
Lucian couldn't help himself. The nostalgia of Gadrial overwhelmed him every time, and when she got angry. . .it aroused him.

It was the same thing that happened with Christine, and he knew Gadrial was surfacing; he saw it on her face. It was far too early for Gadrial to come out, they weren't ready for the battle yet, but the moment she got angry at Lucian for defending her beliefs had awoken the warlike angel.

Christine's lips, oh her lips. . .they were soft, he pulled her closer, and he felt her go limp in his arms. Yes, she was giving in - her soul was calling to his now.

Lucian didn't breathe. He caressed her back, pulling her tighter in his grasp, but his pants were getting tight between his legs. Lucian forced her lips open with his tongue, and she let him.

Lucian deepened the kiss, his lust was taking over, and his hands were exploring her body, cupping her breast, he squeezed it lightly, and Christine let out a moan against his lips.

The sound that came from her lips made his manhood ache. His hands found her firm bottom, he gave it a squeeze, he lifted her up, her legs folded around his waist and her arms around his neck, and he placed her on the counter.

Lucian's right hand moved, unbuttoning her shirt. Christine was pulling him closer to herself, her lips begging for more, his right hand moved to her breast again, and he moaned against her lips, her nipple erected at his touch.

Christine matched his moan with her own, she lifted her right arm, and with her hand, she ran her fingers through his hair.

This urged Lucian on, and he knew he had to stop - if they continued. . .he wouldn't hold back. He would take her right here on the kitchen counter. . .she would not be able to walk.

What if Gadrial awakened? His subconscious was talking to him now.

Lucian drew back from the kiss, and he cupped her face, his eyes searching her face. "Christine, if we don't stop now... I will not stop until I have ripped off your clothes."

Christine was panting. Her arms were still around his neck. "I... Why... Why do I have this strong pull towards you?"

Lucian uncupped her face, placing his hands on her arms while she unfolded her arms from his neck. His pants were still too tight around his manhood area. "We are simply meant to be."

Christine blinked. "I do not believe in soulmates."

Lucian paused. "You... You don't?"

Christine straightened her shirt. "You seem shocked. Yes, I do not. I believe human beings are polygamists, so why are we fighting to be monogamists?"

Lucian took a step back from Christine. This was a new revelation. "But don't we as humans search for that special someone to connect with more than only sexually?"

Christine climbed down from the counter while she buttoned her shirt. "Sometimes it is safer to connect sexually than spiritually."

Lucian reached out, putting a strand of her hair back behind her ear. "Di... Did someone hurt you?"

Christine turned away from Lucian. She didn't want him to see the tears that started to fall from the memories that found their way back.

Christine didn't want to remember any of it.

"Christine?" Lucian's voice was barely a whisper.

"Please leave." Christine's voice was trembling.

Lucian moved forward, and he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Christine, please talk to me."

Christine was wiping at her tears now, and she shrugged off his hand. "Leave."

Lucian knew he had lost the battle. She would not open up to him yet. "Alright, I will go, but I will only be a phone call away if you need me."

Lucian walked from the kitchen, passing her table where keys lay. There was a notebook he took out, a marker he kept in his jacket pocket, usually for autographs, he wrote down his digits.

Christine heard her front door close. She slipped to her knees, and her tears did not stop. She wanted to forget, forget the hurt she went through with Markus.

Markus, that name still sent fear through her body, and she met him in school. He was a delinquent, and the teacher paired them because she was the top student in their class.

She thought he was misunderstood, and they could talk about anything, and he got her in death metal music, it was strange to her at first, but she found out the music spoke to her soul.

She found out that he moved to their little town recently, her grades started dropping, as she got deeper into their relationship, Christine smoked, did drugs which her mother warned her. . .but Christine defended him - defended him till she almost died at his hand.

It was hard for her, she thought that was how a relationship should be, he would get drunk, beat her bloody, and she hid it with makeup. He would constantly demand sex, and if she didn't comply, he got enraged, and every time he asked, she'd give it to him.

Markus was envious, and he would phone any time of the day to find out where she was and who she was with.

If he got a hint that she was cheating on him, she fell victim to his fists. There had been days that she couldn't walk, but she shrugged it off. Hid it from her family and friends.

He would buy her flowers and apologize for what he had done, and he promised that he would change. This went on for four years, four brutal years.

She had the marks to remind her each day of the hell she lived in. He attacked her with anything he could lay his hands on. The day her heart stopped, she knew that he was toxic; when the medics revived her, she told them the truth, and it went to court.

She testified against him, moved to another state, and changed her name from Rachel Romandez to Christine Parkins so that when he got released, he wouldn't be able to find her.

Christine wiped her face. It was a mistake to let Lucian in, no matter how attracted she was to him, and she had promised herself she won't get close to someone again.

Christine got up from the kitchen floor. That was why she would only get involved sexually and not commit to any relationship.

Lucian's closed the door behind him. He almost went too far, and he pushed the boundaries. He was used to the fact that it would take months to woo the girl, but it seems in this modern age, things could change quickly.

What bothered him was that this mortal was broken, mind-body and soul, and she played tough to keep herself from feeling anything.

Lucian walked to the elevator, and the door opened.


Lucian looked up at the mention of his name. "Oh, Uriel."

Uriel lifted an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"

Lucian inhaled. "You smell different." Lucian inhaled again. "Not earthy, more of fire and blood."

Uriel rolled his eyes at Lucian. "You were the one who said this time will be different, and we should choose sides."

Lucian leaned against the elevator door. "So you chose your side?"

Uriel nodded, moving past him. "I have."

Lucian grinned. "Welcome to the fallen, Uriel."

Uriel gave him a wave but paused. "You didn't answer my question."

Uriel turned back to Lucian. "You smell of her."

Lucian entered the elevator then he grinned at Uriel as the doors closed.

Uriel stood dumbfounded at the elevator. Lucian smelled of her, and it boiled Uriel's blood. Yes, she was his, but did he have to flaunt it so openly?

Uriel walked to his apartment. He glimpsed at Christine's door, or did Gadrial awaken? No, they would have felt the surge. He and Gabriel had a long debate about waking Gadrial too early; her mortal body had to prepare itself before inhabiting a soul of an immortal.

Uriel opened his apartment door, and he paused. "You shouldn't do this, Uriel."

Uriel turned to Christine's apartment, and she wouldn't want to see him. His hand hung in the air, and the door opened.
