
Lillith's rage had not subsided she threw a bowl at the door that Samael excited just a few minutes ago.

He lied to her! He fucking lied to her; the woman who set him free from his bonds! How fucking dared he? Her nostrils flared and the room started to shake.

The smell of the female was still in the room mixed with his. The smell was not familiar to her, she hasn't encountered it before.

She closed her eyes and tracked Samael's scent, he had fled to the graveyard, smart boy. She can't enter the graveyards, the spirits didn't trust her and after all these years they preferred not to mingle with her.

That was why Samael was such a wonderful ally. She made the bargain with him to make him a neutral so that she could get information from the dead.

She swayed a little. "What power was this?" She felt a tremor in the earthliness. Her eyes opened, "There is a power shift but where does it come from?"

Her eyes darted around her room, it was on the west side of the city and it was moving towards the east to her club. She snarled, she wasn't happy with the power that she felt that meant she wasn't the badass bitch anymore.

This was troubling, she would have to find out who this power belonged too and make an alliance with this power. But does that mean the fallen had grown stronger?

She placed her fingers at her temple and started massaging, all of this planning was giving her a headache and she wasn't in the mood for more surprises.

Samael has to come back if he wanted this deal with Uriel to succeed, maybe she didn't have to have gone off at him but the thing was that she was so fucking angry at the fact that he lied to her.

He knew how she was, she was fine with everything but once there was a lie that escaped someone's lips she loses it completely.

She inhaled a breath to calm herself down, she wasn't happy that Samael told Uriel about her private matters, that she was in love with Lucian.

She was since he fell from heaven, he was the only man who could tame her wild heart, not even Adam could do that. All that Adam wanted was a woman who answered to his every whim.

If he wanted sex, he would demand her even when she wasn't in the mood and he forced himself on her. Every time if she said no to anything he asked of her he would beat her into submission.

So she cursed the Creator with every fibre in her body till she was banished from Eden. She felt sorry for Adam's second wife.

It didn't end well for them, thanks to Samael who whispered in Eve's ear to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge. She had revelled at the fall of Eden.

She blinked, 'Mmm, you have to stop thinking about that Lillith.' She always tried her best to leave things in the past and looked to the future but soon had she realised that when it came to Lucian there were always things that went back to it.

When she found Lucian in the woods after he fell, he was confused and she healed him till he was well enough. He had told her what happened and she had admired the fact that he followed his lover to earth.

He wouldn't have any idea on how he would find her, she had noticed in the coming days when he was in her care that he had been followed by soldiers of the Creator and she had hidden him from them.

Lucian had stayed with her for a month when he received news that Gadrial had been reborn on earth, some demon named Levithan had sought him out with this information.

She had begged him not to leave her but he had and he kept saying that she was his soulmate. Lillith knew that was a lie but she couldn't tell him because he hadn't even known the truth about it.

She had told him, "If you leave, never come back." He had waved to her and he kept by his promise until a hundred years later when he came back bleeding. He ran his sword through her heart and that broke him.

She didn't want to let him in but her heart broke at the sight of him, he had whimpered and the guilt of what he had done was eating at him. He told her that was his only option left, to start her process anew by quicking her death.

How does one go through that over and over again? If you love someone so deeply, how can you watch them die each time? So he stayed with her for a few years until Gadrial surfaced again.

That was the last straw and she banned him from returning to her but when she saw him last night, her heart melted over again. She played her cold demeanour well but in the end, he broke her heart again.

A knock on the door brought her back from her thoughts. "Mother?"

She looked up at the door, that was a word she hadn't hear in a long time. "What is it Belial?"

The door opened, "I am sorry to disturb you but you will want to hear this."

"Then don't dwindle and tell me." Lillith was never the patient type.

Belial closed the door behind her with a loud thud. "There is an angel outside and wants entry without the password. He claims you are waiting for his arrival."

Lillith drew a breath in through her mouth. It was Uriel but something was different about him. She tasted power, was that the thing she felt earlier? "I am expecting an angel to come and see me, did this one state his business?"

Belial bit her lip, "He only said you were expecting him and nothing more."

She exhaled a breath, "Go find Samael and tell him to come back. I will deal with this angel."

Belial bowed, "As you wish mother, but I would be careful of this one. He can't enter our sanctum without the password."

Lillith didn't give her a response, she made the damn rules, of course, she knows but for one who has never been here how are, they suppose to know?

"Just find Samael."

Belial left Lillith's room and Lillith adjusted her outfit in the mirror and followed Belial down the stairs.

Samuel landed in the graveyard, the spirits were waiting for him.

"You are bringing trouble by coming here, Samael."

Trouble? They had no fucking idea. What he just did to the Queen of darkness would make the whole world freeze over ten times. He lied to Lillith's face about the angel scent that surrounded him.

But he wanted to keep Raphael safe and by fleeing to the graveyards this was the perfect opportunity to find out some information.

He folded his wings backwards and sat on a tombstone looking at the spirits. "I find it interesting that you are afraid of the demon she-bitch."

The spirits looked at each other, it wasn't the fact that they were frightened of Lillith it had more to do with the fact that she hadn't delved deeper into her powers yet.

She can level cities with a wave of her palm and the dead was not ready to stand against her yet. "We aren't afraid of her, Samael, but you are."

They were right, he was afraid of her, she was one tough cookie. "Enough talk about the she-devil. I have come on my personal agenda."

The spirits smirked at him, "Oh? Not for your she-devil then?"

"No, I told her what she wanted to hear. This time I am here for myself."

Samael made himself more comfortable in the tombstone. The spirits stood in a circle before him. "What information have you come for?"

He licked his lips, "Raphael."

He saw the spirits flinch at his words, so they did know about Raphael. "What about the she-weapon?"

She-weapon? Was that what they called her? That was a bit redundant she was so much more than a mere-weapon. "Who did she forge a contract with?"

"You ask difficult questions, Samael."

Difficult? He couldn't see why that it was difficult. "Why?"

"Are you sure you want the answer?"

"If I didn't I wouldn't have come here, would I?"

"That is true, but what is it to you?"

So they were playing that game, an answer for an answer but to what extent are they playing? "She is everything to me."

"And here we thought you were immune to the matters of the flesh."

He rolled his eyes, "Are you going to answer my question now?"

The spirits smirked, "We are but this will be the last time we will now to your will Samael."

What did they mean by that? He looked at them with confusion on his face. He opened his mouth but they interrupted.

"She is bound to Moloch the devil."

Moloch? His blood started to boil, he had known since his creation that something was wrong with Moloch. "How?"

The spirits grin widened as they started to disappear one by one. "It was your fault."

Samael sprang to his feet and the graveyard started shaking. "What is happening?!"

One spirit remained and he laughed, "The answering of your questions are at an end, Samael!"

The spirit walked forward and touched his forehead. "The Angel of Death has come at last and we do not answer to you anymore!"

Samael felt the force that pushed him backwards and out of the graveyard. The gates closed before him and he sat there with a bewildered look on his face.

"What the fuck?"

He got up and dusted himself off. "The Angel of Death? But that was just a prophecy long forgotten."


He turned around at the voice, it was Belial. "What?"

She stopped in front of him. "Your presence has been requested at Lillith's Apple."

So Lillith knew exactly where to find him, "For what does she need assistance with?"

Belial folded her arms. "An unknown angel is requesting an audience with her."

Samael rolled his eyes, 'So Uriel came as he said he would.' He strengthened his wings. "Let's go then."