"Cassie , Cassie , Can you hear me , Cassie "
My entire senses felt like it was drifting in multiple universes . I couldn't realize what was going on . Everything felt so queer . Slowly I felt my senses returning back to me . I could hear people mumbling around me . Someone was hitting my cheek continuously . Someone was calling my name . I could feel the pain in my hands . Slowly I fluttered my eyes open . I could see a crowd hovering around me .
"Everybody move over , let her get some air " I could hear someone saying from the crowd . I blinked few times trying to grasp all that was going around me . I could feel an arm around my waist and became aware that I was leaning on somebody , that I was supported by somebody .
"Are you alright ? " I heard a small whisper near my ear . I could say who it was without even turning to see . He was so near to mine that his breath was falling on my skin. He was watching over me with eyes full of kindness which somehow gave me a little comfort .
" Are you okay now ?" he repeated softly. Somehow I felt too tired even to move . I gently nodded and leaned back to his chest again .
"Get her to a clinic cuz I think that wound is deep and it needs to be dressed properly " "yes , or else it may turn septic " random voices raised up their opinions .
"Can we go to a clinic ?" he asked in a very soft voice . I nodded again still unable to move . " Tired ?" he asked and I nodded for one more time .
"Do you need anything sir ?" I could hear the waiter boy's voice . "No , we're alright " Namjoon replied politely . I just closed my eyes and just kept thinking about what went wrong .
He gently moved me aside and stood up . His body must be aching from me leaning on for so long. Anyways I am not that light too.
But to my surprise he put his arms around me and lifted me up in bridal style. I was startled and a " What the fu...." escaped my mouth. I could hear some people in the shop going "oooooooh"
"Joon " I meant to get it out as a warning shout but it came out more like a tiny squeak .
"Don't worry I won't drop you " he said with a wink as he carried me to his car, put me inside and buckled the seat belt .
"I can't go like that . My aunt is gonna freak out if I reach home late " I said panicked as he got on the driver's seat .
"Don't worry , I'll talk to her .Just give me her number " he said pulling out his phone.
My aunt was not the kind of person who can be easily convinced so was Namjoon. He resisted to let me home without going to the clinic. I finally gave him my aunt's number. He made a call which lasted for only few minutes .He was also occasionally laughing during the call. Is he really talking to my aunt ? I asked to myself.
" yeah yeah sure " he said as hung up the call and started the engine.
"What did she say ?" I asked puzzled
"She said okay " he said casually.
"She said okay right away ?" I asked still unable to believe did that without a negotiation for at least one day .
"No, but I made her to " he said grinning.
" Wow , that's just some incredible work. You must be something if you can get my aunt say what you wanted her to say, just like that " I said throwing my hands in air .
"You don't like your aunt ?" he looked at me questioning.
" The problem is.......... I don't like her neither do I don't ' don't like ' her " I said looking out of the window.
" She love you " he said after a moment of silence "Sometimes people can be hard on you ,but they still loves you. Sometimes we have to concentrate on the mushy inside rather than looking at their tough coat. Maybe they wear that cover because all they faced was disapointment when they were soft , were misused when they were fragile . We can't blame them." he said softly. " Unfortunately that's how our world works " he continued .
All of a sudden he felt as a speaker to me. He was wise beyond my limits. All the hate and prejudice I had towards him suddenly turn into respect , to admiration .
"Maybe you are right " I murmured agreeing to him
Somehow I managed to compose myself before we reached the clinic . Namjoon was literally babying me as the nurse took injection to prevent the wound from being septic. He even bought me ice cream as we were returning. Instead of being annoyed ,I found myself enjoying the care he was giving me.
" You're the bet friend I ever had Joonie " I said licking the ice cream he bought me .
" Are you sure that you want me as your friend ?People don't usually wanna be friends with nerds like me. "he asked somewhat seriously.
"Only if they look closer " I said staring into his eyes " they will realize you are much more than just a nerd "