
Christine woke from her slumber, sat up, and rubbed her eyes. She blinked a few times. Was it just a dream?

She opened the covers, these were not her pyjamas, and they looked like hospital garments. Her heart started beating faster. How did she get home?

She climbed out of bed - coffee might be the answer. She thought back on yesterday's events. She went to work, quit her job, left the building, and got hit by a car.

She was saved by a handsome stranger, her cheeks flushed at the thought, thanked him and fell asleep. So how did she get home?

She put the kettle on, waiting for it to boil, and her doorbell rang. "Coming!"

She walked to the door. She didn't look who it was through the peephole, and she opened her door. "Uriel?!"

Uriel scratched his head nervously. "Hi, uhm. . .I didn't think you'd answer the door."

Christine forgot she was still in hospital garments, which were slightly revealing, especially on her thighs. "Then why did you ring the bell?"

Uriel was looking all over the place except at her. "I uh...uhm wanted to see if you are okay?"

Christine looked down at the garment. It curved her like a man's shirt, too big for her frame. "Uriel, I am so sorry. Excuse me for one second, come in."

Christine noticed that Uriel was slightly flushed. She pushed the door wider for him, and he entered with his eyes closed as she spun on her heels, heading for her bedroom. She got rid of the garment pulling on a t-shirt and pants.

When Christine came out, she found Uriel still standing awkwardly at the door. He really doesn't know how to talk to women, does he? She waved off that thought.

"Uriel, can I make you some coffee?"

Uriel turned his attention to her. "I don't drink coffee."

Who in their right mind doesn't drink coffee? Instead, she answered him. "Can I offer you tea instead?"

She saw his lips form a smile, and bingo, she made a slight connection.

"I would love some tea, thank you." Uriel closed the door behind him.

"Good, let us sit in the kitchen." Christine gestured for Uriel to follow her, and he sat down at the table while Christine took down another cup, re-boiling the kettle.

It occurred to her that this was the first time Uriel had ever come over. He usually kept to himself.

"Did you have a good night's rest, Christine?"

Christine placed his tea in front of him. Why did her name sound so sad coming from his lips?

"Yes, thank you, Uriel. I am just a bit confused, though."


"Yes, I don't know how I got home at all. I was still at the hospital yesterday, then suddenly I woke up in my bed this morning."

Uriel sipped his tea, avoiding her gaze. "Are you sure you weren't dreaming?"

Christine sat down opposite him. "Uriel... I may be accident-prone, but I am not stupid. I wore hospital garments. I remember yesterday vaguely. I was definitely in the hospital."

Uriel said nothing. He was stupid to bring her home and not directly to the hospital. The problem was Michael, who could get to her easily there. Maybe he should, no, he shouldn't.

"I didn't say you were stupid Gad - Christine, I just..."

Christine took a big sip of her coffee. "Hold on..." Her gaze was piercing.

"You know how I got home!"

A flash of worry crept into Uriel's features. "No, how could I?"

"How did you know I was in the hospital? You came knocking on my door this morning to see if I am okay."

"You just told me you were in the hospital."

"Before I told you. . .I was in the hospital -you came over to see if I was okay, so you must know how I got home?"

Uriel ran his fingers through his hair. Christine saw he was nervous. He was hiding something from her.

Christine slammed her cup down. "What aren't you telling me, Uriel?"

Uriel stood up abruptly. "I have to go."

Uriel was at the door when Christine grabbed his arm. "Uriel, you aren't being honest with me! Tell me, what are you hiding?"

Uriel had one hand on the doorknob, it was slightly opened, and he shrugged her hand off his arm. "I don't know what you are talking about, Gad... Christine."

Christine placed her hand on the doorknob, over his hand, pushing it close. "That is the second slip off the tongue. Who do you think I am?"

Uriel felt trapped. Christine pushed herself between him and the door. "I... I."

Uriel couldn't think straight with Christine standing so close to him. If he bowed his head slightly, he would be able to kiss her lips.

"You what?" Christine was getting angry. Uriel noticed her face was the exact replica of how Gadrial contorted when she was furious.

"I don't have the answers you are looking for, Christine. Please..." He tried taking a step back.

"Who has the answers, Uriel?"

Uriel looked Christine in the eyes, and they were ablaze with fire. He lifted his right hand, his fingers touching her right cheek. He cupped her face, drawing her closer, bending his head down and kissing her lips.

Christine's body convulsed in shock. What was Uriel doing? She placed a hand on his torso, pushing him away. "Wha... What do you think you are doing?!"

Uriel stepped away from her. "I am sorry...I"

Uriel moved around her, opened her door and left her standing there. Uriel rushed into his apartment. His breathing was heavy with anxiety. "Shit... shit..."

Uriel walked to the shower and opened the cold water. He didn't care that he was still dressed, and he climbed in. Uriel was furious, mostly with himself. He had no restraint when it came to Gadrial, but she wasn't Gadrial yet; she was the mortal Christine.

Christine put a hand to her lips. Why did Uriel kiss her, and why had he looked at her with eyes with such longing?

Christine heard his apartment door slam close bringing her back from her thoughts. There was clearly something wrong with him. Maybe I reminded him of someone he loved, she thought.

There were still several factors that bothered her. . .and Uriel had the answers. She guessed after today, she wouldn't be seeing him for a while.

Christine walked towards her apartment phone. She should start by phoning the hospital to find out how she got home. The handsome doctor that looked after her yesterday would be able to fill in the blanks.

She found the number she was looking for and dialled.


Michael had found the limo was still at the hospital where he left it before going after Uriel. He was still infuriated.

He opened his limo door. "Welcome back, sir."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Take me to the company."

"As you wish, sir."

Michael was the CEO of Angels War. They owned all the galleries, museums and archaeological companies, and it was the only way to know about Angelic relics and rumours spreading around the earth.

The limo stopped outside, and his driver opened the door. "Here we are, sir."

"Yes, indeed." Michael didn't give his driver a second glance, and he went inside, going straight for the elevator.

It opened in his office. "Well, you look like shit."

"Don't patronize me, Moloch."

"Oh, forgive me." Moloch rolled his eyes.

"I guess you were unsuccessful?"

"If I were successful, we would have been back in heaven taking control."

Moloch sat down on a couch, and Michael stood at the window behind his desk.

"Your plans are getting messier, Michael."

"Hold your tongue. If it weren't for Uriel, Gadrial would have died by my hand tonight."

"Uriel? So he came back into play."

"Yes, but the poor bastard calls himself a neutral now."

"He is the only neutral that I know off."

"He is a bloody coward, Moloch."

Moloch poured himself a drink from the table in front of him. "You know as well as I do he can tip the scales."


Moloch lifted his glass. "You are forgetting the end goal."

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are! Your hatred for Gadrial has made you forget why we started this path."

"Don't patronize me, Moloch."

"Are you forgetting who had helped kill the Creator, Michael? I can easily unmake you. . .never forget."

Michael turned around, looking at Moloch's solemn face.

"I am at your will, Moloch." Michael bowed.

Moloch stood from the chair, spreading his wings wide, they were silver in colour, and he slowly walked towards Michael.

He stopped in front of Michael. "Swear your loyalty."

Michael did not look up, and he kissed Moloch's feet. "I swear it."