I slowly approached him . Personally , I hated nerds .To me they were wasting away the best part of their lives on books .But I hated him even more .Maybe it's just prejudice .None of us were aware of his existence until that day when Mr Harvey conducted the surprise test .When half of the class failed, he got an A ,after scoring full marks .That made us all to think of him as an alien being .He had no friends at all and he didn't seem to be bothered about that fact .
I put on my best smile , cleared my throat and went to his desk "Excuse me "
He didn't seem to notice it so I went for another time " Excuse me " I repeated. Still there was no response .Whatever he was reading ,he was too intrigued by it .
"Is he deaf or what " I muttered annoyingly under my breath.
"Excuse me " he raised his head up to look at me .
"I've been saying the same for the past five minutes " I said irritated . But he was just giving me a puzzled look . Realizing that it wasn't a nice time to show my attitude , I pulled a chair from the other table and sat across him. He was still puzzled but he pulled back his stretched long legs to make room for my chair.
"See , I'm having some issues with math and I want you to help me fix it .It will be so nice of you could help me " I said . He was staring at me with an expression that was saying a clear cut NO . So I pressed , taking out my last weapon "please ..... if you don't help me II'll lose marks in the next test and then my aunt will throw me out of the house " I started filling my eyes with tears ,
"Whoa Whoa please don't " he started flustering ," I-I'll help you " he stuttered . Somehow he seemed like a person who can't tolerate crying people .
" So I'm Cassie " I offered him my hand with my most appealing smile .
" Such an actress " he said taking my hand . His words didn't meant sarcasm , it was more like a compliment . " I'm Namjoon "
"That's a cute name , so shall we begin ? " I asked piling my notebooks on his desk .
" yeah , yeah " he said fishing through the pages of my book
"So what were you reading earlier ?"
" Story of my Life " he said without raising his head from my book
" Who would wanna read the story of their own life " I chuckled
"Are you Serious ? " he asked staring at me . And suddenly it felt like he was looking at a clown .
"yyeess....." I stammered and he raised up the title page for me to see . In big bold letters it was written Story of my life - Helen Keller.
"ooohhh..." I looked down at my books as embarrassment washed over me but he didn't make fun of that , though I saw him hiding his smile .
He kept ruffling through the pages for a bit more . Looking at him from this close made me realize the fact that he was not that bad and indeed very good looking. His skin was flawless , he had perfect features and fine silky hair . The glasses he wore made his features standout even more .
" Hey , you are handsome " I said complementing his good looks .
" If you concentrate more on what is written in this book rather than gawking at me , then you can score good marks in the next test ." he said pushing an opened book towards me , sounding like a professor . " Lets focus on trigonometry today "
" Yes professor " I rolled my eyes at myself and started listening to his lecture .