
She was walking down a road that she didn't recognise. "Where am I?" She looked down at herself and gasped. "What is up with these clothes?"

She was wearing a pink corset dress that plumed out, she grasped the dress and lifted it up. "What the fuck are these shoes?" 

It was high heeled white boots that came up to her ankle.

She looked around confused, the streets were dark and a few carriages that stood around. "This was one weird dream." 

Her heart was thundering, and then her whole body walked further down the street, she could hear thoughts in her head. 'Will he like my new dress? I hope he would be on time, it took me an hour to get down from the window.' 

She blinked, at least her body was obeying but these thoughts... Where was she going? Her body would stop at a few intervals and look around. 'At least there were no one around that she recognised.'