Grand Latte

Unlike other math classes , this went fast . He was crystal clear in conveying his ideas and he was always open to doubts .As the lunch break was about to end ,he finished his work.

" I hope you are clear with what we've gone through till now " he said handing me my books

" Yup , it was really helpful , lot of thanks " I said smiling at him .

" Keep that thanks to yourself , It's not what I actually want from someone like you " he said with a sexy smirk.

For a moment my heart stopped .I glanced at him scared of what was gonna come out of his mouth next .I was reconsidering my life decisions in my head .What did he mean by someone like me ? Will he want me to .....

" I want a grand latte from Starbucks " he said cutting out my chain of thoughts.

" You want a wha.... thank god " I sighed in relief

"What about it ?" he asked with a confused look as he stretched his arms

" Oh nothing , I was just thinking you may want me to -- want me to-- you know " I said stuttering and shrugging , dropping my book in the process.

" I ... don't know " he said giving me a genuine I-don't-know look and got up. As he stood up I realized the fact that he was tall , very very tall.

" Its nothing , forget it " I said as he took my book from the floor and handed to me .

" Don't forget the latte " he said as he was about to leave "and one more thing , get dirty thoughts out of this , I am not that type " he said knocking on my forehead with a full smile showing his dimples making him cuter.

" I - I don't have dirty thoughts " I protested even though it was actually what I was thinking about .

" Yeah I realized it a few moments ago " he said with a teasing smile as he was walking to the door .I stuck my tongue at him and he giggled .

" I'll see you at Starbucks in the evening " he shouted as he left the classroom

Time skip : evening

When I reached Starbucks he was already in a booth, scrolling through his phone waiting for me .He didn't notice me so I went up to him.

"All these booths and you still chose the corner one " I teased in a mocking tone.

"Don't you think it's a bit too early than we originally planned ?" he asked in a sarcastic tone , staring out the window to the skies which were now tinted purple.

"I'm sorry I had to keep you waiting but I only have two legs to get me here." I said apologetically " Wait , then how did you get here so fast ? "

" I have a car" he said while switching off his phone and shoving it to the back pocket of his black jeans .

" My friend had a car and he made me walk till here. It hurts right here " I said clutching my heart dramatically.

His eyes widened as I mentioned the term friend . It seemed as though no one has ever used that word around him.

"I didn't knew you would accept that offer " he said in a voice which was slightly louder than a whisper ." Whatever , I'm happy that you are finally here Bluey " he said

" Bluey ? I'm not Bluey " I pouted and crossed my hands across my chest .

" With that hair of yours , you look like a blue parrot to me " he said ,his smile broadening .

" No I am very pretty with this blue hair " I snapped back .

" Yeah you are right , you are the prettiest among the ugliest " he said starting to chuckle .

" You crackhead " I started to take the tissues on the table and threw at him . He laughed and tried to defend himself with his hands .Something about his laugh was so infectious , that I also ended up laughing .

"Clean this mess or the owner is gonna put a ban on us from entering this shop " he said between his giggles .

"Do it by yourself , you earned this " I said still chuckling .

He leaned down to pick up the papers . Of course its not nice to let him do it by himself . I also started to pick it up . Meanwhile my hand hurt on something sharp under the table and I could feel a pain shooting up my arm .

" Oh shit " I sat up to examine my hand .It was bleeding .My entire palm was covered in blood . It was dripping onto the wooden table .

"Are you alright ?" I could hear Namjoon's voice but it felt like a distant echo . My name was being called again and again . It felt as if it was going further away . Dad , Mom , metal pieces , sparks , cars , a series of images clouded my vision before it was turned to just black.