
The man at the limousine held the door opened for her. 'Pick her up for the interview at Angel War?'

He seemed like a nice guy and not someone who would knock her across the head and kidnap her.

She bit her lip and tightened her grip on her bag. He bowed to her again, Christine decided it should be fine and climbed in the limo.

He closed the door behind her and climbed in, he started the limo and they drove off. Christine couldn't help to notice that the interior was a deep green. She trailed her fingers across the seat; leather. So the person who owned this limo was indeed well off.

Every time she moved the seat will make a 'pft' sound and her cheeks flushed red. The driver pushed a button and next to Christine at the door, a small tray slid out with some fruit on it. "Something to eat before we stop at your interview."

Christine closed her mouth which she only realised was opened partly. "Oh, thank you."

He nodded and a window slid into place, so much for small talk. Christine picked up a strawberry she began wondering what kind of person would pick up a potential worker like this?

She placed the strawberry in her mouth, 'What kind of man was this Michael Romanus?'

The drive felt short and her door opened. "We are here miss."

She slid out of the limo and straightened her dress. "Thank you."

She turned to the building, it was tall she couldn't count how many floors there were and her legs turned into jelly. Was she really going for an interview here?

The driver closed the door with a slight thud. "You should hurry, miss. The master doesn't like tardiness."

Christine turned back to the driver. "Thank you for picking me up."

He grinned. "All in a days work."

Christine walked slowly towards the building the doors were staring down at her. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. It gave her the feeling of, 'All ye who enter here, beware', the door slid open for her.

She walked in and saw a woman at the receptionist desk, she approached her. "Good morning, I am here for the interview."

The lady didn't look up at her. "Yes, you and a few dozen others. Take the lift to the 13th floor."

Christine didn't argue, people like that only got to the point and didn't like small talk. She turned left and walked to the elevator, the doors opened and she climbed on, pressing the 13th-floor button.

She was humming to herself to calm the butterflies which were rising in her stomach. The doors opened, she climbed out and paused. There were 20 people in the line at least.

She willed her legs to go forward, the last lady in the line turned around to face her. "Wow, you are late! Didn't the limo find you soon enough?"

So they were all brought here by a limo. Christine's lips formed a bright but fake smile on her lips. "It has but it will seem I am the last one for the interview."

The woman made a tsk sound. "Don't sound so smug, I wouldn't even interview you because of your tardiness."

Christine gritted her teeth. 'What the fuck was this woman's problem?' "How can it be tardiness if my interview is at 11?"

The woman turned back with a flick of her hair. "I do not have to listen to you."

But she was the one who talked to her first. The line was moving slowly and a few times girls came running past them in tears and a few mumbled 'Was he a devil?'

The woman in front of Christine lifted her skirt up a little, she heard the wan mumble. "I will get him with my sheer charm alone."

Christine started to doubt her appearance, she needed this job but the voice in her head told her just be normal like you always are.


Ugh... not now... "Gadrial?"

"Yes, I don't like this building very much."

"What is wrong with it?"

"I have this feeling I can not explain."

"So what? You want me to leave because of your gut feeling?"

"I think... You should run and not look back."

"That is not happening. I need this job."

Christine moved a seat up as the line started moving, she saw there were only sox of them left.

"I still think you should run."

"I am not running!"

"Then you are stupid. I am telling you that there are things at work that I can not put my finger on."

"And I am telling you Gadrial that this is a normal interview and nothing more."

When Christine blinked she was second from the door, the woman who came out now didn't have any tears. She looked at the woman who was snippy with her, she had lowered her shirt so that her cleavage was exposed.

Christine rolled her eyes and the woman turned her head back towards her. "You are not going to get the job by looking like an uptight stick."

Christine clenched her hand into a fist. "I would rather be an uptight stick then a dumb bimbo."

"What did you call me?"

Before Christine could retort the door opened, "Next!"

The woman stood up and flashed her teeth at Christine. "Watch as I nail this interview."

She rolled her eyes at the woman's retreating back. 'Yeah right, as I have said, you aren't going to get this job by sitting on his lap.'

Christine was playing with her fingers, it felt like an eternity. She didn't like waiting but she would rather let them tell her she didn't get the job them by sitting here making a fool of herself.

After thirty minutes the woman walked out of the doors with a big smirk on her face. She turned her gaze at Christine. "Still here? I would have left if I were you."

Christine stood up, "Why should I leave? I will have this interview in the bag."

The woman's face contorted into anger. "Say that again when you bow down to my feet."

The doors opened again, "Next."

Christine averted her gaze from the woman. "I'll see you on the flip side."

She held her bag firmly and walked with more confidence than she felt. The door closed behind her and she turned her gaze to the man who sat behind his desk.

He had a bored expression on his face. "Come forward."

Christine was about to but an invisible force was holding her in place. "Gadrial!!!!"

"I am telling you something is wrong."

"Let me go, I am not going to let you stop me."


The force was gone and she walked towards the desk and waited for a few seconds. "Well sit down."

She sat down and felt her anger rising in her bloodstream. 'Gadrial! Stop this.'

The man looked her up and down, "So tell me about yourself."

She didn't know where to begin, she never talked about herself and she inhaled a breath. She quickly glanced his way, his face was handsome but his eyes were so piercing that it made her blood run cold.

"My name is Christine Parkins, I am 28 years old. I love reading and studying mythology."

He nodded at her, but her anger was only rising more. "Gadrial!!"

"You should leave, this is a bad man."

"How can he be a bad man?"

Christine didn't get an answer. She turned her gaze back to the man behind the desk.

"What else can you tell me about yourself, Miss Parkins?"

She wasn't sure how to answer his question, she was normal and that was so basic information she gave him.

"I do not understand, sir?"

The man crossed his arms. "You only gave me basic information about yourself so I want to know if there was something more?"

How could there be more? She was super plain and no one knows about her personal life of a few years ago and she never talked about it. She was still secretly scared that Markus would make an appearance and ruin her life again.

And she didn't like the way this man was looking at her so full of hatred it was basically flowling from him.

"Look, sir. I am as normal as I can be. I don't have a flashy resume and I don't sleep my way to get to the top."

She stood up. "So I am not going to continue this interview if you expect me to do that."

The man said nothing and she took this as her cue to leave when her hand touched the door handle he spoke. "You are hired."

What? Hired just like that? "You start tomorrow and don't be late."

She turned back to him and bowed. "Thank you."

He turned his back towards her. "No need to thank me, you are the only one who didn't want to get into my pants."

Christine couldn't believe her ears, the only one? What was this world coming too? "I'll see you tomorrow then, sir."

He grunted. "My name is Michael Romanus."

The anger that was swirling in her blood since the beginning of the interview flared in her veins now and Christine gritted in pain. "Gadrial what is your problem?"

"I am telling you he is a bad man, his name sounds familiar but I can not place it."

"Yeah? Make sure you know before acting, your anger is infuriating." Christine blocked Gadrial out after her last comment. She excited the building with a small skip in her step, she got the job! And that with out sleeping with the boss.

She hurriedly opened the door and left. Michael turned back where Christine stood a few moments ago. "Welcome to my clutches, Christine Parkins."

Michael grinned and folded his hands, resting his head on them.