
Michael and Gabriel dragged Gadrial into the hall of the Creator, she was afraid, and her thoughts went to Lucian. We got caught!

"You have sinned. The greatest of all sin Gadrial," the Creator said sternly, his voice echoed from the walls. 

They dragged her before the Creator. Gabriel and Michael held her down. Gadrial struggled against them, but they made it clear she would not get loose.

"Why is falling in love such a crime, my Creator?" Gadrial asked innocently. She lifted her head to look at him.

Michael slapped her head down so that her face touched the floor. "You will not talk like that to our Creator and commander, Gadrial!"

The Creator held up his hand, and Michael removed his hand from the back of her head. He made a tsk sound; the Creator was too lenient with her.

Gadrial lifted her head, again, defiantly up at the Creator. "You let humans love! Why. . .why can't we?"

"You are above the human race Gadrial. You will not speak to me in this tone. Bring him in!" The Creator's attention snapped to the doors.

Uriel opened the door, and two seraph angels brought in a male angel who made it impossible for them to drag him into the hall.

He saw Michael and Gabriel holding someone down, and his face went blank. No. . .

He pushed against the two who were holding him. He rushed towards them, but the Creator stood up. "You will stay where you are, Lucian!"

Lucian stopped. He looked up at the Creator with pure hatred. His thoughts ran wild in his head; someone told the Creator and his lackeys that they loved each other. He would find out who did this and make sure that they paid heavily for it.

Gadrial turned her head to look at Lucian. She pleaded with her eyes that he should not make it more difficult than it already was.

The Creator sat down on his silver throne. "As I have said, Gadrial. You are above the human race - you have no feelings. That is why you are the Angel of War, are you not?"

Gabriel did not utter a word in her defence. He was too busy staring at his feet. She could not call on her twin brother for help, and Michael was too loyal to their Creator.

"I am the Angel of war due to my abilities, not because I don't have any feelings. Do you really think of me as heartless, my Creator?" she pleaded, even if it was useless. The Creator would sentence anyone to death for sin.

"You are going in circles with this reasoning of yours, Gadrial. I will pass my judgement on you," the Creator said lazily.

Lucian did not realise that the two seraphs, who had brought him in, were holding his arms again. He kept his attention on the Creator. His anger flared. "You have no right to judge Gadrial on her feelings!"

The Creator turned his face towards Lucian. "I have no right, you say? Of course, I have the right. Lucian, you are my Angels," his voice dripped with sweet venom. "My commanders and I will judge you as I see fit. Now hold your tongue!"

He turned his gaze back to Gadrial. "Gadrial, because you have committed the sin of falling in love with a fellow angel. . .I sentence you to death by reincarnating as a human."

Lucian's angered voice echoed from the walls. "Noooo!"

The Creator turned towards him with a grin. "Oh, I am not done." He turned his gaze back towards Gadrial. "You will not have any memories of your. . .angelic life or that you were in love with Lucian. You will keep reincarnating every time you learn of the truth. Every time your memory resurfaces - that means heaven is fighting a battle, which in turn you will come to my side and win the war, just to die again."

Lucian broke free from his captors, rushing to Gadrial side to meet with Uriel. "You will not intervene, Lucian."

Gadrial struggled against Michael and Gabriel again. "Brother, please. . ." She turned her head to watch him. He ignored her by looking straight at Lucian.

The Creator smiled. "Gabriel, please come and assist Uriel. Michael, if you will do us the honour."

Gabriel did what the Creator asked of him. He let go of Gadrial's right arm and walked where Uriel held onto Lucian.

Michael never liked Gadrial; he had always wanted her position in heaven. Gabriel took Lucian's right arm and Uriel the left. They forced Lucian to look at Gadrial and Michael.

Michael grinned from ear to ear. "I am going to enjoy this Gadrial."

"You are a sadist, Michael. One day I will take pleasure in killing you!" She spat in his face.

Michael wiped at his face, and he took the chains that bound her hands towards the table on the left. He shackled her wrists in place and made sure that her back was exposed. Her wings quivered with fear.

Gadrial was so proud of her wings; the feathers were beautiful white shining silver when exposed to the sun. She could not even look at Lucian, and her heart raced. She could only look at her Creator.

He sat there with a bored expression on his face. "Begin."

Lucian tried his best to break free from Uriel and Gabriel. 'Who would have betrayed them like this?'

Michael walked forward, taking out his sword. "You are thus banished from the kingdom of heaven." He cut off her right-wing. Gadrial screamed, and her knees were buckled. She would not give them the satisfaction of seeing her bow one last time. She forced herself to stand up.

Lucian finally broke free from Uriel and Gabriel; he rushed forward, taking out his sword. "Leave her alone, Michael!"

Michael blocked his blow; he grinned at Lucian like a rabid dog. "You finally show who you are, Angel of Music?"

"I will kill you, Michael."

"Not before I take her other wing."

"I won't let you!" With anger fuelling his blood, he rushed at Michael, keeping him away from Gadrial.

The Creator stood up, and lightning flashed in the room. "Enough of this! Gabriel, finish it."

Gabriel took out his sword, walked to his sister, and he was emotionless. Her right-wing already lost its colour. He took her face in his hand; he saw the tears in her pale-blue eyes. "I am sorry." He whispered that no one could hear.

Lucian turned around abruptly. "Gabriel, please don't!" He was trying to run, but Michael caught him. "You will realise. . .Lucian that you cannot break free from my grip that easily."

Gabriel lifted his sword. "You are thus banished from the kingdom of heaven!" His sword slit through her left wing. Gadrial cried out. This was far worse than Michael taking her right-wing from her back. This was a betrayal. Gabriel was her brother. Did she mean so little to him?

Gabriel moved away from here with emotionless eyes. Gadrial could not stand the pain anymore, and she fell to her knees. Her back bled and formed a small pool around her.

Lucian could not hide the horror on his face. Michael laughed. "See, that is what you get by fucking the higher command in heaven," he whispered in Lucian's ear.

The Creator turned his attention to Uriel. "Seal the contract." Uriel nodded. "Yes, my Creator." He walked towards Gadrial; he lifted her face looking down into her eyes. He took out his sword, placing it above her heart. "You are thus banished from the kingdom of heaven, and with this, your contract activates." He plunged his sword deep into her heart, and her lips parted with a silent scream.

Uriel saw the terror in her eyes, he kept his face emotionless, and she started disappearing. Uriel closed his eyes. What has he done?

Michael loosened his grip on Lucian; Lucian's eyes widened with shock as he slid to his knees. "Why?"

The Creator looked at him. "Angels are above the human race."

"Does that give you a reason for killing her?"

"She got punished, not killed."

"You have killed her! You ripped her wings and damned her to earth!"

"And if you keep on spewing nonsense, I'll send you to."

"You don't have to send me! I'll damn myself!"

Before anyone could stop Lucian, he ran to Gadrial's wings, and he took one feather and placed it in his pocket.

"What are you planning, Lucian?" The Creator said amusingly.

Lucian smiled defiantly at the Creator, Gabriel guessed what he was planning, and he shook his head at Lucian. "Don-"

Lucian mounted his wings backwards, running at full speed, and he jumped from the window and spiralled down. He did not care how long it took him to get to earth; he had to find her. He ironed his resolve; he kept falling downward.

Gabriel and Uriel were standing at the window with shocked expressions, looking at Lucian as he fell and his white golden wings turning black as the night while getting a red gleam.

"Leave him; he was a rebel from the beginning."

Gabriel, Uriel and Michael came forward and bowed before their Creator.

"He will join the ranks of the fallen; we have to stay strong more than ever."

They nodded their heads in response.

"He has reason now to initiate a war against heaven, just as we have planned," The Creator said, smiling, "You all have played your parts well."