
He stood up from his cell bed, the officers standing at his cell door wasn't too happy to see him leave.

He was in here for attempted murder but she wasn't dead was she? He walked past them without glancing at them.

They stopped him, "Arent you forgetting something?" He let out an angry sigh, 'The fucking cuffs.' He stopped so that they could cuff him behind his back.

He felt the cuffs slip into place, this would be the last time that he would wear these things.

His thoughts turned back to Rachel. It should be easy to find her, he will start with the officer that she had been out with on the day he was handcuffed.

He will make sure that he died slowly and painfully. No one would stand between him and Rachel, she would be getting what is coming to her.

Karma was one funny thing, he had known the day would come when he would be free. He kept to himself all these years in prison so that he could come out on good behaviour.