
Lucian was surprised and silently thanked the fates. He had to play dumb with her so that she doesn't find out he had gotten her telephone number from the hospital the day she was admitted.

Only the hospital knew where they got her info from. He let it ring for a few seconds more before answering in his best husky voice.


The phone line went quiet.


"H-hi is this Lucian?"

Her voice was wavering and he found it so cute. Had she never called a man before? Time to lay this on thick. "Yeah, this is he."

"This is Christine..."

He should really thank his fates, he composed himself better and smiled. "Christine! I didn't expect to hear from you."

Lucian really didn't expect to hear from her at all. He was already busy dividing a plan to get them to meet. Which he still didn't form and how hard was it really to plan something for your soulmate?

Soulmate? That word didn't roll out of his lips in a long time. This came back to the question where they really?

"Yeah, uhm the reason I am calling..."

She had a reason for calling? This is new in this modern age, usually, people would send a message than actually talk.

"You have a reason for calling?"

"Yes, I have got a new job and wanted to go out and celebrate. But I haven't thanked you properly for saving me, so would you like to grab dinner?"

New job? Now, this was interesting, he rolled his tongue over his teeth and in his best exciting voice, "Wow! Congratulations on your new job, where if I may ask?"

"Uhm just a big firm that delves into mythology."

So she didn't want to say, so I have just been aquintzoned. "That is still amazing."

"Yes, I am very happy so about-"

Yeah, she did sound happy but he had this weird feeling that settled over him as to who she will be working with.

"I would love to grab dinner with you, where do want to go?"

Maybe he should have suggested a place, somewhere fancy where he could show her what he would be able to do for her if she would let him become hers. 'Wow, Lucian you sound sad if you think that.'

"How about a burger joint?"

A burger joint? Seriously? Lucian doubled over chuckling, "Oh? You not into expensive food?"

"I just like to pay for something that is not a small mess on my plate."

He couldn't stop his laughing, this was really too good to be true, a woman who would settle for a burger? "You are the first woman I have met that are into just burgers and chips."

"You are toying with me, there are a lot of women who are fine with just burgers and chips."

He was still laughing, his stomach started to hurt. She sounds so feisty now, did he hit a nerve?

"If you don't want to go-"

He did hit a nerve. "No, I am sorry. I would gladly come with you for just burger and chips." He laid the emphasis on the word just.

"Was that so hard to simply say yes or no? I'll see you in an hour then."

The phone line went dead and Lucian held it far from his ear and stared at the screen. 'What the fuck just happened? It seems I am losing my touch."

"An hour it is Christine." He got up from the couch and walked to Gabriel's room. "Let us see if the golden boy has any clothes that would fit me."

He opened his closet and cringed at the sight before him. "If Gabriel gets back we would have to have a talk about his taste in clothes."

He picked up a blue buttoned shirt. "Who still wears these?"

He rummaged further through the closet and came across a few t-shirts. He picked one up that had a Nirvana logo on. "You are hiding things from me."

He threw the shirt on the bed and looked for some pants. He came across black skinny jeans with a knee rip. "Nice, I'll take this."

He threw the jeans on the bed. 'Mmm, would Gabriel have shoes that would fit me?'

He doubted it his feet were larger than, Gabriel's and that meant he was better endowed. He walked to the bathroom where he left his boots. "This would have to do then.

Lucian came out of the bathroom and walked into Gabriel. "You are home early."

Gabriel was looking to his clothes on the bed and back at Lucian who only had his towel around his waist. "You are telling me you are only getting dressed now?"

Lucian grinned, "And what if I am?"

Gabriel picked up his shirt. "You are taking my clothes!?"

"I am."

Gabriel turned towards him and glared.

'Ooh, feisty.' He loved the way, Gabriel was getting angry at him.

"Get your own damn clothes!"

Lucian closed the distance between them and reached his right hand out, cupping Gabriel's cheek. "I have a date with Christine in an hour and your closet was nearer."

Gabriel let out a gasp and looked Lucian in the eye. 'Damn the way he was looking at me!' He tried to wiggle free from his grip but Lucian lowered his face and Gabriel felt his breath near his ear. "So please let me borrow these from you."

Gabriel felt his pants getting smaller around his manhood and it was pressing so hard against his abdomen. "Fine, just get away from me."

Lucian smirked, 'Mmm, virgin flesh.' He took a slight step back from Gabriel. "Thank you." He dripped the towel around his waist and Gabriel sprung away from him.

"You can't just do that!"

Lucian looked at him confused. "What is the matter? We are both men."

Gabriel didn't utter a word and left his room, Lucian noticed his face was flushed. He let out a chuckle, 'I should really have a taste at that virgin flesh.'

He grabbed the jeans and pulled them on. 'A bit of a tight fit.'

He grabbed the shirt and pulled it over his head. It was right around his muscles, 'This might make Christine wet I suppose."

His phone vibrated.

"Lucian, the burger place I like to go to is called El Diablo."

What the actual fuck? Does this woman know no shame? He might not be that religious anymore but that was just fucking with him. Some of the fallen baptized Lucian as satan.

"Really? You like to eat burgers at 'The Satan'?"

He couldn't help himself, this made him a bit angry. She is really contradicting with her beliefs.

He bit his lip, 'Shit he was supposed to be wooing her and here he is pissing her off.

"If you don't want to come, then do not come. I am sure I can get anyone else to get burgers with me."

Anyone else? Yeah like fucking who? She didn't come across like a person who knew a lot of people.

"Oh, yeah? Like who? If I am not mistaken, Miss Parkins I am the only man who can press your buttons."

After he pressed the sent button he wanted to hit his head against the wall. 'You fucking dumbass! You really haven't done this in a long time. You can't even flirt anymore."

The next message came instantaneously.

"Fuck you, Lucian. Like I said if you don't want to come to El Diablo then don't. I am not going to cry over you."

He stared at his screen. He really can't read this woman and his thoughts darted back to all of Gadrial's previous lives. They were all so the same, they weren't this feisty and headstrong.

How will he rectify what he just did? An apology isn't going to make her forgive him that easily. Maybe he should just laugh it off.

"I am sorry, Christine. I didn't mean to offend you. I am already on my way so please wait for me."

See simple enough, hopefully, she doesn't leave him high and dry now. He walked out of Gabriel's room he saw that Gabriel was sitting on the couch with a book trying his best to ignore him.

"When do you lock the doors?"

Gabriel looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

Lucian smirked. "What time should I be at home?"

Gabriel snapped his book close. "You don't live here, you just crashed because you haven't had any other place to go."

Lucian walked over to him and knelt so that he was eye level with Gabriel. "Are you throwing me out now?"

Gabriel gulped and averted his gaze. "No, just- he bit his lip- " Fine you can still stay here. Just don't come to my parameter."

Lucian gave him half a smile. "Sure, I can work with that." He stood up and gave Gabriel a light wave as he walked out of the front door.

It was time that he went and claimed his soulmate. There was that word again if her mortal body was this difficult to read was he truly meant to be with her?

He had no choice now, he had to get her surge moving forward and the only way for it to happen quicker was when her soul started screaming for him.

He still didn't know what Uriel did to her, maybe he should give him a visit tomorrow? And lay his claims to the graveyard, he had to admit that Uriel had started getting more outspoken in the last two hundred years.

Lucian was ecstatic tot he fact that he got Uriel to join their ranks, even if he did play on the feelings he found surfacing from him for Gadrial.

He should have known then that what Uriel felt was the feelings of affection but Lucian wasn't worried because he knew Gadrial always chose him.