
Gabriel waited a few seconds after he sent Lucian the text about Uriel. His phone vibrated. New message.

"Come to the meeting at Children of the Damned. I have sent a message to call the brotherhood so that we can talk about Uriel and how we will enter our last battle."

Gabriel sighed inwardly. Really? Lucian wanted to discuss battle tactics now? Uriel's words radiated back to Gabriel. 'None of you cared about Gadrial from the beginning.'

Maybe Uriel was right - they never did care about Gadrial. Gabriel stood from his desk and pocketed his phone. He might as well go to the meeting.

After Gabriel's thoughts turned to Uriel, he realised - he was one of those; who also wanted to stop this whole affair. No matter how many times; he had tried to convince himself that he loved his sister, he didn't care about how she felt.

Gabriel dropped his clothes in the staff room; he didn't leave them in his office. Gabriel closed his locker door, jumping when Cynthia came into his view. "Don't scare me like that."

Cynthia chuckled at him. "I am sorry, Doctor Gabriel."

Gabriel noticed she wanted to ask him something, and he inwardly rolled his eyes. "Something I can help you with, Cynthia?"

Cynthia bit her lip and twirled her hair around her finger. "You know, Uriel?"

Gabriel knew it; she wanted to bed him. How will he say this? "Yes, I know him."

Cynthia nodded her head absentmindedly. "I was wondering..."

Gabriel tapped his foot lightly. Did he really have to drag it out of her? "You were wondering?"

Cynthia stopped twirling her hair. "If you could introduce us."

Gabriel had to stop a laugh coming from his lips. "And why should I?"

Cynthia stopped twirling her hair and looked him in the eye. "Because I would like to get to know him better. . .he seems broken."

Gabriel smirked. "And what? Do you think you can fix him? I am sorry, Cynthia, but you are not his type."

Cynthia took a step towards Gabriel. "I can fix his broken heart, " Cynthia stood close to Gabriel now, "Why am I not his type?"

Gabriel could feel her breath on his face, and a shiver went down his spine. 'Because you are not Gadrial!' He wanted to scream at her. Gabriel took a step back. "Don't take this the wrong way, Cynthia, but you don't have long brown hair, pale-blue eyes or skin that shines like the moon. Uriel loved one woman his whole life, and he will not find himself in the arms of another."

Cynthia's face contorted in anger. "What do looks have to do with anything? What about my personality."

Gabriel didn't want to answer her because she was promiscuous; she only wanted to get a feel for a man and then spit them out like a succubus. Gabriel hated women who were like that. "As I said, Cynthia. Uriel loves one woman and one woman; only, and you are not it."

Cynthia wasn't going to let this go. She grabbed Gabriel in front of his shirt and drew his face closer to hers. "I will bed him, Gabriel. . .and you are keeping him from me."

Gabriel placed his hand over hers and squeezed till she let him go. "Do not speak to me like that! I am still your boss - if you want to fuck something, go to a hookup bar and leave Uriel alone."

Gabriel didn't give her time to reply. He opened the door and left the staff room. 'Fucking mortal woman! I hate them all!'

By the time Gabriel left the hospital, he was fuming. He called for a taxi to take him home, and his thoughts went to Uriel. What is it about Uriel these days? Gabriel tried to calm his thoughts. He took out his phone and texted Lucian. "I am on my way."

When the taxi stopped at the Children of the Damned, Gabriel paid the taxi driver and got out. He noticed that the club bouncer was not at his post. This was strange. . .he stepped into the club and stifled a shock.

Gabriel's eyes darted between Moloch and Lucian. 'Azazel? Who the fuck is Azazel? Why is Moloch here? Lucian probably punched Moloch. Gabriel noticed that his mouth was bleeding.

Gabriel moved between the crowd toward Lucian. "Lucian, what the fuck is going on?"

Lucian whispered back to him. "Fuck me if I know!"

Gabriel turned his eyes towards Moloch, who was grinning at them. "So when does the meeting start?"

Gabriel felt Lucian stiffen next to him. "How did you find out about the meeting?"

Moloch grinned. "I have a grapevine, my dear, Lucian and I know everything that happens in the brotherhood."

Lucian took a step forward, and Gabriel grabbed his arm. Lucian turned his head back to Gabriel, and Gabriel saw the anger. Lucian wasn't always so hot-blooded. "Let go of me, Gabriel!"

Gabriel tightened his grip on Lucian's arm. "You are going to make a mistake, Lucian."

Lucian was trying to break free. Moloch snickered at the display. "Look at how you two quarrel like an old married couple!"

Lucian stopped squirming. Gabriel loosened his grip on Lucian's arm and stared at Moloch. No one moved, and then they heard the bouncer groan.

Moloch was still standing with a smirk on his face. "Did I hit a nerve? Oh! Wait, Gabriel doesn't know you swing it both ways now?"

Gabriel turned his face to Lucian, so Uriel was right. No one cared about Gadrial. Lucian took a step forward with his right arm drawn back, but Moloch spread his silver wings wide. "You will bow to me, Lucian."

Lucian paused, his wings! Moloch's wings held power, and Lucian had to bow to him. Gabriel gaped. How was this possible. . .how could Moloch have so much dominance over them? With this much power, Moloch could command them.

Lucian gritted his teeth as he bent his knee and bowed his head at Moloch. Moloch laughed, "See how the mighty Angel of Music has fallen, " Moloch placed his foot on Lucian's head. "Swear your loyalty, fallen."

Gabriel looked around as the crowd fell to their knees; their heads bowed and muttered, "We are at your service, Azazel."

Gabriel was the last one standing in the club. Moloch turned his gaze towards him. "Aren't you bowing, my fallen?"

Gabriel was fighting an invisible force that forced him to bend his knee. Gabriel felt his forehead touch the floor. . .he was kneeling in front of this - this fucking bastard.

Gabriel was worried now. Lucian convinced Uriel to join their ranks to save Gadrial, so they could win this war. Gabriel felt pressure on his head, Moloch's foot pressed down. "Swear it!"

Gabriel couldn't fight the force. "I swear my loyalty to you, Moloch."

Moloch kept his foot on his head. "My name is Azazel, Gabriel, and I am the true rebellion against the Creator."

Gabriel's mind was spinning. What? Thee Azazel? How is that possible? The Creator killed him after the first rebellion.

Moloch lifted his foot and spun around, gazing around the club that bowed to him. Moloch went to the stage and took the microphone in his hand. "My fellow brethren! How happy I am to be in your presence again - I am standing here to tell you that I will lead you once more in the war to come."

No one lifted their heads at his words. The club was quiet, and Moloch continued. "We will win this war and finally bring the kingdom of heaven to its knees."

Moloch looked over their bowed heads again. He was delighted and grinned like a wolf. If the Creator was alive to have seen him now, he had a legion of fallen and demons at his command.

The best part was that no one knew he played for both teams. . .he was neither fallen nor angel.