
He watched as the woman turned around and walked away. Uriel was freaking out, what is this place? The white walls were to clean it shined and no speck of dust was on them.

His gaze caught the spiritual mist that he saw a few seconds earlier. His heart was beating, something was wrong here, he walked a few paces and the most followed. 

He stopped in front of a big wall that was made of glass, his eyes widened at what was inside. There was a little girl that sat in the corner, she was rocking back and forth on her bottom. Her dark hair hung like curtains around her face and her skin was deathly pale. 

 She suddenly jumped up and walked zigzagged to the glass where Uriel stood. Uriel's thoughts told him to run from this place and he felt his wings quiver beneath his skin. The girl pressed her face against the glass and her eyes opened, Uriel stepped back, her eyes were reptilian and it blinked at him. 'What the fuck?'