
His head hurt and his ears were ringing. He felt a cold wetness on his face and he opened his eyes. It was dark and he blinked a few times before they adjusted.

"Sleeping beauty is awake."

That voice, it sounded familiar. He tried to move his hands but found that he couldn't. His back was aching, he felt his feathers twitch. 'Where am I?' 

He tried to move his legs but they weren't going too far. They were bound to. "I wouldn't move if I were you, Uriel." 

He tried to locate the voice but the darkness was all over the room, he lifted his head upwards. The light hurt his eyes and he narrowed them, he was in some kind of room. "Where am I?" 

"You do not know?" The voice sounded amused.

"If I knew I wouldn't have asked." He looked to his left and then to his right, his arms were outstretched and bound with ropes that lead to the sky.

"You broke in here, Uriel." 

"How do you know my name?"