphine..Please?" I practically begged.

"For the last time! Chase, we aren't giving you any." He yelled, this might have been the tenth time I've asked.

"Mm..why..?" I ask trying to fight the pain that is now consuming me.

"Because, we are low on it and Nick doesn't care about you. Stop bothering me!"

"Have you asked him?"

"Yes! And everytime he gets more mad at me. So just shut up!"

"Does that mean no?" I ask as I peep one eye open. Henry is sitting on a chair next to me. He was asian and short jetblack hair making his grey eyes more noticeable. Henry moaned.

"Yes Chase, that means no." I groaned.. Why me?

"Hey! Shut up Chase! I'm trying to have a meeting!" Nick yelled at me. "And no! I am not giving you any morphine!" I slumped. He was only a couch away so he got irritated with my grunts of pain very easily.

"Well, it's hard to not make noise when you're in pain!" I yell back. Nick rolled his eyes and went back to his canned peaches.

"Hey can you help me?" I ask Henry, who raises his eyebrows at me.

"If you want morphine forget it." I rolled my eyes, of course I want morphine.

"No, I need help taking my shirt off. I don't want my scab to meld with the cloth." He nodded and took out his knife. I expected him to cut my bounds so we could sift it off, but he took a fist full of cloth and started to cut it. Uhhhh, watch my skin please. He tugged at my shirt, I winced in pain.

"No! Wait! It stuck already to my skin… Let's just do it on the count of three." I pant. Before I could say even a number, pain shot through my body, and a scream erupted from my lips. WOW. THANKS HENRY. I saw my bloody shirt in his hand, he really just had to rip it off me didn't he. He grinned at me.

"Seriously, dude?" I yelled at Henry, blood was now all over me, it was as if I had been just whipped again. Nick was laughing on the couch. What is wrong with that dude? "Is my pain hilarious?" I yelled at Nick. Everyone was watching me and I saw Adaline looking at me with concern and pity.

"Oh it was hilarious." Nick walked towards me.

"Someone get me some of the Vodka we picked up." Nick ordered. My back was throbbing now, and I felt blood dripping more down my back. Great. A boy came rushing with a glass bottle. "Here, this way it won't get infected. Can't have you dying on my watch with The Maker practically breathing over my shoulder." He smiled evilly as he poured it on me, trying his best to angle it so it got on my back. I bit back a scream when my back suddenly felt like it was on fire.

"Stop! Stop it!" I yelled at him in agony, but he kept pouring, with amusement.

"No this was necessary." He stepped back after the whole bottle had been dumped on me and I breathed heavily trying to adjust to the pain. "But it was also hilarious." he said as he practically skipped away like a child.

"I hate him so much." I muttered to myself. Great now my pants were wet with alcohol. I rested my head back against the pillar. The stinging was starting to get bearable. I see Adaline across the room, mouthing to me.( Are you okay?) I nod at her gritting my teeth. She smiled sadly at me, I itched to be with her and to have her in my arms again.

"Hey Henry?" I called out to him. Annoyance was written all over Henry's face.

"Why am I baby sitting you...Whyyyy mee??" He says, as I smiled at him.

"I need something for my stomach. Got any food?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah we have food, but I don't know if Nick wants to share." Henry says sitting down next to me.

"Can you ask?" Henry looked at me and then rolled his eyes again.

"That sounds like your problem honestly. I think imma take a break from babysitting." He stands up and walks away from me. What the heck? Wasn't this guy supposed to help me. Whatever, he was useless anyway.

"Yo! Nick!" I yell across the room. Nick's head snapped to me.

"What?" He snapped back.

"Where's the food?"

"What?" He says with mock confusion making it very clear he heard me. "I can't hear you, come here." He says jokingly, I hear snickers around me. I rolled my eyes, looking down at my taped wrist and ankles. Ha ha ha. Very funny Nick.

"WHERE IS THE FOOD??" I bellowed. "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW GRANDPA??" Nick scowled at me.

"Give them food except Chase. I don't think he's hungry" He smirked at me.

"No trust me I would love food!!" I yell across the room.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, not hungry." Nick says to a very confused teenage girl.

"Sooo, don't give him food?" The girl asked nervously.

"Obviously, oh and give him water." Nick says as He rolls his eyes. She nodded quickly and walked quickly away. I groan. When was the last time I ate? Ah, whatever, just trying to figure out is giving me a headache.

I watched as everyone munched granola bars. Wow, how rude if you ask me. Even Axel got one.

My thoughts were interrupted when Henry threw a plastic water bottle on my lap. He took out his knife and cut my duct taped wrist still keeping my ankles still duct taped and my waist still bound to the pillar. I grabbed the water bottle eagerly and drank it as fast I could.

"Woah, I think you set a record." Henry says amazed at how fast I drank the whole bottle.

"Thanks." I sigh resting my head back, I examine my surroundings. Jack looked better now and was sitting up leaning against Vanessa as he nibbled his granola bar. Some of the bruises looked like they were fading, I could tell his ribs were giving him the most trouble though.

I look at my Adaline. She was sitting and talking to a scared girl with a smile imprinted in her face. She always seemed beautiful even though she was extremely stressed right now. Her strawberry blond hair looked messy on her shoulders and I can see her fiddling with her locks of hair trying to tame them. I chuckled to myself, she was worried about how she looked even though we were being held against our will. I shake my head feeling my eyelids are starting to droop. I exhaled, still feeling hungry, and drifted slowly into sleep.