The Nerd in the Corner

I woke up hugging my dad's guitar .The bed sheets were stained with my tears . My eyes weighed a lot so I sat up rubbing them for a while. Last night's scarf was still on my head . I snatched it and threw it to the floor and went to get ready for school.

I dressed myself up in a yellow tank top and blue jeans .I put on a hoodie and pulled it above my head as " it will go when you wash it " quoted by my best friend Julienne was a stupidity .

I went downstairs and grabbed a pack of cookies and rushed to get out of the house before Olivia sees me . Just before I get to the door I heard her calling from behind .

" umm........I am sorry about last night " she hesitantly said .

" mmmm......" I hummed

" Study well "

" mmm...." I hummed again and shut the door .

School was something I loved .When I say that I love school I didn't mean the studying part . I mean the friends and fun there.

After passing a whole corridor of high school lovers I finally saw Luna waving at me .

" Last night was lit but you left too early " she said pouting at me .

" Events at my house was even more lit " I shrugged talking to myself .

The school bell rang indicating us to go to our classes.

" See you later Cassie " she hugged me and left to her class .

I spent the entire morning glancing at the clock and figuring out ways to improve my math mark . Not that I wanted to please aunt Oli ,but I felt like I should. I finished my lunch and wandered the school searching for people who can help me. I strolled to my classroom . At the end of the room at the corner I found him , his nose stuck in a book, definitely my only savior at the moment ,The Nerd in the Corner.