
"Yes, it is a long time. I don't know if I would have made it through my teen years without her."

Lucian rook another drink of his beer. He wasn't about to tell Christine the true nature of her friend Neo. She was your basic whore and she loved hanging around with the groupies.

"You are that close?" He decided to play innocent and let her tell him.

She nodded at him, "We are, I haven't seen her in a few months."

"Why was that?"

Christine took a sip from her beer and averted her gaze. They fought, it was over something stupid like a man that she liked and suddenly Neo was interested too.

"Honestly we fought, it was something stupid."

Nothing was stupid when it came to women and did he really want to hear what it was about? He wasn't in the mood, he was playing against time.

There was a small vibration that he felt in the earthliness. What was that? Mortals wouldn't have felt it, only the true angels could feel the shifts in power.

Christine blinked, "Did you feel that?"

Lucian lifted an eyebrow at her, "Felt what?"

"The vibration."

She felt it too? Was that a sign that her surge was happening? Or it was coming closer?

He played dumb, "I didn't feel a thing, so what did you and Neo fight about?"

Christine wasn't sure if he was speaking the truth about not feeling the vibration. The power was calling to her and she didn't know why it was calling. "It is silly."

Lucian placed his drink down, "Nothing is silly, so, was it about men?"

He nailed it on the head, she parted her lips. "It was about a man. I have liked him for a few months and suddenly she got interested in him too."

Lucian didn't utter a word he kept looking at her and hoped his expression told her to continue the story.

"It was a week before Neo left I decide to tell the said man I have feelings for him and he invited me over for dinner."

Lucian signalled the waiter, "Please continue."

Christine averted her gaze and Lucian reached over the table to take her hand. Was it bad? "When I got to his place the door was opened and I entered the house, calling his name." She inhaled a breath, "He was nowhere in sight. I heard a giggle and went upstairs to find his bedroom door opened and he- he and Neo was stuck in a sixty-nine position."

Lucian sighed inwardly, that was Neo's favourite position and them both can have the stimulation they wanted front he sex.

"I am so sorry to hear that, what happened afterwards?"

Christine turned her gaze back, "I left the house while crying and they left the country."

Wow, that was a kick in the balls. This was also why he haven't seen Neo in a long time, not that he minded. That girl had a sexual appetite and it was tiring.

To be fair, he had fucked Neo a couple of times when he was depressed and Gadrial wasn't around. Lillith didn't want to see him anymore because he only hurt her in the past.

He was surprised that she wanted to see him yesterday and what they did up in her room, his manhood stood erect again. 'Down boy. You are here for Gadrial.'

He filled his mental picture of Gadrial and his manhood went down, which he found strange. She was the love of his life, why was his body betraying him like that.

"Is that why you have some trust issues?"

Christine licked her lips, "I guess that is one of the reasons."

He squeezed her hand, "What are the other reasons?"

She pulled her hand from under his to his disappointment, she felt her blood reacting.

'Did you feel the vibrations?'

'Gadrial, you promised to stay quiet.'

'I am trying my best, but the vibrations.'

'What about them?'

'It is calling to me, there was a power shift somewhere.'

'What power shift?'

'I have no idea but the soul, it was calling my name.'

'You are talking in riddles, we can talk when I am home, okay?'

'Fine, but I am warning you again. Stay away from Lucian.'

'He seems harmless.'

There wasn't an answer after that, she didn't understand why she was surfacing at such random times.


She blinked her eyes, "Oh, I am sorry could you please repeat that?"

He looked at her worriedly, "Are you alright?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, I have just spaced out a little."

He narrowed his eyes little and the waiter stopped at their table. "Something to eat now?"

Christine averted her gaze from Lucian to the waiter, "Yes. I would like a rib burger, chips and another beer."

The waiter turned to Lucian who was still watching Christine. "Bring me another beer and the chef's special."

The waiter wrote it down, he bowed and left their table. "So what are your other reasons?"

Christine picked up her beer and drained the last bit. Was she really going to tell him about her painful past? That would mean telling him who she really was and only Neo knew the truth about her.

That was a mistake she regretted, their friendship took a tumble so if somehow she got taken and was forced to speak she would do it in a heartbeat.

"I am not ready to tell you yet."

Lucian felt that Christine took a knife and flung it in his heart, he had to get over this disappointment he knew it would be hard to get her to trust him.

But did she have to make it so fucking difficult for him to get close to her? He gave her a slow nod, "I understand I will not push you to tell me anything if you aren't ready for it."

She smiled at him, he was being so understanding and she took comfort in that. Usually, men only had one thing on the brain and that would be to think with their little head.

"I appreciate it, but enough about painful things. Let us talk about something lighter."

He chuckled, "Lighter? So tell me about what kind of music you like?"

That was one tough question, she was a metalhead but on occasion, she loved listening to music that spoke to her soul.

"I am a metalhead through and through."

"I sense a but coming."

She let out a laugh, "But I will listen to music who speaks to my soul."

That piqued his interest, no one talks about soul music anymore. It could be any genre as long as it resonates with your soul.

"Name a few bands you like."

The waiter returned with their food, he placed a big fat T-bone before Lucian and her burger looked sad against it but at least she had some chips.

The waiter smiled, "Enjoy!"

They both turned to him, "Thank you."

He left them to return a few minutes later with the beers they ordered.

Christine took a child from her plate and bit into it. "My soul music or my metal bands?"

Lucian cut into his steak, "Well, you said we are going to get to know each other so might as well start with the basics, metal bands."

She rolled her eyes, yes she said that they would but she wouldn't call that the basics. "Okay, my favourite band at the moment is Lords of Lost."

He places the piece of T-bone in his mouth. "Great band, favourite song?"

She rolled her lip against her teeth. "On this rock."

He nodded his head, "Another band?"

"Falling in reverse." She picked up her burger and took a bite, "Before you ask the song is Popular monster."

His eyes narrowed in confusion, "I don't think I have heard that song yet."

She chewed and took another bite, the burger was so good. "It is one of those songs that makes you feel better, every time you listen to it."

"Why is that?"

"It has anger and sweet release and it talks about how many people are feeling."

Lucian cut into his T-bone again, "They have a karaoke bar here, will you sing it?"

When did he notice the karaoke bar? She liked singing in the shower but not in front of a lot of people. "I don't think I can."

He leaned over the table, "I'll buy you more beer for encouragement and then you grace me with your voice, yes?"

She paused and her burger was hanging in the air, there was some sauce dripping on her plate now. "I don't know..."

"Come on, it will be fun."

She hadn't listened to that song in such a long time, it was her safety blanket and she drew so much strength in it. "You have a deal, I will sing."

He smirked, "This is going to be good."

They are the rest of their meal in silence and he waves over the waiter and ordered three more beers. "Can you plug in the karaoke machine for us?"

The waiter's face went from boredom to a pleasantly surprised look. "Are you going to perform?"

Lucian gestured to Christine, "The lady here would like to sing."

The waiter looked at her, "Oh! Thank you! Not a lot of people are into karaoke anymore."

Christine smiled at him, "I assure you. I love signing so if no one else objects."

The waiter half ran from their table to their manager to tell him about their request. The mic made a screeching sound.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have a lady in the house who would love to sing."

There were cheers from a few people and others weren't too happy to be disturbed while eating.

"The floor is all yours, Christine."

Christine gulped one beer down for encouragement, her legs were heavy as she walked to the stage.

"What are you going to sing?"

She took the mic from the manager, "Popular Monster by Falling in reverse."

He nodded and clapped, he then gestured toward the waiter who should press the button. The music flared lighting up the place and Christine looked at the audience. 'I can do this.'

She grabbed the mic tighter and parted her lips. Lucian moved his chair so he had a full view of the stage. 'This will be interesting."